It was almost time to arrive at Shenshi (3-5 pm), it was still early, and the hillside was not far away, so Lu Gu carried a basket to pick up vegetables from the field. Shen Xuanqing was with him, and this time he came out without locking the courtyard door, but the puppy and the big dogs, they all stayed in the yard and were not allowed to follow, otherwise they would trample on the ground vegetables (地皮菜) and sniffed them.

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    The green and black ground vegetables were soft, a bit like black mushrooms soaked in hair. After it rained, a lot of them grew on the ground. Lu Gu and Shen Xuanqing picked them up, and turned a large area on the hillside, and picked them up. I went back with a full basket.

    After they came back, neither of them was idle. The ground vegetables grew on the ground, and the grass leaves and broken branches were caught in them when they were picked up. Lu Gu washed them three times before spreading them on the bamboo plaques.

    Shen Xuanqing stepped on the wood and sawed the wood. This tree was cut by him two days ago, and he sawed it into sections so that it could be chopped into firewood.

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    Lu Gu got up and wanted to pour water, but the dog's thick paws stepped on his shoe and bit his trousers. His fat and round body was quite heavy, so he had to pull the dog away first.

    Busy, it was getting late, Lu Gu boiled a pot of hot water to wash his hands, he was used to clean his teeth with green salt and wash his face at night, he still felt uncomfortable without washing for a day, after washing, he poured hot water to soak their feet and sat on the bed. Their feet were hot, and the mountain stream was icy cold. The two of them soaked in the stream for a long time, and it was good to drive away the cold.

    Lu Gu originally wanted to wait for Shen Xuanqing to finish washing before soaked his feet. There was still water in the pot. If the water was not dirty, added some hot water to the basin, but Shen Xuanqing glanced at him and said: "The wooden basin is big, why don’t you and I wash together, and take a rest early after washing.”

    Hearing this, Lu Gu felt that it was inappropriate, but when he thought that Shen Xuanqing was not someone else, and he never dared to refuse Shen Xuanqing’s words, he hesitated, and finally under Shen Xuanqing's gaze, he lowered his head, moved a chair opposite, took off his shoes and socks and carefully put his feet in.

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    The room was silent for a while, neither of them spoke, only the canddlestick was burning.

    Speaking of it, Shen Xuanqing was actually impulsive, and didn’t move after Lu Gu put his feet in, for fear that his rough big feet would hurt his white and soft feet.

    Lu Gu was more cautious than him, he lowered his head and didn't dare to look at anyone, but what he saw was the soaked feet of the two.

    The wooden basin was indeed quite big, Shen Xuanqing put his feet on both sides, he had to be careful not to move in the middle of the wooden basin, otherwise he would bump into Shen Xuanqing.

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    If it wasn't for him being confused, he would soak his feet together with Shen Xuanqing, the hot water would actually be quite comfortable to scald his feet.

    After a while, Shen Xuanqing, who had slowed down first, made a movement. He moved his foot slightly to make the water sway slightly. He raised his foot and gently pressed it on Lu Gu's foot, rolled his Adam's apple, pretended to be natural with a slightly hoarse voice, and said : "It's good to rub your feet."

    Most people would rub their feet subconsciously when they were scalding their feet. Even if they didn't use their hands, they would rub their feet overlapping.

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    However, it was not normal for Lu Gu right now, he sat stiffly and didn’t dare to move, the sound of water was soft, and the touch on his feet was very obvious, this was a strange but not unfamiliar emotion, sometimes at night when Shen Xuanqing pressed him, he could touch his waist or other places, so he was not very unfamiliar with touching.

    It was the first time for Shen Xuanqing to wash his fulang’s feet, his throat was tight, and his eyes were darkened. He had never done this kind of thing before, and after rubbing it for a while, he felt that it was too abrupt and offensive, and he didn't dare to use any strength, for fear of stepping on Lu Gu, he gave a fake cough and took a cloth towel and handed it to Lu Gu to wipe his feet first.

    After wiping his feet, Lu Gu went to bed first, and Shen Xuanqing took out the basin to pour the water. He turned over on the bed and couldn't help but wanted to curl up. Even if he didn't understand love, he was ashamed and couldn't just wash with a man.

    It was cold at night, Shen Xuanqing closed the main room door and the bedroom door, turned off the light and went to bed in the dark, he couldn't sleep, Lu Gu’s raw feet were dangling in front of his eyes, his feet were hot after scalding, it seemed that even the little uneasiness in his heart became hot, and when he couldn't bear it anymore, it became very urgent.

    When the man next to him stretched out his arms, Lu Gu thought he was going to let him sleep in his arms, but he pressed him directly, as anxious as the first few times, and rushed straight in as soon as he was ready.

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