Country people named the dogs according to their colors, mostly rhubarb (huang), gray (hui) and black (hei), something like that, or Wangcai (旺财: prosperous wealth), Shen Xuanqing remembered that Lu Gu told the pup to be good just now, and thought to himself that this pup was really tough, so it was better to call him a Guaizi (乖仔: obedient, well-behaved cub), so that it could be more compliant.

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    " Guaizi, Guaizi, call him that first." Shen Xuanqing said, without much thought for a name, the pup was raised in the country, and when he grew up just called him Guaizi. He had never studied, so it was not convenient to call him by a polite name.

    Guaizi, Lu Gu said the name, hugged the pup and called out Guaizi, but the pup was busy biting his sleeve and didn't respond to the name.

    Shen Xuanqing saw it and said: "He will know after barking for a while."

    "Yes." Lu Gu nodded, his sleeves were full of drool, and he put the pup down.

   At the time of You shi (5-7 pm), the sun was slowly setting towards the west, a fire was set up in the yard, and the firewood was crackling. Lu Gu and Ji Qiuyue sat in front of the small fire and roasted some autumn rice fishes.

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    Shen Yan pierced a slightly bigger one with a clean wooden branch, and even rubbed pounded prickly ash powder and chili powder on the belly of the fish, and she also leaned forward to roast it.

    This was what Shen Yaoqing asked to make. He said that he often ate stewed fish, and he was tired of it, so he wanted to eat it differently. Country people sometimes catched some fishes in the river, and they were reluctant to fry or stew them with salt, so they simply build a fire by the river and eat them casually, just to fill their stomachs.

    They were grilling fish at home, what to do if they were tasteless, so they took out the pepper powder and chili powder according to what Shen Yaoqing said. The autumn rice fish hadn't been eaten two days ago, so they killed it for fear that it would stink. Wrapped it with coarse salt, and now you didn't need to spread salt when it was baked on the fire.

    The three of them grilled together for a while, Ji Qiuyue saw that Shen Yan's fish had turned black, and said quickly: "It's burnt, lift it up.”

    The spicy and numbing smell from the grilled fish was delicious, so she said: "Sister-in-law, let me taste whether it was done or not." , but it failed to stop the greedy Shen Yan.

    "It's quite delicious outside." Shen Yan tore some burnt fish meat, it wasn't completely black, it was different from the usual stewed fish, the fish skin was a bit dry and crisp, the salt taste was enough, and the pepper and chili were added, it tasted delicious, slightly numb and slightly spicy.

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    "It's okay, you eat it while roasting, and you'll finish eating after roasting." Ji Qiuyue joked with her with a smile.

    Wei Lanxiang came out of the room when she heard the commotion, and was happy to see them talking and laughing, so she brought a stool over and baked one too.

    Shen Yaoqing caught a lot of autumn rice fishes in the fields, and he ate the rest today, so it didn’t take a space in the kitchen, and if he wanted to eat fish in the future, he would go to the river to catch the fresh ones.

    The pup smelled the scent and approached, Lu Gu was afraid that the fire would burn it, so he stopped it with his feet, but luckily it didn't jump into the fire, it must have seen the power of the flames.

    Wei Lanxiang glanced outside the door and said, "Daqing and the others should be back."

    "Yes, when they went out, Daqing said that he will be back around this time." Ji Qiuyue said, turning the wooden sticks so that the fish could cook evenly.

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    Although Lu Gu didn't speak, he also glanced outside the door.

    Shen Xuanqing went to the town to sell new rice. The two brothers, one pulled the cart and the other pushed it behind, which was lighter than one person.

    While talking, Dahui, who was lying down and sleeping, raised his head and yelled at the door twice, then got up and ran out. Wei Lanxiang knew at a glance that his sons had returned.

    Not long after, Shen Yaoqing came in with an empty cart, he smelled the smell of grilled fish and said with a smile: "Coincidentally, it just happened to be back."

    Ji Qiuyue laughed at him: "Just worry about your greed."

    Shen Xuanqing followed, he came in from behind, he immediately met Lu Gu who was looking outside the door. Although the money for selling rice had nothing to do with him, it belonged to the eldest brother, but the family had a good harvest, and his fulang was also waiting for him at home, so he was in a good mood.

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    Shen Yaoqing took care of the land, watering, weeding and fertilizing, he was mostly busy, Wei Lanxiang and Shen Yan were at home, and he and his wife took care of it more, so the harvest in the field was naturally in his hands, and the Shen family had no objection.

    At this moment, he didn't say much about the money when he came back from the sale. At night, he would pay Wei Lanxiang some money for the old lady's public money, and saved some money for himself, and his life would gradually get better.

    "Go wash quickly, take the steamed buns and put them on the mat, this fish you can eat it with the skin." Wei Lanxiang said to them.

    The two brothers washed their hands and faces with water. Wei Lanxiang turned her head, the joy on her face was undiminished. The whole cart of rice was sold, and the price should be good.

    She turned the fish in her hand, thought for a while and said with a smile: "Tomorrow, I will go to Da Chen's house to pick some long beans, fry them with red sauce, and fry an egg. I have saved some eggs these days. Let’s steam dry rice tomorrow, and steam the new rice, try it out and be happy.”

    The long beans fried in red sauce was salty and delicious, and it was the best served with dry rice. Divide the sauce separately, and mixed them into the rice, which was very delicious, not to mention the steamed new rice, the grains were crystal clear and plump, and the steamed rice was also mellow and soft, and it was even delicious to eat plain rice without vegetables.

    Lu Gu had never eaten this dish, so he didn't know how delicious it was. Shen Yan had eaten it twice, and at the end of the meal, she took a piece of steamed bun and wiped off the remaining traces of the sauce on the bottom of the bowl, and she couldn't bear to let it go. It was also because she didn't eat much good food in the past two years, which made her felt that this dish was the most delicious, but now hearing that it would be eaten tomorrow, she swallowed greedily.

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