The Top Efficiency Cultivator

Chapter 29.1: 29.1


Um…guys, I may have uploaded chapters 27 & 28! last time……oops‍️

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Merrrrrrrryyyyy Christmasssssss️️‍️‍️‍️‍

P.S.: Bonus Christmas Chapter.

Senior Sister 29th Lesson

◎ What you’ve learned, remember to review ◎

On the first day, the three hundred warriors followed Lin Shuang to learn the sword, and Huang Fuyuan and Meng Zhi took the initiative to step aside.

“Returning Sword Technique.” is an earth-ranked technique, equivalent to Meng Zhi’s “Thirteen Blades of Mountains and Seas,” the exchange price in the inner sect is as high as five thousand spirit stones.

Such precious techniques are not shared without reservation unless between close senior and junior siblings.

However, Lin Shuang’s voice soon came from outside.

“Did everyone understand? If not, I’ll say it again for you to listen.”

“Boring,” Meng Zhi, holding a knife, sat in Li Lao’s thatched hut, wiping a small wooden totem in his hand.

Huang Fuyuan’s face was slightly pale as he sat on a wooden stool beside him, swallowing three pills between coughs.


Upon hearing this, he shifted his gaze to the window.

Standing in front of a stone serving as a blackboard, she held a willow branch, pointing at each character in the technique.

She was leading the recitation.

Huang Fuyuan’s phoenix eyes were complex.

After his mother left, he was alone, and many of the races around him were the same.

Born with ancient bloodlines, inherited from birth. However, due to restrictions, the continuation of these bloodlines was extremely rare.

The Nine-Tailed Fox lineage was maintained solely through his self-study.

He never had a careful mentor like this.


“Alright, I’m going to start asking questions. The one holding a sickle in the tenth position in the first row.”

“Okay, the sixth person in the second row, repeat it.”

“Good, you guys in the last two rows, stand up. Pretend you’re acupoints, and the first person is spiritual energy. Spiritual energy, how do you circulate between acupoints?”

“Come to the platform and demonstrate for everyone!”

Meng Zhi: “…?”

Huang Fuyuan: “???”

Forget it; he’s better off self-studying.

The pyramid of learning.

When learning a technique, you not only have to look and listen but also speak it out, as if teaching someone else.

If one could rehearse a small theater in their mind and perform it, it would be a relatively fast way of learning.


When 45 people mastered the first level of the Earth-grade sword technique on the first day, Lin Shuang walked back to Li Lao’s thatched house, and both Meng Zhi and Huang Fuyuan had complex expressions.

\[As a result, more than sixty people learned the first level “First Tier Poisonous Camphor Pill.”\]

\[As a result, more than sixty people learned the “Mountain and Sea Thirteen Slashes.”\]

\[Lin Shuang, Huang Fuyuan, and Meng Zhi gained the admiration of Li Family Village.\]

In the projection, the three hundred warriors of Li Family Village, after continuous tutoring for two days, experienced substantial growth.

On the other side of the mountain.

Dao Dong, Dao Xi, and Dao Bei, with three hundred bandits, finally crossed the mountains or sat on the teleportation array, appearing in the range of the Li Family Village.

Dao Dong, at the peak of the fourth layer of the Foundation Establishment Stage, with a hundred people, arrived behind the thatched hut.

Dao Xi and Dao Bei went to the ancestral shrine.

The three of them communicated throughout the process using communication stones.

“Junior brothers, I’ve arrived. I should be able to come and help you… you…”

At this moment, Dao Dong, with a hundred people behind him, looked at the back door of the solitary thatched hut with confidence, transmitting a message, but the last two words seemed to get stuck.

Suddenly, three hundred strong men surged out from the back door of the thatched hut, crowding the entire space, and making it almost impossible to step down!

Not to mention the dog, even Meng Zhi’s head couldn’t be seen!

“Hey, hey, let the brothers make way. Let me stand in front.”


Dao Dong formed a seal, and the array plate on the ground immediately flickered with a second layer of array patterns.

“Chain Formation — Five Steps, Five Consecutive Kills!”

