Since buying the chickens and ducks, Lu Gu listened to their chirping every day, it was much better than being alone, but now there was another pup, it was more lively than usual.

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    The pup’s voice was not too small, and it would bark a few times when it was playing by itself.

    When sleeping last night, the pup slept with Dahui in the main room, fearing that it would be too cold to sleep on the ground, so Lu Gu packed hay and rice straw in a sack, stuffed it quite full, and the sack was big enough for Dahui to lie down together, away from the bitch, but it slept next to the big dog, with a company, and the pup didn't bark much at night.

    Now that it was colder than before, Lu Gu also put sacks on the two small dogs so that they could huddle together at night, no need to sleep on the ground again.

    Shen Xuanqing took Dahui and the two dogs went out. Now that the sun was out, it was time to let the chickens and ducks out to graze and swim. When he went to the backyard, he saw that the chickens and ducks all had come out of their grass nest and walked around while digging the ground.

    As soon as the fence gate was opened, the puppy followed Lu Gu in. When it saw the fluffy chickens, it ran over and wanted to bite, which caused the chickens to flee in a hurry, flapping its wings and screaming, and it became chaotic. Lu Gu quickly grabbed it, carried it away by the back of its neck so as not to bite the chickens or ducks.

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    Because he wanted to drive the chickens and ducks out, Lu Gu could only lock the pup in the main room and closed the door of the main room, but the pup kept barking as soon as he was away from people. The more it barked, the more panicked it became, and the voice was not low. If he heard this voice at night, it would be quite scary in the silent mountain forest.

    Lu Gu couldn't lock it in the main room anymore, so he carried the small bamboo basket in front of him, and put the pup in it, the pup could see people when he looked up, and the barking immediately became quieter, Lu Gu touched it again, and there was nothing wrong with it. After a while, it stopped barking, tried to scratch a few times in the bamboo basket with its paws, and wanted to bite a few times.

    The chickens were the first to be driven outside the fence, and they were full after a day of eating. Lu Gu went back to the stone mortar and brought a basket of dried peppercorns and a long bamboo pole. The ducks followed him, lined up like he was a mother duck, and went out.

    He drove the ducks into the water, they swam a few times, and they were born with it, so there was no need for Lu Gu to drive them into the water. He put the stone mortar and the bamboo basket on the ground, and then unloaded the bamboo basket that carrying the puppies on his back.

    He moved two stones to sit on one and the other for the mortar, pounded peppercorns by the pond, looked up at the ducks in the pond from time to time, if they swam to the other side of the river, he would pick up the long bamboo pole on the ground and slapped the water surface, the water splashed, and the duck was scared back.

    The pup’s fur was thin, but it was still pretty good. It played beside Lu Gu and didn’t go far. At first, it wanted to go to the stone mortar to smell it, but Lu Gu pushed it away gently with his feet. He himself covered his mouth and nose with a cloth towel. It approached the basket full of peppercorns to smell it, and he probably didn't think it smelled good. Its wet little nose wrinkled, and it didn't come any closer.

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    Later, the smell of pounding peppercorns dissipated, and it didn't go in front of Lu Gu, biting the hem of his clothes behind Lu Gu's back, imitating a big dog's threatening whine in its throat, but it was so small that it couldn't even make children afraid.

    Lu Gu was busy with work, as long as he could hear the movement behind him, he knew it hadn't run far, and besides, the numbing smell of peppercorn was on his hands, he couldn't play with the puppy, so he let it go first.

    When it was almost noon, he looked at the sky and felt hungry, so he went to the river to wash his hands. The pup followed him at his feet, step by step. The little head rubbed against his leg, which made Lu Gu smile a little.

   The life was busy and fulfilling, but seeing the accumulation of mountain goods and prey in the yard, no matter how tired he was, he was happy.

    The mountains and forests were far away, and the valleys were deep. A few dog barks echoed. Lu Gu bent down to search for purple bellies and green snails in the mountain stream. It rained yesterday, and the stream was bigger than before, and it was rushing.

    Today Shen Xuanqing came with him, followed by two small dogs, and locked the door to let Dahui watch the puppy in the yard.

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    Both rolled up their trousers and walked barefoot in the stream. Lu Gu came out this time with an extra sack, caught a purple belly and threw it in, and the bamboo basket on his back was filled with green snails, so they could be separated easily.

    The mountain stream was colder than before, and when autumn came, the stream seeped deeper and deeper, but the green snails became fatter, and they would grow old and hide in the late autumn, and they would never be found again.

    "If it's cold, go up and rest first." Shen Xuanqing grabbed a handful of purple bellies and waded over to the water, throwing the small purple bellies into the almost half-full sack.

    Now that he came over, Lu Gu also threw the green snails he found into the bamboo basket on his back, the two of them worked together as one.

    "It’s not cold just now." Lu Gu shook his head, he had just gone up to rest for a while, it was really not very cold right now.

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    Hearing this, Shen Xuanqing said: "That's fine if you pick it up again, it will be colder in the day after tomorrow, this much is enough to eat for a long time, and you don't need to look for it anymore."

    Lu Gu nodded and agreed.

    The two of them went into the water specially when the sun was bright, and it was past noon by now. This mountain stream was brought by Shen Xuanqing to Lu Gu. It was not the place last time, and it was far away, but there were a lot of green snails and purple belly crabs. .

    After the two of them landed on the shore, Lu Gu sat on the stone and stroked the water on his calf with his hands. His legs were a little blue from the cold. Even though the sun was shining, he subconsciously covered them with his palms and rubbed them lightly, trying to keep the calf and feet hot.

    Shen Xuanqing, who was sitting next to him drying his legs, saw it, hesitated, but stretched his arms and moved his legs over.

    Lu Gu was still dumbfounded, and his foot landed on Shen Xuanqing's thigh.

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