The Top Efficiency Cultivator

Chapter 27.3: 27.3


The senior brothers and sisters watching the projection were in constant debate.

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The difficulty increases significantly with each thousand levels in Zhenchuan.

Watching a projection of someone with a strength level lower by a thousand levels is of no use for advanced disciples.

But everyone still enjoyed watching.

Because when they saw their junior brothers and sisters falling into the same difficulties and pitfalls they had fallen into, experiencing the same astonishment, confusion, and speechlessness, they felt that their situation of being tortured at the higher levels was much better.

Of course, there were also some senior brothers and sisters who were cultivation experts, focused on breaking through.

They liked to watch and discuss the details of each assessment while observing.

Although it may not be useful for the higher levels, there was a kind of ‘research’ joy.

[391 people are watching this projection.]

[12,635 words have been spoken, and the spirit stone income attributed to the winner accumulates to 19,802.]

Dao Dong and Dao Xi, before officially confronting Lin Shuang and the others, the number of words spoken here had already rapidly accumulated.

The spirit stones deducted from the winners continued to accumulate, climbing higher.


Zhao Keran, who was watching the projection, covered her mouth.

She took a step back.

“So, Senior Sister has already told me about the methods of earning inner sect spirit stones.”

Pink-clothed senior aunt: “…”

【Could it be that the rules of Zhenchuan have been changing all along?】

Someone asked.

In the projection, Old Li blushed shyly in response to Meng Zi’s accusation about the teleportation array.

“How could this old man dare to deceive? This teleportation array can’t be used every day.”


“When the immortals left, they reminded us not to use it on days with strong winds, heavy rain, or thunderstorms.”

He took them to the backyard of the thatched cottage, revealing a teleportation array covered by dry straw. He chuckled.

“This teleportation array can only be used about a hundred days a year. On days when there are high winds and waves by the river, the strong wind will cause severe loss of spiritual energy, making it unusable. The Wang family can only come from the mountain behind our ancestral hall.”

Meng Zi suddenly understood.

The disciples watching the projection also suddenly realized.

The enemies in this level’s trial even chose their attack route based on the day!

“Today, the river is breezy, and the teleportation array can be used,” Lin Shuang said, looking at the 5D sand table.

Huang Fuyuan crouched down, his phoenix eyes looking at the array of patterns on the millstone. “This is an outdated teleportation array eliminated fifty years ago.”

“The spiritual energy storage requires thirty days. Each time it opens, all the array patterns need two days to light up, and the maximum number of people that can be teleported is only a hundred. Just now, the prompt indicated that they encountered three hundred mountain bandits, so at most, they can teleport a hundred here—the earliest would be two days later.”

“And just now, Old Li said that it takes two and a half to three days for the Wang family to reach the ancestral hall.”


Huang Fuyuan stood up, wiping his fingers with a handkerchief. “Let’s guard this place first. Deal with the teleportation array enemies, then go to the ancestral hall.”

It takes only half a day to get from Li’s village to the ancestral hall.

Lin Shuang praised him, “Well done, shopkeeper.”

You understand some mathematics.

This is a math problem involving addition and subtraction.

All the information about the number of people present is designed to confuse the situation.

It is known that it takes two days to travel from Bad Guy A to Little Fang’s teleportation array B. It takes two and a half to three days to travel from Bad Guy A to the ancestral hall C. The distance between B and C is half a day’s journey.

Question 1: Xiao Ming splits into two groups. One group of 100 people teleports to B first. Another group of 200 people goes to C first, then rushes to B. How long does it take for the two groups to meet up at B?

Answer: Three days to three and a half days!

In other words, if they guard the back door of Little Fang and don’t deal with the 100 people who came through the teleportation array on the third day, the 200-person team attacking the Ancestral Hall may reach the gate of Little Fang and merge with the 100 people!

At that time, they will be caught in a pincer attack from front and rear by 300 people. Both Little Fang and the Ancestral Hall may be lost!

Question 2: How much time do they need to defeat the enemies who came through the teleportation array and rush to the Ancestral Hall to prevent the 200 people from destroying it?

Answer: The time needed to destroy the Ancestral Hall by the enemy—half a day.

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Because the distance from A to B to C is two and a half days, and the distance from A to C is two and a half to three days.

They need to stop the enemy in the blink of an eye within half a day.


