Wild vegetables and fruits were not worth much, but Lu Gu still brought half a basket of mountain persimmons to sell. He picked all the hard persimmons only, afraid of being damaged on the road. Bought them back and let them ripen for a few days before they soften.

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    The dwarf deer was led by Shen Xuanqing. On one side of the cart was the prey, and on the other side was Lu Gu's mountain goods. Both of them stood behind the cart and began to sell.

    He and Shen Xuanqing had come to the town many times, Lu Gu looked a bit timid, but he could say what he had to say, and now he was not afraid of talking to people, and he could even say a few words to the bargainers, but he didn't notice such a change.

    The market was crowded with people, and the rabbits and pheasants were the best sellers. They were not expensive for people with a little money in the town. Bought one or two and went back for a tooth-beating sacrifice, but the dwarf deer was different. The whole deer was standing here, ordinary people couldn't afford it, even if they bought it back for a while, they wouldn't be able to finish it.

    Shen Xuanqing didn't wait for the customers who bought the dwarf deer, and he was not in a hurry. When everything else was sold out, he went to the medical shop to sell Lu Gu's basket of medlars, and then asked the price of the bamboo mushrooms.

    The old doctor in the medical center heard them asking about the price of the bamboo mushrooms. This food was delicious. It could be used for stewing soup as well as medicinal food. It was more precious than ordinary mushrooms, and few people sold it. When a person was alive, he would had a little bit of appetite, so he asked Shen Xuanqing if he brought it.

    Seeing that there were both fresh and dried bamboo mushrooms in the basket, the old doctor twirled his long beard and offered a good price, so Shen Xuanqing nodded, and Lu Gu would come here to sell wolfberry after picking it, it's a good deal, and the price was really fair.

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    Such a small amount of bamboo mushrooms sold for three taels, Lu Gu’s eyes widened. Although he sold a large basket of goji berries for a lot of silver, but there were very few bamboo mushrooms, and it was really precious to sell it for three taels.

    After getting out, Lu Gu pulled the cart, there was only a little wild bath beads left on the cart, which was no different from an empty cart. Shen Xuanqing led the dwarf deer, and the two walked towards Fulai Restaurant.

    The Qingxi River flowed through Fenggu Town, and there was a bustling wharf to the west of the town. Shen Xuanqing often came here to work in the past two years, and knew that there were several restaurants here. When those ship owners and merchants came here, they would naturally eat and stay in restaurants and inns, so this place was very lively.

    Fulai Restaurant was the largest restaurant in Fenggu Town. It was a distance from the wharf, but it was not far. Most of the rich and powerful were board and lodging here.

    There were many people coming to the wharf, those who worked, bought and sold the goods, and sold food and drink. It was not until lunch time, and there were so many people in Fulai Restaurant.

    Shen Xuanqing stopped next to the restaurant, didn’t block the door and disturbed the business, let Lu Gu hold the dwarf deer, and went in for questioning by himself.

    Lu Gu held on to the hemp rope tightly, fearing that the dwarf deer would run away, he waited for a while, and then saw Shen Xuanqing coming out, followed by a middle-aged man who was the accountant of Fulai Restaurant.

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    "Let's talk in the back kitchen." The middle-aged man looked at the dwarf deer before turning into the alley after saying a word.

    Shen Xuanqing led the dwarf deer and followed closely, and Lu Gu followed closely with the cart. Not far into the alley, a small door was open, and the bustle of cooking and serving could be heard inside.

    The accountant asked directly, "How much do you sell this dwarf deer?"

    "Forty taels." Shen Xuanqing said.

    "Forty taels?" The accountant frowned and said, "It's too expensive, and it's not sika deer or full of lean meat. Besides, after peeling the skin and digging out the internal organs, there is not so much edible meat. What about twenty taels?"


The price was lowered by half, it was a bit harsh, Shen Xuanqing also frowned, and said: "The price is too low, don't look at the meat, it's a good taste to be stewed, and it's cold autumn now, the deer is nourishing and can strengthen the body, and anyone who know how to eat will love it. The diners who eat will naturally come, this deer meat is not good, but its skin and bones are good things, so I won’t say anything else, how about thirty taels?”

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    After some negotiating, Shen Xuanqing didn't want to sell it too cheaply, so he finally sold the dwarf deer for twenty-eight taels, and the accountant had to pay twenty eight taels. It was also auspicious, for him to give up two taels was equivalent to take a step back.

    The dwarf deer were not more expensive than sika deer, not to mention the male and female sika deer with long horns, even if they were forty taels, there were people who would buy them, but it was not bad if it could be sold for twenty-eight taels.

    It was sold for twenty-eight taels of silver, not twenty eight copper coins. Even though Lu Gu had seen so many money when Shen Xuanqing was counting the silver in the room before, he couldn't be more surprised now.

    Taking the money in one hand and giving the deer to other, Shen Xuanqing put the money in his arms, said goodbye to the accountant with a kind smile, then pulled the cart and walked out of the alley, Lu Gu followed him closely.

    After leaving the alley, the smile on Shen Xuanqing's face grew wider, and he said: "Brother Daqing is unloading the wood at the pier, go over and have a look, and eat something by the way, there is a stewed meat shop over there, pork offal is good, if you eat it the miscellaneous stew soup, the soup can also be made spicy, and you can sweat in winter, so you can try it too."

    After working for most of the morning, he was on the road and yelling, so he had to eat something, Lu Gu heard from him, nodded and said yes.

    Shen Yaoqing was working with others to carry the wood to the big boat, when he heard Shen Xuanqing's voice and looked over, he laughed and said wait, it would be over soon.

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    It was a bit crowded here, so Shen Xuanqing took Lu Gu to eat miscellaneous stew soup first. When Shen Yaoqing came over with sweat on his forehead, he also ordered a bowl for him.

    When the two brothers were working here two years ago, this bowl of miscellaneous stew soup was the most delicious. Unfortunately, they had no money to buy it at that time, so they could only watch others ate it, and they didn’t dare to look at it too much, so they ate their cold steamed buns. But they could eat it with an open stomach today, and there were more pig offal in the soup.

    Lu Gu didn't dare to eat too spicy, Shen Xuanqing also added an extra portion of pork offal for him, and the baked white cake was delicious, but it was a bit expensive.

    After taking a break after eating, Shen Xuanqing left with Lu Gu, Shen Yaoqing had to wait to see if there was any other work, the crop field was not busy, it would be good to earn more coins outside.

    They walked from the pier to the north of the town, turned the corner and then go to the brothel. There were few people going in during the day, and most ordinary people passed by just to look at it. As timid as Lu Gu, after knowing what this building was for, he didn’t even dare to look too much, just kept walking forward without squinting.

    Shen Xuanqing pulled the cart and didn't go to see the brothel. He lowered his eyes slightly, remembering that he still wanted to go to Luo Biao, but it was impossible right now, and he needed to find an excuse to come to town later.

    He was not a whining person, he found an excuse to find Luo Biao early the next morning, but Lu Gu who stayed at home knew nothing about it.

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