The Twins in Naruto

Chapter 19

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After Kais finished he went back at the apartment and saw someone familiar.

"Obito?*Sigh*What is it again?You're supposed to be the biggest terrorist in the world, you can't show up at people apartments randomly"Said Kais who sighed and brought tea from the kitchen.He poured two cups of tea and waited for Obito to talk, he also saw that Obito didn't have his mask on.

"Kais.....I think the Akatsuki is ready to attack."Said a surprisingly serious Obito.

"Attack?Seems like you took my advice seriously huh?Indeed it's time for a little attack.Hiding is good for shinobi of course, but how are we create fear by hiding like rats?We need to strike so heavily it will terrorize the nations.The Akatsuki shall become the biggest threat in the world!!"Said an excited Kais who looked like he actually was the leader.

"Well, considering the fact that the recruits didn't finish their trainings we have to go ourselves.I'm gonna give you both masks and you're gonna attack Suna to retrieve the Ichibi.We are first gonna visit ame and then you're gonna depart for suna."Ordered Obito as Kais nodded and packed his things.

Obito and him went to the Uchiha compound steathily and searched for Sana and Naruto who were still there.Many Uchiha recognized Obito and welcomed him since he was still considered as a clan member.After they found the two they told Naruto what they usually told him while they were away and departed, living a letter for the Hokage saying that they went to spy on Ame because of various suspicious activities.Normally they shouldn't have this sort of authority but no one would actually go against them, they had the clans in their pockets and the Hokage trusted them too much.

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They quickly arrived in Ame and directly went for the Akatsuki secret base.When they entered many members greeted them.They continued towards the briefing room where they found Raiko who was holding their masks.They were simply the masks that Tobi wore in the serie.The one he had during the war and the one he had during his whole 'stupid Tobi' period.Raiko bowed and handed them the masks as they departed quickly.Obito narrowed his eyes and talked to Raiko.

"Follow those two.Knowing them, they're gonna destroy the whole village without holding their powers.If they try that, stop them by all means."Said Obito and Raiko nodded.

"kukuku~You look really pale Obito~"Said a vicious voice that came from the darkness.

"And you're the one to talk Orochimaru.What do you want?"Asked Obito as he eyed the snake sannin curiously.

"It's simple.I need more corpses."Said Orochimaru calmly as he sat down in front of Obito.

"*Sigh*Okay i'm gonna give you more but you better create a decent army!An army of Zetsu won't be suffecient and we can't bring all the most powerful undead at the start."

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"Of course, kukuku~"Said Orochimaru as he exited the room like the snake he was.

"Haaa~Time to fucking relax"Said Obito as he went to his room and slept for the rest of the day.

While this happened Sana and Kais had already arrived in front of Suna.With the use of Sana super speed it was actually faster than a shunshin.Raiko followed, gasping for air as he had to use his raiton abilities to keep up with them.Ame and Suna weren't that far from each other but normally one would take a whole day to arrive.

"So, how do you want to procede Bro?"Asked Sana who tilted her head on the side since she clearly expected him to find a plan.

"Well i was gonna enter without a plan but if you really want one, then it's simple.We enter, we kidnap the kid, obliterate anyone who try to stop us, finally we blow up the whole village!!!"Said Kais he mimicked an explosion so that she would understand.

"Sounds good to me!"Sana nodded and they each took different paths.Kais directly went for Gaara, the Ichibi jinchuuriki as Sana went for the night patrols and began to silently kill them.Raiko stayed in the shadow, barely hidden as he anxiously waited for the moment he had to prevent those two from destroying a village.

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Kais entered a big mansion as he heard noises coming from the kitchen.He saw a red-haired kid with weird eyes and a 'Love' tattoo on his forehead.The kid was simply eating pizzas but he was on constant alerts as he scanned his surrounding.He sensed something weird so he quickly turned his head but Kais had already appeared behind him.He tried to strangle the boy but was attacked by a column of sand, which sent him flying to the wall.

"HA!I forgot about your so-called absolute defence."Said Kais as he smirked behind his mask.

"You must be one of those assassins sent by father huh?You should go back home before i bury you with sand."Said the red-haired boy with pity.

"Listen here, Gaara.I'm not an assassin, i'm a member of an organisation that want to take the demon inside of you.We will extract it and...Wait, why am i even telling you all that?"Said Kais as he was quite confused.

"Take the demon inside of me?Y-YOU CAN'T!!NO ONE CAN!!I'M CURSED TO BEAR THIS BURDEN FOR MY ENTIRE LIFE!!"Shouted Gaara who started to lose his mind once again, sand leaking from th walls.It began to swirl around him but he then suddenly froze.Another voice, a feminine one, was heard as Gaara dropped to the ground unable to move less use his powers.

"KYAHAHAHA!!To think it would be so easy to capture you, little boy!!"Said Sana as she came besides Kais and grabbed Gaara.She then place him onto Kais shoulder as they exited the mansion.

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"So?Any interesting things to report?"Asked Kais as he was surprised with how easy it was.

"Yup!Seems like this village is actually weak without people like Gaara and pakura.I'm glad we got the two of them now.After we extract Ichibi from Gaara and stabilize him with the rinnegan we should be able to make him into a member with potiental."Said Sana as she smirked for some reasons.Kais chose to ignore it and he immediately regretted it.



"*Sigh*I hate you so much right now."Said Kais as he put Gaara into a bag and dropped him into an alley.Sana kissed him on the lips as she smiled widely.

"Do i have a tsundere brother?!"


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