“In other words, if we have the extra capacity,” Lin Shuang’s eyes sparkled, “and can solve the enemies from the teleportation array within half a day, we can rush straight to the Ancestral Hall and deal with the invaders there!”

She could create a third-order swift travel talisman on the spot… no, reduce the time to the Ancestral Hall.

“There’s a certain chance that we can guard both points if we make it in time.”

“If we exceed half a day against the enemy here, the Ancestral Hall will definitely be destroyed. Going there afterward would also consume our swift travel and be inferior to restoring spiritual energy here in the thatched cottage while waiting for the enemy.”

“So, no matter which route, as long as we fully guard Little Fang on the second day, this round will at least be a draw.”

In the Fastest Learning Battle Chapter, winning earns 1 point, a draw 0 points, and losing -1 point. When the enemy is stronger than you, you wouldn’t just think about winning, right?

Meng Zi, holding a knife, had objections. “Why doesn’t Dao Dong split into two paths and send 300 people directly to the Ancestral Hall?”

“No, he’s at the Foundation Establishment Level, challenging me at the Condensation Realm Level 3, indicating that he’s someone who acts for his own gain. If there’s a teleportation array to Little Fang’s back door, he must be overjoyed and will definitely use it.”

Meng Zi: “…”

Huang Fuyuan: “…”


【I am unexpectedly unable to refute?】

Zhao Keran, outside the projection array, was in high spirits. “Fastest Learning Battle Chapter!”

The elder in pink raised her ears.

Zhao Keran took a deep breath.

——When facing your enemies, you must first understand them, and know their habits and tendencies that they themselves may not be aware of, and all this information is useful.

——All of this will be reflected in their attacking moves against you.

“Ah, Elder, I’ll go wipe that side of the treasure shelf.” Zhao Keran once again wore an expression of ‘Senior Sister already told me, but I won’t tell you.’

Elder in Pink raised her eyebrows, hummed, and turned to sell his cave!

Who cares to listen?

Inside the projection.

Lin Shuang smiled at Huang Fuyuan and Meng Zi.

“We have already answered this applied problem.”



【Do you all understand?】


Projection text decreased in an instant.

At this moment, everyone found that the projection in front of them suddenly split into two.

Behind the images of Lin Shuang and the other two, a new image appeared on the left.

Three people wearing the same headband with a carved ‘Dao’ character appeared in a landscape similar to a wheat field and thatched cottage.

Dao Dong, Dao Xi, and Dao Bei, the 235th group challenging Lin Shuang and the others.

“Wang Lao Ye, do you want us to split into two groups, one going with you to snatch the dog and the other to destroy the ancestral hall?”

Dao Dong smiled; he was at the peak of the Foundation Establishment; he had a ‘Dong’ character engraved on his dust-sweeping tool.

Looking at his two junior brothers at the Condensation Realm Level 3, one with a sword marked ‘Xi’ and the other with a knife marked ‘Bei’.

“This question is even simpler than we thought; we also have 300 bandits joining us.”

“We all understand. Let’s set out, Old Wang!”


【Compared to those who understand on the right, those on the left seem a bit…rough.】

【Blind men touching an elephant, blind men touching an elephant!】

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【Giving you another chance, think carefully, East, West, North! You haven’t understood anything at all!】

Among the three, Dao Dong had the highest cultivation and the oldest age, so after some thought, he decided.

“My formation restrains Meng Zi. Even if he adds Huang Fuyuan or Lin Shuang, we don’t need to worry.”

“No matter how they allocate their forces, we’re not afraid.”

“Little Xi, Little Bei, you follow Old Wang’s instructions and take 200 people to the mountain temple and ancestral hall.”

“I alone will teleport with 100 people to the dog’s den. Once we arrive, in just twelve breaths, I can use space transference to snatch the dog.”


【Lin Shuang even thought that you, Dao Dong, would use the teleportation array!】


“Okay, Senior Brother!”

“Got it!”

[Please allocate the combat power of the 235th group: How many people will use the teleportation array?]

Dao Dong hesitated for a moment.

Zhen Chuan rarely asks questions directly; usually, the choices he makes will affect the subsequent events.

He was a bit uncertain at this moment, looking at the indignant father and son of the Wang family, “Old Wang, what do you think?”

“Of course, take the most!” Old Wang blew his mustache and glared, “I must bring back Little Fang for my precious son!”

“The bride price has been given; we cannot afford to fail! The ancestral hall is just a side task.”

