The Twins in Naruto

Chapter 13

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In front of the Ninja Academy of Konoha many children were listening to the Hokage speech while waiting for the Academy to open.Their parents were listening too but they continued to discreetly glance in a certain direction.

They were looking at a tree where a blonde boy was playing on a swing.This boy was already in his last year at the Academy so he wasn't staying with the younger kids.He could've been with all the other kids of his age but 'Mom' told him that it was better to stay alone, in order to stay discreet.She always told him that a ninja should never become too attached to others.Naturally he listened to her and decided to stay away from the others.

He also did that because the other kids and their parents treated him badly when his 'parents' weren't there.Fortunately,last year when a mother tried to punish for.....Well just being himself, since he didn't do anything, his 'Mom' stopped her and injured the woman so much she had to stay at the hospital for a whole month.

Since then no one ever messed with him, too afraid of what would happened if they angered his mother, or as they called her 'Toge no ōjo'.He loved his parents a lot and he knew that they were the only reason as to why his life became so good.

He ate good food, lived in a nice mansion, and he could pretty much do anything he wanted with the money they gave him every time they were away.He knew that they weren't his real parents but he just loved too much to care.

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He started to treat them as his parents when they saved him from a pair of dangerous ninjas.Those ninjas had captured him in the middle of the street while no one even tried to save him, acting as if they didn't even saw him being kidnapped.He was beat up pretty badly but the ninjas continued until his tiny body couldn't endure it anymore.

He lost conciousness quickly, barely seeing how those ninjas were shredded to pieces by the kinds twins.

He woke up in a warm bed, a soup in front of him as his sister(he still called her like that before)hugged him, and kept comforting him as he cried during the whole night.

Since that day they trained him to become a ninja, and treated him like their own son.He knew they were siblings but didn't really minded their relationship, which was normal since no one ever explained him anything, except for the third Hokage but his mom told him that the Hokage didn't really cared about him.

According to her, no one loved him, they considered him like a monster and the only ones who were kind, acted like that only to keep him in the village.When he asked why, she just told him to ask every questions he had to the Hokage.

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The old man kept answering awkwardly while trying to dodge every questions.The blond boy finally understood the true, in this whole village of dumbass and bad people, only the twins cared for him.

It was further proved when they told everything he wanted to know.They told him who were his true parents, the one he considered a hero who was just a manipulator who wanted to keep him as a jail for the most powerful demon in history, and a woman who just wanted to give the demon to him so all the suffering would go to him while she would finally be free.They also told him everything about the village and he was completely disgusted.

This village was filled with fools who thought they could control everything just because they had those dumbass Hokage who were as useless as they were stupid.Those idiots actually treated badly when he was the son of two heroes (Yeah, right HEROES)and also the one who kept the Kyuubi in his own body to protect them all.

In the end, he was still happy.He was Naruto, son of Kais and Sana, and the one who will bring an end to this filthy village of morons.

That's why he was on this swing, watching those fuckers as they happily talked and played while the old fool whom they called 'The God of Shinobi' continued his foolish speech.

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Naruto knew that the Academy was completely useless but his parent told him to graduate as a Genin and act as if he was still loyal to Konoha until he could finally take his revenge.All these years of sadness and loneliness would be forgotten only when the Uchiha would take control of Konoha, and Naruto was gonna become the new leader of the Uzumaki clan.

His parents brought to the Uchiha compound many times and even though at the start he didn't like the Uchiha, he quickly warmed to them as they did to him.He became friend with Sasuke, Itachi and Shisui who were pretty much the only friend he had.

The Uchiha had decided to wait until the twins gave them the signal to start their rebellion because the Hokage was still too dangerous to be ignored.Naruto understood that and kept on training with his friends so that he would be able to help during the rebellion.

As he kept thinking about all that happened Naruto barely noticed that the speech was finished, so he reluctantly moved towards the entrance as a familiar Uchiha boy arrived besides him.They talked discreetly since they knew that the Root and the Anbu were spying on them.Naturally the Hokage and Danzo noticed that something was weird with the Uchiha clan so they kept spying on them, hoping to find the problem and end it before it became a mess.

"Yo, Naruto.How are you doing today?Still happy about how incredible this academy is, and how powerful all these future genins are ?"Sasuke asked with a smirk as Naruto frowned and hit him in the shoulder.

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"You're so sarcastic Sasuke, that i'm actually wondering if you're actually a Uchiha."Said Naruto with a proud smile as he watched the black-haired boy sigh.

"Yeah, yeah.Still, i'm quite annoyed at how boring our days are without training or playing with your parents.Acting like fools at the Academy is starting to piss me off."Said the Uchiha who seethed with hatred as he thought about his fangirls.

"You know, you should be happy.Starting from now on, we are allowed to brag as much as we want.Atleast that's gonna give the fangirls a good reason to chase us."Said Naruto to the wide-eyed Sasuke.

"Fucking finally!I can finally crush those ants who think they can defy me!HAHAHA!The might of the Uchiha shall blind those fools!"Said the way too arrogant Sasuke, who actually had the decency to be strong enough to brag.At such a young age, he was already powerful enough to become a chunin and was already bordering the level of a Jonin.

Naruto rolled his eyes, but smirked as he thought of how he was gonna humiliate all those morons.He could finally show his true powers since his parents were about to neutralize the eyes that kept watching them in the shadows.

They couldn't destroy those eyes but they could atleast make sure that their dear little blond boy could finally dominate those weak ninja wannabe.

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