The Twins in Naruto

Chapter 14

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Naruto had just started the day that he was already bored.He showed his power enough during the spar in the morning but it wasn't enough, he wanted to show those ants their places.As such he was excited when he heard that at the end of the day, the teachers were gonna test the students.The test was simple, since the student only needed to show his strongest jutsu.Of course it was originally only for the clan heirs but Naruto decided to show one of his strongest jutsu to show everyone who was the boss.

While Naruto prepared for the test, the twins were preparing for something...More important.

During years the Root, the unofficial division of the Anbu created by Danzo, had spied on them and tried to recrute them.When the recruiting didn't worked they tried to take them by force, but the twins had sent a clear message.

"Come at us, and you're dead fuckers!"

Danzo was a war veteran and an extremely good ninja so of course this little threat didn't scared him and he continued to harass them.

The twins finally decided to act and destroy the Root before they become a problem too big to handle.

That's why they were standing in front of the main base of the Root, located under Konoha in a labyrinth of metal walls.They were accompagnied by a few Uchiha members, eager to kill Danzo who was seriously starting to become dangerous.

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"Sana you take the Uchiha with you and you go to the barracks.Murder them in their sleep and try to kill the rest as silently as possible.I'm gonna search for their storage room and steal all the precious ressources i can."Said Kais as Sana nodded and departed with Uchiha.Kais turned around and began to climb the whole.He looked like a spider on a ceiling as he continued towards the place where the storage room was supposedly located.

He passed a few Root ninja but his chakra control allowed him to stay silent and avoid them.He finally came in front of the room and entered it.What he found inside wasn't he thought he would.

The room was indeed a storage room but instead of weapon and food he found an extremely large amount of poisons, drugs and pills.It was apparently the room where they stocked all the ressources they needed for their experiments.

Kais however didn't care about it so he placed a chakra bomb in the room and put the detonator a few meters away.He continued to move on the ceiling as he came across the training room, where all the Root ninjas trained usually.He saw a few Root ninjas but what really made him curious was a young girl dressed in full-combat armour, who was completely destroying all the other ninjas.She looked to be around 16 years old but it was clear that she was talented.

She fought them with taijutsu but after receiving a nasty wound on the nose, she jumped back and changed into a low stance.Chakra gathered around her as Kais eyes widened.

'Such a high chakra reserve!'

Her feet glowed blue as she leaped towards the ninjas and punched one in the throat as she immediately continued with a low kick to the other ninja.He stumble back a little bit but had no time to react as he was strangled and thrown towards another ninja who hadn'ts seen that one coming.

Using the body as a diversion,the girl jumped in the air and sent a flying kick to the chin of a ninja as she dodged a churiken in mid-air.She landed and crouched to avoid a high-kick, she then grabbed the ninja's leg and threw him on the other ninjas who fell like dominos.

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She took a few kunais from her pouch and pointed them at the ninjas.They tried to dodge but instead of throwing the weapons she rushed at them and threw each kunai in front of each of them.

She suddenly concentrated Chakra in her feet as she began to move at a frightening speed.She took one of the kunai and stabbed one of the ninja with it as she seemingly teleported to a nearby ninja and did the same.It continued for all the ninjas who weren't quick enough to dodge but the last one was lucky and the kunai barely grazed him.

She appeared behing him and elbowed him as he winced in pain, she then came in front of him and continued with a powerful uppercut.She began to use a combo on him but stopped in middle of it.

She surprisingly changed into a gentle fist stance and yelled.

"Gentle fist: Myriad of empty palms!"

She hit him with lightning palm fist as he took the hit without even being able to move.Kais saw that she wasn't hitting the tenketsu points like a normal Hyuuga would do, but she instead struck nerves to inflict even more pain to her target as he screamed way too loudly for a Root ninja.

She stopped as he fell on the ground, coughing blood.She smirked but turned around quickly and tried to slash with a kunai when a strong hand catched hers.

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"Whoa!Be careful with that little girl!You could hit yourself badly!"Said Kais mockingly as she glared at him and tried to move her hand, but no avail.She was about so speak when a loud explosions was heard.Kais sighed and closed his eyes, only to open them again, revealing bloody red eyes with a weird pattern.It looked like a star but in the middle of the star three tomoes shined.They began to spin as she was in some sort of trance, watching those dazzling eyes lost in this intimidating yet beautiful star.

"Coercion Sharingan"

Kais whispered as the girl frozed and began to shiver.He smirked and let go of her as she was brought to her knee, her eyes reflecting the profound feeling of fear she was experiencing.

Even to a Root ninja like her, it was terrifying, a vision of horror that could anyone to it's knees.She stayed like a whole minute but the feeling was too much to handle for her mind, so she entered into a shocked state, unable to move even a single muscle.

He laughed creepily and put a seal on her.This seal was created by Pain himself who was a sealing master since he was an uzumaki.On it you could read two words.

'Mind Break'

He nodded, proud of what he did and left the shocked girl on the cold ground.

He ran towards the barracks as he cursed his Sister in his mind.

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'Goddamnit!Why is she always bringing trouble?!*Sigh*We need to finish this quickly, steal Danzo sharingan, destroy the place and then use the laboratory to start our plan.It was already difficult to get Obito to agree with it, considering how he trust Madara, so if we mess this up it's gonna be impossible to betray Madara before the war.'Thought Kais who was doing his best to not lost himself in this labyrinth.

'Hehehe~If we actually can do that, we'll get an army of Uchiha with us.IT SOUNDS SO FUCKING GOOD!!'


Meanwhile a certain pedophile snake sneezed and frowned.

"Hmm?Why do i feel like someone stole my ideas?Hmph!As if someone could steal MY ideas, my oh so original ideas!"

"Master Orochimaru, you should continue on your experiments instead of laughing like a maniac!"



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