The Top Efficiency Cultivator

Chapter 29.2: 29.2


【Dao Xi left as fast as his brother!】

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【Well, Dao Dong is still a bit faster.】

【… Although this Robbery Sword Art is effective, I’ve never seen anyone using it to break through six levels of Qi Condensation Third Layer to the Qi Condensation Ninth Layer.】

【Isn’t it feasible? The Qi Condensation Third Layer is equivalent to a hundred Qi Condensation Third Layers, so she just took advantage of Dao Xi about fifty or sixty times.】

【… Does that make sense?】

【I’ve decided not to learn it; I can’t master these tricks.】

At another location outside the hall, Dao Bei’s knife collided fiercely with Meng Zi’s twelfth knife.

Suddenly, a breaking sound came from behind.

“Dao Xi left; Senior Brother Meng, we’re here to help you!”

“Dao Xi might have urgent matters; we came after him, Junior Brother Meng.”

Meng Zi: “?”

Dao Bei: “…”


He turned around in sorrow and anger.

Senior Brother Dao Dong, Junior Brother Dao Xi!

Should he leave too?

[At the 1720th layer, Miss, tonight, will you come with me?]

[Lin Shuang, Huang Fuyuan, and Meng Zhi cleared the level!]

[Victory in the duel!]

[After 500 breaths, you can obtain one of the personal techniques from Dao Dong, Dao Xi, and Dao Bei.]

【Why after 500 breaths? Garbage projection, lying about the duration!?】


【Hey, be patient, give them some time to heal. Do you remember the blood that flowed from them?】

【…Oh, sorry.】

They won.

The disciples watching the projection didn’t leave; they continued watching, curious about what techniques Lin Shuang and the others would obtain.

Meanwhile, earlier, Old Man Li appeared with a smile in the ancestral hall.

Followed by the little yellow dog, Fang Fang, he held three bright red large bundles.

“Immortals, immortals, I heard that Lord Wang and his grandson have both escaped!”

“The bandits eyeing our Li family’s wealth have also retreated!”

Old Man Li repeatedly bowed, forcefully stuffing the three large red bundles into the hands of Lin Shuang and the others.

“Many thanks to the three immortals for helping our Li family village through this difficult time.”


“I have nothing to offer in return, only a small token of gratitude.”

【Finally, the rewards for this level are here.】

【I wonder how much.】

【To be honest, their victory against Dao Dong, leveraging the three hundred strong men from Li’s village, was a bit cunning. I’m afraid the rewards from Li’s village won’t be substantial.】

【Cultivators cultivate, exploring the laws of heaven and earth, going against the rules of heaven and earth, seeking opportunities, and aspiring for ascension. The three hundred strong men were discovered by Lin Shuang based on her abilities, and the counter-attack sword technique was learned by Lin Shuang in the library based on her abilities… Dao Dong also had three hundred bandits and optimized formations, the advantages were the same, even with a higher cultivation level. The outcome of their battle is clearly the result of each using the three realms of heaven, earth, and man. How can you call it cunning?】

【Exactly, how can you call it cunning? when cultivators are searching for the seams in the rules of heaven and earth?】

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【Speaking of which, if she only learned Dao Dong’s ultimate skill, the Five Steps Killing Formation, from their brief exchange just now, and mastered it—

With such talent, and such understanding, truly one in a million.】

【Yes, she might have taken advantage, but so what!? Just based on her aptitude, once she enters the inner sect, the elders will be competing to shelter her. By then, you’ll understand what it means to leverage and take advantage.】

【Hehe don’t be so quick to say the rewards are meager. Let’s wait and see.】

The crowd was in an uproar.

Soon, in the projection, Meng Zi enthusiastically reached into the large red bundle.

“Oh my, this is too polite; I’ll gladly accept it.”

“If you need anything in the future, look for me.”

After saying this, he paused, and as he opened the big red bundle, a dazzling stream of light spilled out.


Full of water-like characters.

[Disciple Meng Zhi, at the Fourth Layer of Foundation Establishment, is still humble and polite to ordinary elderly people.

Therefore, lacking admiration and prestige from the old man, your prestige is insufficient.

But your affability left a deep impression on the old man and three hundred young people, provoking contemplation among the three hundred cultivators.

—In the future, if I enter the immortal sect, should I be close to or distant from ordinary people?

—Born anew, yet still possessing mortal sentiments, is this acceptable?

They decided to express their gratitude to you with some spirit stones.

In the future, they will continue their cultivation with this question in mind.

Meng Zhi received a reward of 303 spirit stones, three of which were given by Old Man Li secretly.]

Meng Zhi: “!”

[Hahaha! The stage of this Li family village is amusing.]

[Meng Zhi indeed lacks prestige, too inexperienced.]

But soon, another beam of light flashed.

[Meng Zhi, instructed over sixty Li family villagers, to learn the Mountain and Sea Thirteen Blades.

