The Twins in Naruto

Chapter 25

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Rasengan and Chidori clashed and created an explosion that launched the students in all directions.They used this occasion to flee as the two rivals started to fight with taijutsu.

They used absolutely every techniques they knew but in the end they couldn't decided on a winner so they took things to another level.

Iruka and the other instructors were talking with the parents of the Students when they heard the sound of the violent clash.They were shocked when they saw that the forest was gradually destroyed as the Students ran for their lives at the borders of the forest.Meanwhile Shikamaru had found a little cave to hide in and he wasn't going to move until the last day.



The fire was supressed by the wind as Sasuke rushed at naruto and slashed his cheek with a kunai, Naruto jumped and sent his knee right in Sasuke face.That made the black-haired boy stumble a little bit and Naruto used this to grab him and throw him into a tree.

Sasuke got up and searched for Naruto but he was nowhere.He searched with his sharingan and his eyes widened.He was nearly beheaded but he quickly dodged and launched shurikens at Naruto who disappeared once again with incredible speed.Sasuke narrowed his eyes as he tried to find a solution.He couldn't trap Naruto into a genjutsu since Itachi and his parents had trained him to resist any genjutsu that could be formed by a normal sharingan, and he couldn't beat Naruto with taijutsu.The only thing he could do was to use powerful jutsu to kill Naruto before his chakra reserve was depleted, he could also try to use the Mangekyou sharingan but it would be too risky as he didn't know if he could do it now or not.

He settled on a certain jutsu that would help him kill Naruto quickly.He couldn't afford to fight for a long time or he would certainly lose against a stamina freak like Naruto.

"Ninpo:Mizukiri kiba!"

Sasuke suddenly rushed to a nearby tree where Naruto was hiding and grabbed him.


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Naruto tried to free himself but no avail.He winced in pain when Sasuke bit his neck and a seal appeared on it.Naruto recognized it since it was one of the jutsu that Orochimaru taught to Sasuke.It was a seal that constantly drained the chakra in a target, and when the limit of the seal was reached it would transfer all the Chakra to the user.The user than would use the second part of the jutsu, which consisted in poisoning the chakra and sending it back into the target body.The target body will recognize the chakra and accept it since it was the chakra from the target and then the poison will paralyze the target in a minute.The target wouldn't be able to move for 2 days.

He grabbed Sasuke's head and shoved him into the tree, destroying it and sending Sasuke flying across the forest.


The terrifying scream was heard in the entire forest as the student covered their ears and panicked.They continued to run endlessly not even knowing that Naruto and Sasuke were too busy fighting each other to bother with such weakling.

Sasuke smirked as he travelled in the forest calmly, stopping from time to time to throw a jutsu at Naruto and then run again.

The forest was a total mess, it was covered in fire, water, rocks and mud.Naruto and Sasuke were throwing jutsu at each other like it was nothing but traces of chakra exhaustion soon appeared on their young faces.Sasuke could still continue for a day but after that it would be the end for him, however Naruto was even worse.The seal had drained him so much that he lost his bijuu mode and was unable to use it again.It also messed up his chakra control which wasn't a really good sign for him.

"Suiton:Dangan rasengan!!"

"Raiton:Ya chidori!"

Chidori arrows and bullets Rasengan continously rained on the battlefield that didn't looked like a forest anymore.Those two jutsu were relatively easy to use so Naruto and Sasuke were spamming them without holding back.They couldn't really win like that but they waited for an occasion and it showed quickly.

After all these days the students were literally at the point where they couldn't even move considering how frightened they were.In this condition many refused to move in fear of being cut down by Sasuke or eaten by Naruto but a certain someone decided to play the hero at the worst moment.

Sasuke was just about to awaken his mangekyou due to all the chakra he gained from Naruto while Naruto himself was about to snap and let Kyuubi in control.At this moment in the center of the fight a scared blonde girl was sobbing, hoping that some miracle happened and she wouldn't die.This miracle arrived in the form of two boys from another class.

Irio and Sato.Those two orphelins had a deep hatred for the Uchiha clan and naturally they wanted to gut Sasuke alive during the whole fight but couldn't due to how powerful he was.They however jumped in the middle of the fight when they saw that Ino, their only friend was about to be killed by the two bastards.


She lifted her head and smiled when she saw her friends coming to help her.They picked her up and ran in the direction of Shikamaru cave while Sasuke and Naruto were about to end their fight.

"It's the end Naruto.With how exhausted we both are, we can only attack once more and one of us will die."Said Sasuke as he breathed hardly.

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Naruto couldn't control his body anymore so he didn't say anything and just let Kyuubi take control of him.