“One step, one sword. Once you enter the array, there are a total of five consecutive injuries!”

While Dao Dong was speaking, the one hundred warriors enveloped by the array had another spray of blood from their bodies, and this time, traces of paleness appeared on their faces.

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Lin Shuang couldn’t help but show a worried expression.

Dao Dong burst into laughter, “Now you know fear? I’m curious how long you Li Family Village’s three hundred puppets can last—first, second, third…”

He confidently counted, but halfway through, his words suddenly stopped.

It wasn’t astonishment or fear; it was a large amount of blood spraying from his mouth and nose.

As if hundreds of knives and swords pierced through him!

His entire body instantly became almost transparent within the realm of Zhen Chuan.

[Dao Dong suffered heavy injuries, his astral energy shattered, and he lost 60% of his blood, triggering the protective alert for disciples below the 3,000th level of Zhen Chuan.]

[Dao Dong is considered dead on this level!]

[Will be transported to the Zhen Chuan rest cave—Dao Dong, please prepare healing spirit stones, estimated cost: 300.]

[Six breaths, five breaths…]

Dao Dong stared wide-eyed, lowered his head, and slowly looked at the countless sword wounds on his body.

How… how could this be…

Meng Zhi just now… didn’t move at all.

He raised his head in confusion, and in the last three breaths of the countdown for transportation, he saw Lin Shuang’s face full of concern.

He’s already out.

Why was she still so… concerned?

Lin Shuang looked at him with concern, muttering with worry.

“Hey, why did you attack a hundred people as soon as you arrived? And you even gave them three consecutive swords. Ambitious, huh.”

“Okay, now you’re directly killed by the rebound of the ‘Not Returning Sword’ from forty-five people.”

“I haven’t even started, and it’s over…”

She was quite unhappy.

“Hey, what about my defensive practice schedule for today.”

“I hadn’t even started yet…”

Lin Shuang is worried!

It ended before it even started.

Dao Dong struggled to open his mouth.

Hearing the message transmitted by his disciple’s waist token.

“Senior brother, how are you? We’re about half a day away from the ancestral hall! When are you starting to rush over?”

Dao Dong opened his mouth and stretched out his hand with difficulty, but a bloody figure disappeared into the teleportation symbol over the wheat field.

\[“When are you coming… Dao Xi, your brother has already returned home.”\]

\[“I don’t know what to say, one, two, three… It’s the first time I’ve seen a cultivator counting while facing an enemy, and then sending himself away.”\]

\[“Sigh. Master didn’t deceive me. There is no ultimate technique in the world. Dao Dong is really a master of formations, both in success and failure!”\]

\[“This ‘Returning Sword,’ I feel like learning it. It seems to cost only five thousand spirit stones.”\]

\[“Stop! Each time, you can only reflect back fifty percent of the opponent’s attack, with your cultivation and vitality as the upper limit. If your opponent is not like Dao Dong, using a large-scale array like the ‘Five Steps of Continuous Kill,’ covering a hundred people and continuously attacking five times (these hundred people will all use the ‘Returning Sword’), I advise you not to learn it. It’s quite pointless.”\]

\[“Forty-five people, it seems like his formation attacked them three times? Equivalent to over a hundred swords, instantly stabbing him… how is this different from suicide?”\]

\[“Indeed, not practical. As long as the opponent doesn’t act recklessly, he won’t die.”\]

\[ “…” \]

The disciples watching the projection discussed enthusiastically.

Inside the projection, Lin Shuang felt quite aggrieved.

With more than sixty people led by Huang Fuyuan, they scattered the first-level Poisonous Barrier Pills. Meng Zhi and the more than sixty people he taught the knife technique, quickly besieged the one hundred bandits Dao Dong had brought.

She could only follow them to the ancestral hall.

The injured youths from Li Family Village, especially those who mastered the ‘Returning Sword,’ were left by the thatched house, continuing to guard the pastoral dog, Xiao Fang.

The remaining nearly two hundred people went with them.

On the way, Lin Shuang asked with concern, “Let’s discuss it. We still have West and North. How do we allocate them?”

