There were few people in the brothel during the day, especially early in the morning, most of them came out of the building.

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    Shen Xuanqing didn't go to the brothel, turned into the alley to find Luo Biao, he came today by coincidence, last night Luo Biao was off duty and slept all night, just as he entered the alley, he saw Luo Biao yawning and opening the door.

    "Second Brother Shen, why are you here now?" Luo Biao saw him walking this way, and quickly beckoned to let him in.

    "Are you going out?" Shen Xuanqing asked.

    "I'm hungry, I'm going to buy a steamed stuffed bun, Second Brother Shen just wait at home, I'll come as soon as I go." Luo Biao said.

    That being the case, Shen Xuanqing went to sit in the house, the steamed stuffed bun shop was not far away, Luo Biao quickly came back with a big bowl containing six meat buns, and in the other hand a bowl filled with boiled rice wine , behind him was a seven years-old boy who came in with a bowl of rice wine.

    "Okay, remember to give the money to your father when you go back." Luo Biao gave the money for two bowls of rice wine to the child. He lived here and knew people who sold things nearby. It was not too late to talk after eating.

    Shen Xuanqing got up early and ate two steamed buns with mixed flour at home, but Luo Biao graciously let him eat, and even bought rice wine for him, so he ate one meat bun as he couldn't resist.

    Luo Biao thought he came to ask about Lu Wen and Li Mingshan, so he explained while eating.

    Li Mingshan hadn't been to the brothel for a while, and lived in the house he bought outside, from the outside it looked like he was the only one living in the house.

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    But there was no impenetrable wall in the world, and he spent a few small money to let beggars and gangsters pay attention to the movement there. Li Mingshan was definitely not the only one, and the maid who took care of Lu Wen went in and out once or twice, so he could also know that Lu Wen must be living there.

    After found out that Li Mingshan was staying overnight, how could Luo Biao didn’t know that the two of them had done something shady behind their backs.

    Perhaps the wind was blowing well beside Lu Wen's pillow, and Li Mingshan even ran home and said that he would go to Anjia Village to propose marriage, but how could his mother, Mrs. Zhang, agreed? The mother and son had quarreled, and Li Mingshan didn't get things done, so he probably didn't dare to go back to see Lu Wen. So he went to the brothel to drink again in the past few days, but he had fun while drinking, and he found a sister to sleep with him again last night.

    After Shen Xuanqing listened, he nodded his head and answered twice. Why did he pay attention to Lu Wen?


He hesitated, gave a fake cough, and asked in a low voice: "Have you read the Spring Palace Painting? If there is such a good one , can I borrow it for a few days?"

[春宫 图chūngōngtú: traditional paintings that describe the theme of human sexuality, and are often used as sex paintings in East Asian cultural circles . Educational enlightenment teaching aids]

    He asked bluntly, without beating around the bush, his voice was lowered, but his expression was quite natural.

    Luo Biao was taken aback, he was not the only thug in a brothel, it was very common for men to see this kind of thing in private, Shen Xuanqing was no one else, he immediately patted his chest and said with loyalty: "Second Brother Shen, don't worry, it's just this, If you want it now, brother, I’ll take it for you, just take it away, no need to ask.”

    Hearing this, Shen Xuanqing knew that he had found the right person, firstly, Luo Biao could get it, and secondly, Luo Biao was used to it so he wouldn’t laugh at him at all for such a matter, and even spoke with a sense of injustice, as if it was a serious matter and he had to pat his chest to guarantee it.

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    But Shen Xuanqing didn't speak, and coughed lowly, pretending to be calm.

    Without delay, Luo Biao picked up the last meat bun and asked, "Second Brother Shen, what do you want? As long as you tell me, brother will find it for you."

    "Simple, easy to understand is the best." Shen Xuanqing was not picky, he just wanted to know how to do it well, he wanted to ask others, but the fact was hard to tell, let alone Lu Gu was in it, he didn't want others to know.