Dao Dong smiled, “The teleportation array accommodates a maximum of one hundred people; I understand.”

He raised his hand and infused one hundred units of spiritual energy into the array.

【Ah! We were supposed to win for sure… if they hadn’t split the three hundred, three hundred versus three hundred, Dao Dong’s cultivation would completely overpower Meng Zi’s side. The ancestral hall and the dog would be taken without any suspense. Why split into two paths?】

【Dao Dong, use your brain a bit. I don’t understand this move; weakening yourself… are you sending spirit stones to Meng Zi?】

【Everything is as she expected.】

【There’s no help for it; we are currently viewing it from the perspective of elders. Dao Dong lacks information about the trial, and being influenced by the two different targets given by the puppet, he got confused.】

【Ah, it’s urgent.】

【Hey, don’t rush. The puppet assistant is just an illusion… Dao Dong, at the Foundation Establishment, regardless of how many people the opponent has, as long as he sets up a formation on the spot, kills one-tenth of the villagers, causing casualties exceeding the maximum limit of the busy season in the Li family village, all three hundred Li family puppets will immediately disappear. Meng Zi’s side will have no advantage; what’s there to fear?】

【Right! I forgot about this!】

【Indeed, insufficient strength; triggering the hidden three hundred Li family strongmen is also useless.】

【As I said before, ten years later when Junior Sister enters the inner sect, join my team.】

Lin Shuang, who was worried by everyone and even planned to come to Zhen Chuan in ten years, posed a new question to the three hundred strongmen.

“Three hundred warriors, what kind of cultivation techniques are you all good at?”



On the 1,700th floor, few disciples thought of asking such a question!

But since the father and son of the Wang family, who were snatching the dog, were good at hiding techniques for theft, why couldn’t other puppets have cultivation techniques they were good at?

“Uh, we just learned casually.”

“Yes, we farmers encountered a few immortals on the road and occasionally learned some cultivation techniques.”

Lin Shuang’s eyes lit up as if she had seen a second way to solve the problem.

“We are also the immortals you speak of. How about we teach you cultivation techniques?”


“Can we teach them? I don’t believe it.” Meng Zi carried his knife, looking incredulous.

But the one beside him, Huang Fuyuan, chuckled, looking at the young man closest to him. “If there’s a fight later, and you get injured, can you take pills? Can we treat you?”

“Of course!” The young man held a hoe and looked at him in shock. “Why wouldn’t we eat if we were injured? Would the immortals let us die?”

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The young man next to him, looking at Huang Fuyuan’s expression, also found it strange. “If we’re injured, we naturally hope the immortals will save us. Who wants to die!”

It seemed like he had asked a very non-human question.

“If the pills aren’t enough, bandaging is also fine. There’s a barefoot doctor in the village.”

Everyone answered one after another.

The projection fell silent for a moment.

This puppet was too realistic!

Disciples in the trial seemed as if they were outside Zhen Chuan… they could give pills to the puppet, and they could bandage the puppet. Then why couldn’t they teach the puppet cultivation techniques, make them stronger, and go fight the enemies themselves!?

No one spoke in the projection; it was all silence.

It felt like whoever spoke first would expose that, for many years in Zhen Chuan, they didn’t know such a simple thing!

In the resting cave.

The pink-robed senior, who was paying attention to this trial, was introducing the cave to the disciples.

At this moment, almost forgot to introduce herself.

“Have you ever taught puppets cultivation techniques?”

“Of course… not. Cultivation techniques are hard-earned for me, even the lowest-level earth-ranked techniques in the inner sect require a considerable amount of spirit stones!”

“But this is not teaching others, it’s teaching the puppets within the array.”

“Uh, this?”

The disciples discussing in the cave looked puzzled.

The pink-robed woman listened to this conversation, unable to conceal the amazement in her eyes.

Over the past many years, trial disciples had never thought in this direction.

Everyone had the idea of protecting their treasures; they cherished what they had.

Moreover, many of the cultivating disciples who entered the Condensation Realm had been practicing in seclusion in the Clearwater Sect for many years and had long believed that immortals were different.

Encountering a commoner old man unexpectedly in Zhen Chuan, they wouldn’t even think of asking a commoner for help, triggering the hidden three hundred Nascent Formation and Condensation Realm strong men within the village.

Even if it was triggered, and these three hundred strong men appeared in front of them, the inner sect disciples wouldn’t think of instructing them.