Meng Zhi looked at her, then at Huang Fuyuan, and then at the two hundred strong men behind them.

“Fifty people follow you to entangle Dao Xi, this sword cultivator. I’ll take the remaining one hundred and fifty people to deal with Dao Bei and the bandits.”

“Remember, Dao Xi is at the third level of Foundation Establishment. Just entangle him, don’t confront him head-on.”

Meng Zhi cautioned.

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“Must do that, and at least endure for an incense stick’s worth of time.”

Lin Shuang looked at her defensive tomato timer that hadn’t even started for a minute and planned determinedly.

\[Now the strength of both sides is truly balanced.\]

\[There is no ‘Not Returning Sword’ on the field anymore, hahaha.\]

\[Lin Shuang can handle it alone; the problem is not big now.\]

\[“Two hundred people from Li Family Village against two hundred bandits; Huang Fuyuan and Lin Shuang, two below the first layer of Foundation Establishment stage, against Dao Xi who is at the third layer; Meng Zhi against Dao Bei, two fourth layer Foundation Establishment stage knife cultivators.”\]

\[“Tsk, they’ve done quite well, but it’s still dangerous.”\]

\[“The real battle has just begun.”\]

In the ancestral hall.

Dao Xi and Dao Bei had heavy expressions.

While sending a transmission to Dao Dong, they also saw the information that Dao Dong had suffered severe injuries and withdrew from the Zhenchuan Trial.

When Lin Shuang’s trio arrived at the ancestral hall, they saw the two of them with faces as dark as water.

“Meng Zhi, I will avenge Senior Brother Dao Dong!”

Dao Xi and Dao Bei quickly approached one on the left and one on the right, heading towards Meng Zhi.

“With your blood, I will console my Senior Brother!”

Two sword qi and knife light instantly tore through the sky.

But one of the sword qi, midway, was covered by a suddenly rising treasure cauldron.

Huang Fuyuan pinched a technique, standing with Lin Shuang in the shadow of the cauldron, directly intercepting Dao Xi’s first attack.

At the moment of the collision between the sword qi and the cauldron, it quickly dissipated.

When there was only half left, Lin Shuang stepped out from the shadow of the cauldron, activating the golden-body defense technique!

With a magnetic pull, the half-formed sword qi and her Qi simultaneously dissipated.

“Huang Fuyuan, just like this, when the sword qi is about half-formed, you retract the treasure cauldron.”

“About ninety-eight times, and I’ll be done with the training.”

Huang Fuyuan pondered, “Junior sister, the treasure cauldron has only three defensive uses.”

Dao Xi roared, “Get out of the way, don’t hinder—”

But as his words fell, there was a ‘puff’ sound at his chest, a thin snake-like wound rebounding.

\[“Pfft, is this the counterattack from a Qi condensation stage disciple using the ‘Returning Sword’ technique?”\]

\[“Understood, this chicken rib technique is really useless.”\]

“Hahaha, are you tickling me? Trying to hurt me with the ‘Returning Sword’ technique, but a moment later, this wound would have healed!”

While mocking, Dao Xi swung his sword towards Meng Zhi on the side.

They had to win this battle.

No matter how the opponent infuriated him, he would prioritize the overall situation.

Quickly resolving Meng Zhi together with Dao Bei, the remaining Huang Fuyuan and Lin Shuang were not a threat at all!

However, the sword technique he sent flying was intercepted once again by the shadow of the treasure cauldron, jointly manipulated by Huang Fuyuan and Lin Shuang.


When Lin Shuang dissipated nine-tenths of the sword qi using the cauldron, she stepped out again, her body covered in a golden diamond Qi, colliding with the sword qi.

“Huang Fuyuan, move the cauldron a bit to the left. Otherwise, it blocks my line of sight, thanks.”

“Puff,” the sword qi dissipated, and Dao Xi’s chest gained another small snake-like wound.

Huang Fuyuan heard her words, and a hint of contemplation flashed in his phoenix eyes. He moved the cauldron slightly behind her.

“Junior sister, is it okay like this?”