They are very grateful to you and address you as their master.

At the same time, they learned that the Mountain and Sea Thirteen Blades are worth eight thousand five hundred spirit stones. They scraped together eight hundred spirit stones, barely enough, and it’s all for you.

Meng Zi gains an additional teaching fee of 800 spirit stones.]

Meng Zhi’s lips twitched. He was happy when he heard the first half, but it turned cold in the second half.

Oh well, eight hundred is better than nothing.

Happy, he went back to burn paper for his ancestors!

With spirit stones, Meng Zi was content with everything, even if it was just one spirit stone.

[Meng Zhi, in the two fierce battles guarding Li Fang and the ancestral shrine, you contributed. Old Man Li saw it and nodded.

In the first battle with Li Fang, your contribution wasn’t much, but you held the line, and even without merit, you still had hard work. It’s decided to give you an additional 50 spirit stones for your trouble.

In the second battle against the ancestral shrine.

With your cultivation just at the Fourth Layer of Foundation Establishment, you stood in front of over a hundred Li family village youths, enduring Dao Bei’s knife, attracting most of Dao Xi’s attention.

In this battle, your merit is not small.

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Although you’ve just recently learned ‘Mountain and Sea Thirteen Blades’ and haven’t fully displayed its power, your highlights are still praised by Old Man Li.

He decided to give you an additional 550 spirit stones for your hard work.

Meng Zhi, your prestige in the Li family village has risen, and the degree of admiration has increased. Please continue to maintain it.

In the two battles, you received a total reward of 600 spirit stones.]

Meng Zhi: “!”

Three rounds!

A total of 600 + 800 + 303, a total of 1703 spirit stones.

Not bad, even made a profit.

Later, there will be a chance to obtain a set of martial arts!

【Not much?】

【Wake up, this is just for one person!】

【Compared to the level master’s exchange rewards, these spirit stones can be used anywhere.】

【The reward for teaching the villagers is more than the defensive reward on this level?】

【Perhaps the senior disciple was right earlier; they ultimately used a combination of special techniques and tactics with a large number of people.

So, the true evaluation of the three of them in the defensive part of this level is probably not high. If it weren’t for teaching the villagers, the reward wouldn’t exceed a thousand spirit stones.】

【Zhenchuan is still fair.】

In the resting cave.

Watching the projection of Zhao Keran, she pinched the tactics with both hands, wielding two pieces of cloth, practicing sword manipulation.

In the small space, constantly moving swiftly, almost becoming a phantom.

But as she looked at Lin Shuang in the projection, who was curiously watching the rewards Meng Zi received, she felt some worry.

Turning her head, she looked at the woman in pink beside her, “Senior Uncle, although Senior Sister rejected your cave, it’s because the cave is not good, not Senior Sister’s fault. Senior Sister will definitely buy one; don’t be angry.”

Who would have thought that the house-selling agency was the real housing management of Zhenchuan’s trial, the biggest examiner?

Zhao Keran said, stealing a glance at the pink-clad woman’s expression as she inputted spiritual energy into the spirit stones.

Pink-clad woman: “…”

Her hands didn’t stop.

As the spiritual energy input increased, the summary of the assessment results, jumping out of the red envelope opened by Huang Fuyuan, kept extending.

“So, you think I’m using my authority unfairly?”

The woman in pink raised her eyebrows, her voice elongated.

The water-like characters flying out of her hands also appeared in the projection.

But soon, she fell into thought, and her speed slowed down.

[Huang Fuyuan, at the Foundation Establishment First Layer, with a body heavily injured.

Having minimal communication with the Li family villagers, he maintained the profound demeanor of a Clearwater Sect immortal.

The upper and lower of Li’s village didn’t dare to talk to him casually; they were all thinking—what exactly does this immortal mean?

Huangfu Yuan’s prestige in Li’s village has increased, but his silence made the villagers unable to fathom his intentions. They felt that it’s better not to casually ask this immortal for help next time, and their favorability has decreased.

Old man Li decided to give a thank-you fee of 500 spirit stones and send Huang Fuyuan away.]

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Zhao Keran: “…”

The woman in pink continued to write, and her speed increased, showing an expression of fascination and contemplation on her face.

[Huangfu Yuan taught sixty disciples the first-order Poisonous Camphor Pills.

This is the most common poison pill. If it’s not thrown in groups of a hundred, it won’t cause fatal trouble to the Foundation Establishment. It also smells very bad—this is what the Li family village thinks.

It is said that this First Layer pill formula is sold for 800 spirit stones outside. They decided to pool some together and gave Huang Fuyuan 223 spirit stones.]

【A total of 1703 spirit stones for Huang Fuyuan.】

Nothing, it’s just that when Huang Fuyuan was teaching alchemy just now, he exploded three times, destroying their thatched house. Repairing it has already incurred quite a cost.]

Zhao Keran opened her mouth.

The woman in pink continued to write.

