The Twins in Naruto

Chapter 18

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As the party started Sasuke and Naruto began to play with Shisui and Itachi, while Sana tried to go with them but Mikoto came forward.

"Hello guys, how are you doing?"Said Mikoto with a blush on her face as she looked towards the two.She certainly didn't know why but she couldn't even look at them in the eyes.They chuckled and began to talk with her about meaningless thing until Sana whispered to her ears.Mikoto started to become so red she looked like she was about to faint.Kais glanced at his sister curiously but she just winked at him.

'Don't worry bro i've got a plan.'

'Does this plan include becoming motherfuckers?'Asked Kais as he was clearly happy to be able to communicate so easily with his sister.


They both smirked as they lead Mikoto towards her room while Itachi followed them and sighed.

"Should i tell this to Father?*Sigh*I think i'm gonna let them have their fun, i know how badly mother wanted this."Said Itachi as he was about to get back at the party but a sudden voice made him freeze.

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"Well, well if it isn't little Itachi.How are you doing?"Said a creepy voice that came from the ceiling.Itachi looked up as his fears were confirmed.


Itachi was grabbed by a smirking Orochimaru who dragged him out of the compound to train him.Itachi never wanted to train with him, but since it was in the contract Orochimaru made with the twins he had to do it.

Kais and Sana put Mikoto on her bed as she looked at them and shyly hid her red face.They both exchanged perverted glance as they directly undressed themselves and jumped on the mature woman.

"KYAAH~!!"Mikoto squealed and tried to dodge them but they began to grope her.Kais fingered her as Sana bit on her nipples.

"HMM~!!"Mikoto was overwhelmed by pleasure and came on Kais finger as he brought them to his mouth.After tasting it he smirked and brought his dick in front of Mikoto.She looked in shock but had no time to react, she was already choking on his hard stick.

"What?I tasted you so it's only normal you taste me too!"Said Kais as he pushed his dick as deeper as he could but had to stop since Mikoto could only take half of his dick.Sana started to suck harder on Mikoto nipples with her godly techniques that nearly brought her to a second climax.

Sana techniques were extremely good but Kais was even more impressive.Mikoto would never tell it to anyone but his dick was the most delicious she ever tasted.It was as if it was made to please women, and his stamina was certainly monstrous.After a dozens of minute Kais grabbed her head forcefully and shoved his whole dick in her throat.She was gagging on it as she tried to free herself but something made her stop and shiver in pleasure.A huge load of cum was shot straight in her throat as Sana eyes widened and she positioned herself in front of Mikoto mouth ,since she knew she wouldn't be able to swallow everything on her own.Sana was right and Mikoto had trouble swallowing the incredible load of jizz, so Kais decided to free his cock from her mouth and let his sister clean it.

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"Well, now we should start the main fun, don't you think so?"Asked Kais while Sana finished to lick his cock.Mikoto tried to refuse but her body was aching so much for it, she knew she wouldn't be able to sleep correctly until she had this gigantic cock inside of her.She wasn't really a slut but Fugaku wasn't really performant in the bed and she usually had to relieve herself with toys, so she jumped on the first occasion to fuck with this monster, who by the way became the wet dream of many married women.

During the next three hours only moaning and panting could be heard coming from the room.All the Uchiha had stayed to celebrate Sasuke birthday and since many other clans member had showed up, the party wasn't nearly finished.

Sana and Kais exited the room after they took a shower and then walked towards the main hall.The Uchiha members didn't really questioned the fact that they weren't there because they knew that the twins were more busy than anyone else.

"MOM!DAD!"Naruto shouted as he jumped onto Kais shoulder with such a smile it looked like it could blind anyone with it's purity, even though they both know how corrupted he had become.I mean the corpses that kept appearing in the forest of Konoha weren't killed by wild beasts or ennemies shinobi but by our little blondie who wanted to test his new jutsus.

"What do you want, kiddo?"Asked Kais as he looked at Naruto and frowned, he knew that it was definitely something-

"Can you train me and Sasuke?!We want to be absolutely ready for the chunin exam!"


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Kais nodded albeit reluctantly and turned towards Sana who had already arrived in front of the buffet and began to stuff her mouth with food like a squirrel.

'She's lucky to be so damn cute or else I WOULD'VE FUCKING KILLED HER BY STUFFING HER WITH CAKES UNTIL SHE WOULD EXPLODE!!'Thought an angry Kais who grumbled like an old man and walked outside to train Sasuke and Naruto.He didn't expected to see a hundred of kids waiting for him in front of the compound while the guards were barely trying to even stop them.

He turned to Naruto and gave him the finger as he threw him at the other kids.

"AYE!!DAD IT'S CALLED CHILD ABUSE!!"Shouted a pouting Naruto as the little girls from the academy had hearts in their eyes.No one knew if it was beacause of Naruto or Kais.The twins were some sort of legends in the village, at the same level as Tobirama or even minato.They always accomplished the hardest mission and were feared by the entire elemental nations.They were also rumors that said that the twins had already attained the level of Hashirama Senju and Madara Uchiha, even though it was actually false.

Seeing one of those two legends so close was like a dream to all those kids.They respected Naruto because of his parents and seeing his father, they respected him even more.

"TCH!Next time warn me about those things!*Sigh*I'm doing this only one time , so you better all listen closely to my lesson!"Shouted Kais as he walked calmly towards the special training ground of the Uchiha.

After everyone arrived they sat down in front of him and listened to everything he said.

"Since i'm not really in the mood to teach you jutsus or something like that, i'm just gonna teach three important things for a ninja."Said Kais as he took a kunai and slashed his own throat.The cut wasn't deep of course but it was enough to make a few faints.

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"HAHAHA!"Naruto laughed like a madman since he knew what those three things were, and even Sasuke smirked as he arrived and sat on a tree branch.

"Firstly, a ninja doesn't feel any fear or pain while he's in missions.It could also be applied to any other troublesome feelings but i'm not stupid enough to tell you to blindly follow orders and block your emotions.Pain and Fear are too dangerous and as such they are the only ones you're forced to block, or else.....You're dead."Said Kais as he glared at them to emphasize the 'You're dead'.

He then put the kunai back and took something else.

'A Scroll?' thought all the kids simultaneously but they continued to listen.

"Secondly, many ninjas like Kakashi Hatake are stupid enough to learn jutsus and not even bother to master them.As such you should always atleast try to comprehend to basic of the techniques before you can learn a new one.The basic will allow to manipulate it easier and make more powerful, so don't forget about it.You can use the strongest jutsu and lose to a guy who used the weakest just because he actually mastered it enough to change it's nature and adapt it."Said Kais as all the kids nodded since they all knew that too well, Iruka and the other instructors kept telling them that everyday but they never listened.They listened to Kais because he was powerful and experienced, way more than any other instructors.Compared to them you knew he wasn't spouting nonsense and you could trust him.

He finally appeared behind Naruto and put a kunai on his throat as the entire training ground was silent.No one talked as they were too shocked but also because Kais used his entire aura to apply pressure on them.Academy students couldn't even breath while they felt the aura of a Jonin-rank ninja.

"Lastly, i want you to remember that.Trust no one other than yourself.It's an incredibly stupid thing to say since you can be betrayed by your own heart or instinct but....Atleast they won't do it because they wanted to but because they needed to.If you betray yourself that means that you're too bad to survive, it's basic survival instinct but if others betray you...It's because they can't run away from their natures."Said Kais as he broke his genjutsu and walked away.

"Remember everything well, children.One day you'll know how sad the truth is, or.....How ecstatic it is, depends on your own natures.....Everything depends on it, after all it's the only thing that never truly change."

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