Normally, disciples were not willing to take out precious cultivation techniques to share with their fellow junior brothers and sisters, let alone these central puppets!

Moreover, the crucial point was that when disciples entered Zhen Chuan, they already had a preconceived notion—

The Zhen Chuan trial was an assessment created by the elders!

Inside Zhen Chuan, everything was false.

It was all to test the disciples’ strength.

They had never thought about thinking in a normal, realistic way.

What would happen if they were really facing a life-or-death crisis?

The woman in pink fell silent.

There was also no one speaking in the projection.

However, no one exited; everyone was silently watching whether teaching cultivation techniques to the puppets by Lin Shuang and the others was feasible.

“I have a copy of the ‘Returning Sword Technique.’ ”

Lin Shuang in the projection smiled and looked at the three hundred puppets.

At this level, the Wang family needed to cross mountains and hills, taking two and a half days for a one-way journey.

The formation also required two days for teleportation.

Why was this dungeon set not for one day, not for half a day, not for now?

Wasn’t this an important clue left by the question-setter?

Lin Shuang pondered for a long time and thought it was worth trying.

“Read with me, first level, return instead, two qi in the elixir field are nowhere to be found…”

She smiled and took out a teaching blackboard from her mustard seed bag, writing each word on the board.

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Then, she pointed to the blackboard, teaching all three hundred young men to recite.

All the disciples in the projection also heard it.

‘Read with me, first level, drop, drop, beep, beep, drop, drop…’


【At such a serious moment, Zhen Chuan Mountain Pavilion, don’t make me laugh!】

【Laughing won’t help me; what benefit do you have for Zhen Chuan?】

【Next time, can you just mute the voice of the junior sister? Zhen Chuan Mountain Pavilion, don’t randomly add your own sounds; I would thank you!】

When everyone was casually adjusting, the next moment they were stunned, just like Meng Zhi in the projection.

\[Li Family Village, one day passed from sunrise to sunset.\]

【? So fast!】

\[Fairy Lin Shuang spent the entire previous night teaching everyone to recite the “Returning Sword Technique,” reading it word by word, memorizing, copying, and explaining the essence of the technique. She vividly organized everyone to try it out in the classroom.\]

\[The three hundred youths of Li Family Village were moved in their hearts. The fairy actually taught them so kindly!\]

\[The three hundred youths of Li Family Village awakened their potential!\]

\[Initial Potential: Rank D.\]

\[After receiving careful guidance from the fairy, their potential rose to Rank B.\]

\[According to the sword technique morning classes of the successive elders of Clearwater Sect, disciples with Rank B potential usually grasp about half of the first two levels of the earth-ranked sword technique on the first day and about ten percent of the first level of the technique.\]

\[On the second morning, among the three hundred youths, thirty felt relaxed and comprehended the first level of “Sword Technique: Return Instead.” Fifteen had a profound insight, showing joy on their faces, and stepped into the second level.\]

\[The remaining two hundred-plus people were completely confused, not understanding what Fairy Lin was saying. They felt very self-blaming. Ah.\]

【! Shocking!】

【… !?】

Meng Zhi: “! Damn!”

The pupils of Huang Fuyuan were completely black. With one hand, he disdainfully dragged out the pill furnace that he felt was dirty and “First Tier Poisonous Camphor Pill” which hadn’t been heated yet.

He smiled at the two hundred confused youths, “Shall I teach you alchemy?”

\[The remaining two hundred youths were greatly moved and felt guilty: I am so stupid, can’t understand the sword technique, and yet the immortal has not given up on me. Do I still qualify to continue seeking the Dao?\]

\[In the midst of their emotions, fearing that Immortal Huang Fuyuan would be disappointed, they studied particularly seriously, temporarily raising their potential to Rank C.\]

\[Alas, how few naturally talented individuals in the world? Most of them hone their skills through countless difficulties, awakening their insights halfway through.\]

\[As a result, more than sixty people learned the first level “First Tier Poisonous Camphor Pill.”\]



Meng Zhi took a step back, his eyes turned red. “The rest of you, learn knife techniques from me!”



【East, West, North, go well.】


Author’s note:

“Master Zhao’s Notes 28”: Opened your eyes, trembling, inner sect junior brothers and sisters!

—Disciples a hundred years later: …

—Zhou Xuanwu: So, as I said, it’s better to talk less. Silence will not lead to death.

—Zhao Keran: …


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