[Huang Fuyuan only threw a few Poison Barrier Pills in the first round, receiving a fee of fifty spirit stones for transportation.

But in the second round of the duel, he performed outstandingly, jointly restraining Daoxi and several bandits with Lin Shuang, and the coordination was excellent.

Li Lao believes that Huang Fuyuan’s efforts in this battle…]

At this point, the expression on the face of the woman in pink seemed to be greatly relieved, showing joy, but quickly revealing a hint of tangled reminiscence.

“Uh, Xiaozhao, let me see the replay of the projection we just watched.”

“The wounds on Dao Xi and the wounds on the puppet bandits need to be presented.”

Zhao Keran immediately complied.

The woman in pink looked and flicked her fingers.

[Huang Fuyuan’s settlement in this battle, wait a moment—]

[Lin Shuang’s settlement for this level, wait a moment—]

[Li Lao is frowning, recalling the battle just now. How many spirit stones were stuffed into the red envelopes, the memory of the old man is not very good.]



In the resting cave, the woman in pink, along with Zhao Keran, watched the replay of the projection.

“It’s strange, really strange. Dao Xi still had the combat power of the Foundation Establishment Third Layer when he went to Zhenchuan. Huang Fuyuan only had the cultivation of Foundation Establishment Entry Level, and Lin Shuang increased her strength to Qi Condensation Ninth Layer with the ‘Robbery Sword Technique.'”

“How did the two of them finally severely injure Dao Xi?”

“And these bandits…”

The woman in pink didn’t understand.

The ‘corpses’ of several bandits appeared behind the counter in the resting cave as she performed her hand seals.

The woman in pink squatted down and checked their chests.

“These ten were not killed by the scythes and hoes of the Li villagers, nor were they caused by the rebound of sword qi.”

“All of them had their divine consciousness shattered in an instant.”

People watching the projection believed that the bandits died from the attacks of the villagers, Lin Shuang’s counterattack, and Huang Fuyuan’s besieging with pills. But in reality, the cause of death for these ten ‘bandits’ was that someone directly shattered their puppet sea of consciousness.

It’s worth noting that the lowest cultivation of these bandits was in the Great Perfection of Qi Condensation, and the highest was Foundation Establishment First Layer.

“Heh, interesting.”

The woman in pink looked up at the projection, at Huang Fuyuan and Lin Shuang standing with hands behind their backs, two seemingly weak individuals.

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“Which one of you is in disguise?”

Zhao Keran felt guilty.

How could Senior Sister’s disguise be called a disguise? It’s called energy conservation.

She thought for a moment and then looked at the injuries again, saying, “I think based on Senior Sister’s performance, this tomato timer should be her defensive training.”

The woman in pink: “?”

“In terms of defense, you won’t act unless you’re under attack.”

Pink-clothed Woman: “?”

Senior Sister, in this round, is practicing the hard resistance ability of the body’s gang qi, the ability to change the whole body’s aura like a wandering snake, and the ability to unload the opponent’s attack.

There are also two sword techniques that Senior Sister just learned, which integrate offense and defense. These are the things she will review for the second time in today’s defense training.

Zhao Keran pondered.

So, the bandits suffered from mental attacks…

Zhao Keran shook her head, “This doesn’t seem like something Senior Sister would do. Unless they provoked her.”

The woman in pink nodded, half waved, and the bandits disappeared again, replaced by a new set.

“So, these eight disciples with sword wounds on their backs were caused by Lin Shuang? I watched the replay in the projection, and they blocked the Gang Qi and sword energy collision between her and Dao Xi.”

Zhao Keran: “…”

This… seems like something Senior Sister would do.

The woman in pink fell silent, and soon new words flew from her fingertips into the projection.

[Li Lao thought about it and decided to invite Lin Shuang and Huangfuyuan into the secret room of the ancestral hall. He wants to have a conversation with you.]

[Note: You can remain silent, but silence will affect the reward settlement in Li’s village.]

\[! ?]\


\[What is this? I’ve never encountered this before!]\

\[I’ve seen over a hundred projections of puppet levels, and this is the first time I’ve seen this situation!\]

\[What’s going on?\]

Meng Zi turned back, looking at Lin Shuang and Huang Fuyuan, who were holding a book and idling, with a complex expression.

Both of them looked even more at a loss than he did.

The author has something to say:

“Zhao Head’s Notes 29”: The fastest learner and teacher section, too outstanding, will attract the attention of the teacher.

—Lin Shuang: Mistake.

—Huang Fuyuan: Big mistake.

—Zhao Keran: …

For people who read cultivation novels and people who don’t; the ‘Senior uncle’ used to address the woman in pink as seen in this chapter is correct and not a typographical error–which means:
People in higher positions in cultivation novels being called an ‘uncle’ isn’t weird and is applied to both males and females. I thought it would feel weird and changed it a few times, but from now on I’m just going to leave it alone…tired.jpg, blame it on me.jpg…….

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