The Twins in Naruto

Chapter 20

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Kais glared at Sana as he sighed.

"*Sigh*It's gonna be simple, i kill every ninja who try to stop us while you run towards the exit of the village.Once there you give Gaara to Raiko who's been following us and then you come back so we can destroy the village.Do not stop until Gaara has been totally captured, we can't afford to lose him on our first official mission."Said Kais as she nodded and used her super speed to rush towards the exit of the village.

On the way many gening and chunin tried to stop him but couldn't do anything as he mercilessly killed them all with the Chidori.When they arrived in front of the exit, many jonins were waiting for them while the Kazekage was coming at full speed.

Kais smirked and grabbed Sana as he lifted her in the air.

"Wait y-you....NOOO!!"Shouted Sana as she was launched in the air like a cannonball, passing over the gate and falling straight in front of a stunned Raiko.

"S-Sup dude..."

Raiko was surprised but quickly understood the situation as he picked Gaara and ran towards the desert.Sana turned around, an evil smirk on her face.

"Shall we destroy this little village?"

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Kais had already killed all the jonin since they were weaker than the one in Konoha but also because those dumbass weren't prepared to battle against a sharingan user.

The Kazekage had already arrived as his red hair hid the hatred in his eyes.

"You really thought i was gonna let you take our weapon?Gaara represent the future of the village and as such it's the mission of everyone living here to protect him."Said Rasa as he took a low stance while some sort of golden sand amassed around him.He had no time to react that he was already hit by a gigantic fist that sent him flying through many houses.

He got out of the wall he was in and then watched with horror as a gigantic Black skeleton made of chakra rose from the ground under Kais.

"Let me show you the strengh of the Uchiha clan.SUSANO!"Shouted Kais as the skeleton was finished.It had 4 hands that were each holding scythes.The skeleton roared and slashed at Rasa with the four scythes.It created four black projectile that destroyed everything on their path.

"Air Gold Dust Protective Wall!"Shouted Rasa as he used his power over the gold dust to create an immense barrier.It protected him from the projectiles but then the skeleton did something absolutely terrifying.

The scythes dissappeared from the skeleton hands as he put them on the ground, it's eyes glowed with an ominous light.

"Susano:Kuroi toge no fīrudo!"Said Kais as his concentrated his chakra in the hands of Susano.

Rasa eyes widened as he instinctively jumped to the side, barely dodging many black thorns that rose from the ground before they dissipated.Other thorns rose from the ground, forcing rasa to use his gold dust to fly.

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When he reached a high point in the air he used one of his strongest jutsu in order to kill Kais.

"Ryūsakin Bakuryū!"

An impressive amount of gold dust erupted from behind Kais as he dodged it but was soon stunned by what he saw.The gold dust had formed some sort of gigantic ball which was falling at full speed towards him.He knew he didn't have the time to dodge and blocking it with Susano would be dangerous.He also didn't wanted to actually destroy the village since it would become a great help in the war.Orochimaru could use it to create his undead army.He smirked as he thought of something good and then nodded.

'That should do the trick!'

He deactivated Susano and then began to form handsigns.His mangekyou sharingan spinned and began to bleed while an extreme amount of chakra was condensed in his eyes.

"Enton Kagutsuchi!"

Black flame surrounded Kais and acted a shield as finally finished his handsigns.

"Katon:Teikoku no banrinochōjō!"

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Kais winced a little when he used this technique since it was one of the strongest jutsu he knew, and it required a massive amount of chakra.

The jutsu was pretty simple actually, it was just a barrier of fire that would cover a target and consume it.The fire outside was hotter then the fire inside so the victim would slowly burn while being unable to escape.The fire engulfed the ball of Gold Dust, as it began to slowly become smaller.

Rasa couldn't see the shield around Kais so he planned to attack him with a kunai when the fire and the Gold Dust would clash and create some sort of fog that would blind Kais.

As he saw that it really happened Rasa rushed to Kais with a kunai in his hand and a little bit of gold dust so that he could use it as some sort of distance weapon.

He sadly saw the shield too late as Kais kicked him in the arm, making him drop the kunai and burn his whole arm.He had no time to scream in pain as Kais catched him into a crushing bear hug, slowly burning him alive under the horrified eyes of his children.Temari and Kankuro were watching from the roof of a building with a few jonin as Gaara couldn't really see it but he sensed it, which brought a huge smile of satisfaction on his face.

Sana arrived soon and pouted when she saw that the fight had already ended.

"What?You're dissappointed that you didn't get to kick his sand ass?"Said Kais playfully.

"A-Absolutely not!!.......Hmm......I came to see my awesome brother kicking someone ass ?"Said Sana with a blush as she tried to hide her embarassement.

"Yeah, yeah keep talking bitch."Said Kais while rolling his eyes.All of a sudden a huge crowd of ninja appeared.All the available ninja of the village had came but they were pretty tense when they saw the ashes left from the corpse of their leader.Kais laughed as he cleared his throat.

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Shouted Kais with a powerful voice that made a few faint.They were trembling as they watched him and his sister leave like nothing happened.

In only a few days the whole world knew of what happened in Suna.While many thought that it was only an empty threat, the Kages knew that a huge storm was about to come, and they knew that the Akatsuki would be at the center of this storm.

The war was soon gonna start, and all of those who didn't take this threat seriously were gonna regret it.


"Bro why did you declare war on the whole world?I thought Obito wanted to first train everyone and atleast capture one or two bijuu before starting the war."Asked Sana with a tilt of her head.

"hehe......I-I.......I always wanted to say something like that!Didn't i look like a badass leader, huh?!"


"..............I hate you and your silly gimmicks"

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