His whole body changed as he became some sort of bloody fox with 6 tails.Bones were also formed but it looked more like an armor than the real bones of Kyuubi.

"*Sigh*So it end like that, huh?"

Sasuke smiled sadly and activated the Mangekyou sharingan.The pattern that the twins knew so much appeared as his eyes felt like they were burning.They began to bleed so he closed them and waited for Naruto to move.

In a sudden motion Naruto jumped towards Sasuke with a tailed beast bomb being created in his mouth.Sasuke opened his eyes and said one word.


A purple skeleton made of chakra surrounded him.The body was only a half but it was enough to beat Naruto since he couldn't control his power and as such wouldn't be able to dodge the incoming attack.

In a quick movement a bow appeared in the skeleton hands and Sasuke concentrated the rest of his chakra in it.


He shot a black arrow towards Naruto who didn't bother to dodge.It was a huge mistake as the arrow wasn't black for nothing.It was coated with the black flame of the Amaterasu and when it hit Naruto his whole body began to burn.The Tailed Beast bomb couldn't properly form and thus fell to the ground, creating a mini-explosion that nearly destroyed the cave where the 4 students were hiding.

'S-SASUKE YOU MOTHERFUCKER!!'thought Irio and Sato who were doing their best to control themselves and stay in the cave.The thought of the sharingan made them tremble in rage as they remembered how their parents were killed by those cursed eyes.

Naruto regained the control of his body but regretted it as he felt the burning sensation on his body.He could easily counter the black flame since Itachi taught him how to, but in that case Sasuke would have enough time kill him.He smirked as he thought of a solution and got up, trying to ignore the pain.

Sasuke frowned when he saw that Naruto didn't die, and took out a kunai from his pouch.He coated it with chidori and used the shunshin to appear besides Naruto.

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Naruto let himself be stabbed and faked his death like Kakuzu taught him.He could control his chakra to appear as dead while casting a genjutsu to make his target think that his heart stopped beating.

Sasuke smirked and let out a sigh, he started to walk away but turned around only to have a rasengan shoved in his stomach.


He coughed blood as he was thrown in front of the cave.He didn't see the students but they saw him and had a mix of fear and hatred in their eyes.

Naruto rushed at Sasuke with another rasengan and used it to hit Sasuke's head.He tried to smile but he was so tired that he could barely stand.

"It's f-finally m-my victory!"


He could only gasp in horror when he saw that it was actually a shadow clone.He wince in pain as the seal was activated and the poisoned chakra entered his body.


He tried to locate the Uchiha but couldn't find him as the voice of Kyuubi was heard in his mind.

'SHITTY BRAT!!!DON'T DIE ON ME RIGHT NOW!!I DON'T WANT TO BE CAPTURED BY THOSE FUCKERS!!'The fox shouted as he took control of Naruto once more and used the poisoned chakra to launch a last jutsu.

Irio and Sato shivered when they saw what he was gonna launch and they immediately grabbed Ino and Shikamaru.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!"Screamed Ino when she was thrown in the air by the two boys who got in front of the other students.


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The boys shouted and the students began to run for their lives, taking Ino with them.


"In the end we're gonna die like our parents huh?"Asked Irio who made the handsigns for the jutsu.

"*Sigh*Atleast we're gonna save all those poor people.The sharingan is truly the bane of humanity."Said Sato who did the handsigns like Irio.

"Fuuton:Kōatsu o-jū bakudan!"

A sphere of wind and tailed beast chakra was shot at Sasuke while Naruto body was finally paralyzed.

Sasuke's eyes widened and he immediately used his Susano'o to form a shield.It absorbed a part of the attack but Sasuke was forced to dodge in the end, the sphere continuing towards Irio and Sato.


Two gigantic wall of rock rose from the grounds as Irio and Sato hid behind them.

"I was happy to know you bro"Said Irio as he fist bumped Sato.

"I-It's...G-Gay dude....."Said Sato as he passed out from chakra exhaustion.The sphere hit the walls and slowly destroyed them, making Irio sigh.

'Fuck you, Sasuke.'


The shere exploded and Sasuke directly jumped to Naruto.While in the air he sensed that he was about to collapse so he deactivated his sharingan to save his chakra and launched a chidori senbon at Naruto.It pierced Naruto brain and ended his life, making Sasuke wipe a tear that threatened to fall.

"Farewell, my best friend."

His Sharingan was reinforced by this action but he would only know it later.He walked towards the Academy, unawara that a certain masked man came to pick Naruto's corpse, while Raiko picked up Irio and Sato.He wanted to form them since they had potiental and these days he didn't received any missions from the Akatsuki so he had a lot of free time.It would later result in an epic fight between the two boys and the Uchihas.

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