    "There's nothing you can't understand. It's mostly pictures. You can understand it at a glance. Since it's simple, you don't want those tricks that are too annoying." Luo Biao got up after eating, and said: "Second brother Shen, wait a moment , I’ll go get it right away.”

    Luo Biao showed his sincerity and specially picked the best book, and when Shen Xuanqing left here, there was an extra book in his arms.

   Lu Gu went out with Shen Yan, who was letting the ducks out. He was washing clothes by the river, and the wild bath beads were hammered to pieces. Beat it with a mallet for a while, wash off the white foam and wild bath beads in the river, and the clothes were clean.

    Shen Xuanqing's shoes also needed to be washed, and the shoes worn out quickly when he was on the road all day long, but he didn’t need to make it. When he was not doing farm work, Wei Lanxiang and Ji Qiuyue often made shoes for the family, and he could see that almost every time they came back, the two will make new shoes for them.

    Shen Yan beat the chickens grass and talked to Lu Gu from time to time, Dahui and the puppy followed them to play by the river.



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    As soon as Shen Xuanqing came back, he heard the dog barking behind the house, and seeing that Lu Gu and Shen Yan were not there, he knew they were in the river.

    Shen Yaoqing went to work in the town. Seeing him coming back, Wei Lanxiang told him to look after the house, and went to the village with Ji Qiuyue to visit the village, holding the soles of shoes and chatting with the villagers for a while, as rural women often did.

    Shen Xuanqing was the only one left in the house for a while. He entered the room and took out the book from his arms. He originally wanted to go up the mountain and read behind Lugu’s back, but he couldn't hold back when he sat at the table, holding his breath, he reached out and opened it. .


    This booklet was a bit beyond his expectation. It was completely different from the rough pictures he had seen in the village before. The pictures on it were exquisite and detailed, and could be called lifelike. It was full of pictures and texts.

    At the beginning of the picture book was the first consummation of the house, and the annotations were also very careful. Shen Xuanqing only read the first two pages, and then he blushed and knew what he should do in the future.

    The more you turned the page to the back, the more you would be red-faced. This book was step-by-step. The front was okay, but the ones behind were things that Shen Xuanqing had never seen. It was okay to be a banned book, so he didn't dare to finish flipping through it, so he quickly hid the book after a quick glance.

    Lu Gu, who was washing clothes by the river, still didn't know anything, and was still thinking about buying some cloth and embroidery thread later, so that the sachets he made this time could be sold.

    What was indispensable for making sachets was medicinal materials. After the winter came down the mountain, there was no way to pick wild bath beads and goji berries to sell, so he could only make some sachets and handkerchiefs, which were somewhat profitable.

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    It was better not to make sachets first, but to find more medicinal materials, otherwise it would not be enough for winter. Thinking about it this way, he still had a lot of work to do.

    When Lu Gu came back from washing the clothes, the heat on Shen Xuanqing's face had disappeared, but seeing Lu Gu his adam's apple slipped, even he himself didn't know why he swallowed his saliva.

    Seeing Lu Gu drying clothes in the yard, he went over to help, and after getting closer to his fulang, the impatience in his heart finally subsided.

    There were chickens and ducks on the mountain, Lu Gu was thinking about them, sitting on the bedside while washing his feet at night, carefully said to Shen Xuanqing who walked into the room: "Can we go up the mountain tomorrow?”

Shen Xuanqing ‘s throat tightened, but he still pretended to be calm, nodded and said, "Okay, then we will leave tomorrow."    


After going up and down the mountain so many times, Lu Gu already knew the way.

    As soon as he arrived on the mountain, he fed the chickens and ducks and cooked as usual, and he didn't feel wrong at all when he was busy with work. Even Shen Xuanqing hugged him when he was sleeping at night, and he didn't have any vigilance.

    Realizing that something was different from before, Lu Gu also lay flat and didn’t dare to move. After feeling the unusual joy, he suddenly opened his eyes wide in the darkness.

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