Chapter 46

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    The salty long beans were mixed with rice, and it was the first time that Lu Gu knew that long beans could be so delicious, and he even ate half a bowl of dry rice.

    Shen Yan was even more stuffed, clutching her stomach and saying it was uncomfortable, Wei Lanxiang poked her forehead and scolded her with a smile, “why are you so greedy, you eat yourself until like this, don't eat like this at night, you will have a long memory.”

    Shen Yan was too overwhelmed to squat down to wash the dishes, so Lu Gu put away the dishes and went to wash it without saying a word. He was squatting in the kitchen, and he could still hear Shen Yan yelling in the main room, so Wei Lanxiang asked her to get up and walk.

    "This Guaizi, even if he is called guai (乖   guāi: obedient, well-behaved;), he was not good." Ji Qiuyue grabbed the puppy by the back of his neck and pulled him out from the vegetable field in the front yard. The puppy chewed several leaves of qiuchai (秋菜           qiū cài: autumn vegetables).

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    The vegetables grown by the country people were expensive, and their family was better, so there was no shortage of this kind of food, otherwise the pup's fat buttocks would suffer.

    Lu Gu heard the movement and looked out of the kitchen. Ji Qiuyue took the puppy out and knocked on his forehead with her fingers as a small punishment, and also to make him a memory, remembering that the food shouldn’t be spoiled casually.

    The pup was knocked and barked in pain. He was still young, unlike the big dogs who didn’t dare to look at people or make noise when they made mistakes. Lu Gu was not worried at all when he saw this. He was so fat that even if he fell and knocked he would be allright, the skin was strong enough to withstand beatings, and Ji Qiuyue didn't hit him hard enough.

    Shen Xuanqing came out of the woodshed with a pile of furs in his arms, and the qiuchai that the puppy had been scurrying about in the vegetable field were there. He glanced at him and said, "It's better to let the Dahui out and teach him, so as not to waste things when you were too busy to take care of him. "

    Ji Qiuyue put the puppy on the ground, she heard the words, nodded and replied: "That's right, we didn't watch him just now, let him play by himself."

    Seeing Shen Xuanqing holding the fur, she asked him: "Why do you think of cleaning this?"

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    "I'm free these two days, it's time to visit shifu (师父 shī fu: teacher, master) and pick some good ones for him." Shen Xuanqing squatted down, too lazy to pick the furs on the pile of firewood.

    "It's time to go." As Ji Qiuyue said, she heard Shen Yaoqing calling her in the room, saying that he couldn't find the bunt to carry the big bag, so she hurried into the room to help find it.

    When Lu Gu came out of the kitchen after washing the dishes, the puppy was chasing after him, trying to bite his trousers, he was really like a monkey.

    After selling the rice yesterday, there was no other work at home. The busy autumn harvest was over.

Now they didn’t have to work anymore after eating, and they could take a rest.

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    As soon as Lu Gu came out and saw Shen Xuanqing picking up fur in front of the woodpile, he hesitated, it was okay when there was work to do, even if he was with Shen Xuanqing, he was busy, and the two of them were more comfortable together, but there was nothing to do at this time, he didn't dare to go to Shen Xuanqing, he turned his footsteps, and went to the room to get the needles and threads to make the sachet these days.

    The pile of fur mostly rabbits fur. The rabbits fur killed by the family, they didn't throw it away. They dried and kept it. It didn't matter whether they sold it later or made some boots and leather jackets for winter.

    As for the rabbits that were sold in the town, it was not that he never thought of selling the fur and meat separately, so that he could earn more money. It was all lean meat, and its price was not as good as pork. It was even lighter if you peeled the skin and dug out the internal organs. If you couldn't sell it all in a day, it would attract flies. The people in the town were more particular.

    There were also people who had a lot of things to pick and choose. He had tried to sell it like this twice and found it troublesome, so he wouldn’t do it anymore. Anyway, the fur would be expensive to sell, so he wouldn’t lose money.

    He kept three ugly furs, Shen Xuanqing tied up the rest and took the fur to the old hunter for the winter.

    The sun was shining outside, Lu Gu was sitting under the eaves embroidering sachets, and the puppy was playing in front of him, Shen Yan felt less uncomfortable after walking around for a while, and leaned over to look at the things Lu Gu embroidered.

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    Shen Xuanqing went to the room where the grain was stored and brought out a sack of new rice, put it on the cart, and took a bamboo basket to hold hazelnuts and chestnuts, and filled a basket.

    The old hunter loved to eat the wild tea in the mountains. He took a cloth bag and poured it into a bag, and kept some for his family. This kind of thing could be found in the mountains, and he could pick it when he wanted to drink it.

    The goji berries were also packed, and even a lot of wild bath beads, which he picked with Lu Gu before going down the mountain, and they brought back a lot, the wild bath beads could be stored for a long time as long as they didn't get wet. Seeing him putting everything on the cart, Wei Lanxiang came over to take a look and said, " The qiuchais are mature recently, dig some and bring them to your shimu (師母 shī mǔ: term of respect for your teacher's wife) to try."

It tasted good when you ate it cold. Almost every family in the countryside grew this stuff. It could be dried or pickled to eat in winter. They had a large vegetable field in the front yard, and they had planted a lot. They even cultivated a piece of land behind the house. No worry about eating.

    Wei Lanxiang said and went to dig qiuchai by herself, and said while digging: "This year is not good, it’s cold, and next summer, we will plant some winter melons and long beans, and then we will give it to your shifu."

    "Well, we will grow more next year." Shen Xuanqing agreed, and took another cloth bag to pour chaidou (柴豆).

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