“Yeah, much better. Senior Brother Huang has already mastered the technique of shading with an umbrella.”

Huang Fuyuan raised an eyebrow and casually threw a first-tier Poisonous Obstacle Pill, disturbing the wandering bandits and occasionally throwing it toward Dao Xi.

“You two—”

Dao Xi took a deep breath, reversed his sword, and chopped toward them.

The cauldron, which could be used three times, snapped.

Lin Shuang and Huang Fuyuan instantly fled.

However, just as Dao Xi swung the sword qi towards Meng Zhi, Lin Shuang darted out again. She grazed the tail of the sword qi, and in an instant, two-tenths of the sword qi and her aura dissipated simultaneously.

“Xiao Ai, record for me. The power of the third-level Foundation Establishment stage sword qi, when it’s about two-tenths formed, is roughly…”

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Dao Xi’s body gained another small snake-like wound as the sword qi dissipated.

But this small injury didn’t even require the Healing Spring Pill. He didn’t know what she was doing!

\[“Haha, Junior Sister is telling us with a negative example. Never exchange for this technique.”\]

\[“Yeah, these three wounds… just focus on cultivating a proper sword technique.”\]

The projection continued.

Seeing these continuous five or six small wounds on Dao Xi’s chest, he was like an audience member, completely unconcerned about his injuries.

Shaking off Lin Shuang, he charged straight towards Meng Zhi from behind.

“Childish, I don’t have time to play with you!”

But just four or five steps away, as Dao Xi tried to sneak up behind Meng Zhi, his figure suddenly paused in mid-air.

There were almost only blood traces on his chest, not even a scar, and he hadn’t thought about applying medicine.

But at this moment, the six blood traces condensed into one.

The last added counter-injury, unexpectedly connected to the first one.

In a breath, a fiery red pattern lit up on Dao Xi’s chest, completely encircling him!



【The talisman head opens, and the talisman tail closes. This—is it a talisman!?】


【”It’s not a talisman, look carefully at Dao Xi—”】

Dao Xi lowered his head; surprisingly, he unknowingly performed the same action as Dao Dong just now.

Looking down at his chest, a series of fine wounds suddenly erupted into five blood fountains!

“Five Steps Continuous… Killing Formation?”

Dao Xi’s figure staggered.

He quickly swallowed a pill to stop the bleeding.

【Five Steps Continuous Kill? Dao Dong’s proud skill?】


In the projection, Lin Shuang had already gone far away, shuttling between different bandits with a strange gait.

She shuttled between sword qi and blade qi; her protective aura constantly breaking and condensing.

Blood fountains burst out from the bodies of the bandits one after another.

【When did she learn this?!】

【Could it be right after the confrontation with Dao Dong just now!?】

Huang Fuyuan’s expression was subtle as he followed behind Lin Shuang, always ten steps away.

His eyes were extremely accurate, occasionally seizing opportunities to throw first-level Poisonous Camphor Pills into the blood fountains created by her among the bandits.

One in the Qi Condensation realm and the other in the Foundation Establishment realm disrupted the scene, making it extremely chaotic.

The bandits were restrained by the numerous Li family strongmen, unable to chase after them.

Bandits were losing health—100—100—100…continuously losing health.

Dao Xi—100—100—100…swallowed pills, fully healed.

“Dao Xi, where are you—”

Dao Bei angrily shouted.

Meng Zhi had learned the Mountain and Sea Thirteen Blades, each blade stronger than the last. They needed to subdue him early, preventing him from reaching the thirteenth blade!

But, as agreed with Dao Xi, disregarding others, only the two of them would team up to kill Meng Zhi first.

However, up until now, Dao Xi had no idea what he was doing. He left Dao Bei alone to deal with Meng Zhi.

Meng Zhi was already on the fifth blade!

“Dao Xi, what are you doing—”

Dao Bei angrily turned to question.

Dao Xi looked helpless.

I don’t know what I’m doing either.

[Lost 121 bandits.]

[Lost 133 bandits.]

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Dao Xi wanted to move forward, but the Li family strongmen, who had the numerical advantage, instantly surrounded him.

