The Twins in Naruto

Chapter 26: 26

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After killing Naruto, Sasuke walked towards the instructors with a dark look.He stopped in front of them and talked in a tired tone.

"It's the end.Most of the students are dead while some luckily survived.I'm going back home to rest.I'm coming tomorrow to know in what team i'm."Said Sasuke who walked for a few meters and suddenly collapsed.Itachi appeared out of nowhere and took him home before they could react, after a few seconds the parents began to search for their children in the mess that was previously a forest.

'It seems that those twins influenced the Sensei more than i thought.He normally would've never accepted something like that.It's not an exam but a slaughter to eliminate the weak, only Kiri would do something like that.'Thought a white-haired man who was on a tree branch, a frog appeared besides him and he nodded.

"They're way too suspicious to be normal.I just hope they're not linked to the Akatsuki."Said the man as he used the shunshin and disappeared.

Back home Itachi put Sasuke in his bed and sighed when he sensed two people behind him.

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"You knew Naruto would die, huh?You did all that so Sasuke would be controlled by darkness while you could get Kyuubi and kill the last remnant of Minato.If i remember what you said, it seems that you feared that Naruto could become good again if he ever talked to his father."Said Itachi to the two figures who smirked as they approached Sasuke.Those two were Kais and Sana who indeed had planned Naruto death because of their fears but also because of a certain pale-eyed girl.Hinata had become a problem because Naruto was actually starting to like and they couldn't kill her.It could change Naruto in a bad way while killing him would obviously change the girl but it wouldn't be as important as Naruto.They had greatly overestimated their capacities at making plans, they were people of actions not schemers or strategists.In the end they had to sacrifice Naruto to change Sasuke and take Kyuubi back before Naruto became a dangerous failure.

"Indeed Itachi, we planned his death.Do you have a problem with that?"Asked Kais who was quite curious.He knew that Itachi may appear as a caring guy but he was as cold as Madara, so obviously it was pretty weird to see him like that.

"No, but it clearly shows that you two are still too ,naive.You're not strong enough to improvise everytime and win.In the end you'll maybe won but with important casualties.Let Obito command and obey, atleast he will make things simpler even if his plan are....Less excitings."Said Itachi who sighed when he sensed their presences disappear.

"*SIGH*They are gonna make everything worse if they continue like that.Only after they master the mangekyou and get tailed beasts powers can they truly begin to act recklessly.Until now it would be better if they stopped to act like children."

He smiled at Sasuke and whispered to him.

"Little brother, we may live in a disgusting world but don't worry after everything ends, you'll be able to live in a new world.A peaceful one.......One without monsters like us."

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The day after, Sasuke stayed in his bed and he was clearly in a bad state.The death of his best friend affected him more than he thought it would.He was still happy since with that he could become more powerful.It was his only goal, to be strong enough to make a new world.It was the same goal as Pain and Obito but he didn't wanted to make a new world for the same reasons.

Sasuke knew how bad the current world was, that's why he locked his emotions away.He tried his best to have no interest in anything other than power, and ignore any emotions that could make him weaker ,but in the end he couldn't do it entirely.

He stayed in his depression for the whole day and couldn't go to school in this state.Mikoto stayed with him all day and talked to him to try to calm him.He was seriously beginning to lost his mind.The death of Naruto combined with the constant feeling of terror he felt towards the twin was too much for him.He knew something was wrong with them.Be it the fact that they obviously planned Naruto death ,but also the fact that no matter how bad things went they always had those little smirks on their faces, like they actually knew it would happen and wanted it to happen.

Those two were more dangerous than anyone thought and they were gonna know it at the worst moment, he was certain of that.

He got out of bed and made his way to the garden as his thought became even darker.He wanted power and now he was on his way to obtain, nothing would stop him.For some reasons he felt that him becoming obsessed with power was also something that the twins planned but he shook his head and stopped thinking about it.

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Itachi always told him that darkness was the essence of the Uchiha clan but that he shouldn't be blinded by it.He would be a monster, but a monster who still made his family proud of him.Yes, he was easy to manipulate yet he didn't knew it.

After training a little he saw his mother entering the compound and rushed towards her.

"So?"He asked as she smiled and poked his forehead.

"First eat the lunch i made for you and then i will tell you."Said Mikoto who was happy seeing that her little boy, didn't become some sort of Uchiha Madara after killing his best friend.She was also happy to know that he awakened through training and not through the death of poor Naruto.

Sasuke sighed and ate his lunch silently while his mother did relaxed in front of the garden.After he finished he sat in front of her and waited anxiously.

"Because of how bloody the exam was and most importantly because Konoha needs powerful ninjas and not just an army of weak kids, the Hokage and the council decided to form a special team.This team will be trained by two sensei and will have 4 genin instead of 3.The Hokage will watch the performance of the team and then decided if the team needs to be dismantled or not."Said Mikoto with a serious face as Sasuke nodded.He knew who the two sensei were and also why the Hokage did something like that.Many didn't knew it but Sarutobi was slowly losing his political power as the hyuuga clan and the Uchiha clan were taking a more important part than him.The twins obviously held an impressibe amount of power over the village, but except for a few anbu and jonin who didn't like the two, no one seemed to care.

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"So?Who are my teammates?"

"Team 7 will be composed of:Uchiha Sasuke, the orphelins Irio and Sato , and finally Yamanaka Ino.Your sensei are.......Not exactly who i thought they would be."Said Mikoto as Sasuke frowned since he was prepared for that.

'Seems like they actually became sensei to force me and Naruto to battle more seriously.I knew they would take another team after that.'Thought Sasuke who was getting annoyed by how manipulative the twins were.He really hoped that they wouldn't be able to make those slaving seals they wanted or it would be even worse.

"Your sensei are........Asuma Sarutobi and Kurenai Yuuhi."

".............Kill me already."

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