Shen Xuanqing's hands were bigger than his, and there were rough calluses on the palms. He rubbed his legs with both hands. he didn't know if it was caused by the heat because of rubbing or embarrassment, but the cold soon became less.

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    Lu Gu didn't dare to refuse or speak, the young man who helped him to rub his legs bowed his head in silence.

    Rubbing and rubbing, Shen Xuanqing's adam's apple rolled, his lowered starry eyes gradually dimmed, Lu Gu's paleness, compared to the man's hard legs, Shuang'er's legs were completely soft and smooth, even the toes were round and cute.

    So the hands gradually slowed down, and the rubbing movements became lighter, with a certain impenetrable meaning.

    Even Lu Gu, who didn't understand any emotion, could feel the charm, but he didn't dare to let out his breath, his heart trembled slightly, he raised his eyes nervously and confused, and carefully looked at Shen Xuanqing's face.

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    Shen Xuanqing, who was gradually getting lost, caressed such fair skin lightly, and slid his warm and rough palms like blasphemy, until he inadvertently raised his eyes, and the dark color in his eyes directly frightened Lu Gu.

    After seeing Lu Gu's terrified expression, Shen Xuanqing woke up. He froze, and it took him a long time to recover. He pretended to put down Lu Gu's legs naturally, and said, "It's getting late, let's go back."

    Lu Gu hurriedly put on his shoes and socks, the trousers tightly covered his legs, the texture of the fabric made him felt at ease like never before, he didn't quite understand what was going on, but he also knew that he was embarrassed, so he didn't dare to look at Shen Xuanqing again .

    It happened that there were a lot of watercress here, so Lu Gu squatted by the stream and picked half a basket of the tender ones.

    After he finished his work, Shen Xuanqing came out today carrying his big bamboo basket as usual, with half a basket of green snails in it. It could be seen how many he found today, which was definitely enough to eat for a long time. He tied the sack containing the small crabs, to avoid them climbing out, he put it in a bamboo basket and carried it together.

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    Lu Gu followed him back with a smaller bamboo basket on his back, and the two small dogs followed him unhurriedly.

    Compared with the previous journey, both of them were a little silent and uncomfortable. On weekdays, even after having intercourse, Shen Xuanqing wouldn’t feel anything, this was his own fulang, intercourse was a matter of course, but now he couldn't figure it out, he didn't understand why he would like that.

    Even if a countryman had studied, what he usually worried about was earning money and rations. He didn't have the time to think about other things. He only knew how to have sex.

    As he was walking, Lu Gu stopped to pick wild tea. He saw them when he came, and told Shen Xuanqing to pick some when he came back. The wild tea he picked last time had already dried in half a basket. He picked it often, but he could take it down the mountain for Wei Lanxiang and the others. Sometimes if he wanted to exchange things with the villagers, he could take this tea.

    Shen Xuanqing came back to his senses and picked tea leaves with him. It was not as embarrassing as it was just now. While picking tea leaves, he said: "I saw a lot of them on the other side before, and I picked them some other day. When Master was here I would pick them for him, he likes to drink wild tea from the mountains."

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    "Yeah." Lu Gu nodded and agreed in a low voice, and when the bamboo basket on his back was full, the two set foot on the road again.

    In the yard, three bamboo plaques were placed on the horizontal wooden frame to dry goji berries, and two large bamboo plaques were placed on the pile of firewood to dry wild tea. Chestnuts and hazelnuts were air-dried in a cool and ventilated main room, otherwise the sun would dry out the meat inside and it wouldn’t taste sweet.

    There was also a lot of slender grass in the front yard. After drying, it could be used for fire or as a nest for chickens and ducks. In late autumn, when there was a lot of rain, the grass in the nest could be replaced frequently. There was straw in the house at the foot of the mountain, but not much was brought up. The mountain road was far away, and it took effort to carry everything, so it was better to dry your own hay here.

    The mushrooms he picked were also sliced ​​and shredded to dry, and he put half of them in a clean cloth bag. It rained yesterday, and he would go out in the next two days. There must be a lot in the forest and the road in the mountains.

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    Autumn colors were getting thicker and the weather was colder than before. In previous years, he was very worried at this time. Once winter came and he couldn’t find food outside, he would be cold and hungry. This year was different. He had food and clothing but he still cared about winter, so he wanted to save all the winter rations he could save. He even dried some wild vegetables, put them in sacks and put the mushrooms in a cool and dry low room, and put two baskets of dried goji berries in it.

    Lu Gu moved the goji berries on the bamboo plaque with his hands, and turned them evenly for better drying. He was still thinking that when he went out, he saw a lot of horse-tooth vegetables (马齿菜) on the road, and they were edible. The tender ones could be fried or steamed, after being dried in the sun, it could still be eaten in winter.

    As long as there was enough water, horse tooth vegetables would grow very vigorously, and there were few other wild vegetables, and it should be possible to add this to dry, and there were also ground vegetables. When he went uphill with Shen Xuanqing, he saw them not far away, you could pick them up for eating, and you could dry them and eat them in winter when you carried them back.

    Compared to mushrooms, wild vegetables were worthless, so Lu Gu always put them in sacks. He also prepared a sack for dried mushrooms.

    After two days, the sweet nest roots (甜窝根) could be dug up. They were also wild vegetables, but they were eaten in pieces, and the big ones could be bigger than his fist. When they were dug up, they were piled in the corner of the wall, covered with soil, and could be eaten until the next spring.

    There was quite a lot of work to be done, Lu Gu hurried into the kitchen to cook while thinking

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