Dao Xi’s forehead twitched as he forcefully advanced with his sword.

But as he swung his sword at the wooden puppet, again and again, he felt that his sword qi was getting weaker and weaker.

Whether it was an illusion or not, from being able to seriously injure the opponent at the beginning to later only causing minor injuries.

Foundation Establishment stage third layer sword qi, Foundation Establishment stage second layer sword qi… Foundation Establishment stage first layer sword qi?!

Dao Xi was horrified and stunned. Why was his spiritual power weakening!?

Lin Shuang’s voice came through the gaps of the Li family strongmen, “Senior Brother Huang, can you block me from using ‘Can I take my brother’s things without making my brother angry.’ Thanks.”

Dao Xi: “!?”


【Foundation Realm “Water Drips into a River Technique”!? During the fight, stealing the opponent’s attack techniques’ spiritual energy to strengthen oneself?! She learned two techniques at the Book Pavilion!?】

【What, she brought out two techniques?】

【Water Drips into a River, also known as Robbery Sword Art! It’s a rogue technique!】

【He gets weaker the more he fights, and I get stronger the more I fight?】

In the projection, Dao Xi felt extremely suffocated, but after a stick of incense, he gritted his teeth and finally saw Lin Shuang intentionally lurking in the gaps since a moment ago!

But as soon as he saw her, Dao Xi almost spat out blood.

Lin… Bloodsucker…Shuang, wielding a broadsword.

Sword qi swung out, Qi Condensation Third Layer → Qi Condensation Ninth Layer!

Dao…Being sucked blood…Xi, Qi Condensation Third Layer → Peak of Qi Condensation First Layer.

He was almost out of breath.

“Hehe, I took some things from Senior Brother. Senior Brother won’t be angry, right?” Lin Shuang laughed.

Dao Xi felt a stabbing pain in his chest, his head buzzing. Gritting his teeth, he rushed toward her but was surrounded by a continuous barrage of first-level Poisonous Camphor Pills.

Peak of Qi Condensation First Layer → Qi Condensation First Layer…

Huang Fuyuan smiled as he walked out from the protection of sixty sturdy men.

Summoning a flying sword, also at the Foundation Establishment level.

In an instant, the sword qi merged and expanded with Lin Shuang, slashing Dao Xi to the ground!

[Dao Xi was heavily injured, spiritual energy shattered, lost 60% of blood, and triggered the protection warning for disciples below 3,000 layers in Zhenchuan.]

[Dao Xi is considered dead on this layer!]

[About to be sent to Zhenchuan Resting Cave—Dao Xi, please prepare healing spirit stones, estimated cost: 300.]

[Six breaths, five breaths…]

Dao Xi looked incredulous.


Under all their methods, he was also at Qi Condensation First Layer!

How could he be sent away by the combination of Foundation Establishment and Qi Condensation Ninth Layer?!

In his last gaze, full of despair, he looked at Lin Shuang and Huang Fuyuan who were approaching him.

Both of them showed a moment of regret.

——I didn’t expect him to be this weak. I operated ‘Not Returning’ with my seventh dantian and felt that today’s review was not enough, so I used the eighth dantian to review ‘Taking some things from my brother.’ Now he’s been sent away?

——If I had known, I would have used only one dantian and taken it easy. Sigh.

——Wait a minute, didn’t I just use Qi Condensation Ninth Layer a moment ago?

——I still need to review “Taking Some Things from Brother, You Don’t Mind, Right?” two more times. Misjudged.

Lin Shuang looked somewhat regretfully at her hands.

Huang Fuyuan also stood by her side, looking down at his own hands, his face suspiciously showing a trace of unnaturalness.

——It’s been too long since I’ve made a move.

——He forgot the power of Foundation Establishment’s sword qi; it seems I went a bit heavy just now.

——Accidentally used Foundation Establishment’s first or second tier’s spiritual energy?

“Younger sister is amazing.”

“Senior Brother Huang is formidable.”

The two looked at each other and quickly shifted the blame for this unexpected turn of events.



Both fell into silence.

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