The Twins in Naruto

Chapter 28

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Sasuke arrived at 7am and waited for the client while Ino came just after him.She wasn't really the shy type so she started to talk to him and to her surprised he actually talked to her casually.

"Sasuke, i-i heard that Shisui was killed yesterday.I-I'm sorry but i wanted to know something.Was he killed by someone from Konoha or an ennemy from another village?"Asked Ino who couldn't look at him in the eyes.

"Shisui was killed by someone who can easily be called Konoha biggest traitor."Said Sasuke calmly as he saw Irio and Sato walking besides Asuma, while Kurenai was running behind them.

'Traitor?Maybe he's talking about that snake guy.They talked about him in class, but i don't remember his name.

"HEY!!INO!!"Shouted Irio as he hugged her and lifted her.She blushed and clapped him.

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Sato laughed at Irio who became despressed while Ino tried to comfort him.Asuma talked with the client who arrived just after Ino, and Kurenai walked towards Sasuke.

"I must thank you Sasuke.You were the one who introduced me to Sana-Senpai, but remember....I hate you."Said Kurenai as she walked away, leaving a bored Sasuke who yawned and stretched his arms.

'This mission ought to be truly interesting.I don't really think that only bandits will attack us.Kisame told me that a guy named Gato took control of the whole land of waves so i don't think he will only send bandits to kill Tazuna.'Thought Sasuke who shot an amused glance at Tazuna who cowered and looked away.

"Well since we're all here, it's time to start this mission.We will take a defensive formation around Tazuna, Me and Kurenai will be at the back while Sasuke will walk in front and the Irio, Sato and Ino will stay besides Tazuna."Said Asuma while they all nodded and thus the mission started.

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They walked for a whole day until they finally came across an interesting thing.A puddle of water in the middle of the road.Considering the weather it was absolutely impossible for a puddle of water to be there and as such Sasuke immediately knew that it was a genjutsu.However he decided to test his teammates and didn't say anything.They continued to walk and suddenly the puddle changed into two ninja who wore the same outfit and who had chains in their hands.

The first ninja rushed at Ino and grabbed her by the throat, using her as a shield since Irio was just about pierce him with a tanto.The second one rushed at Sasuke and tried to kill him with the chains but was quickly shocked when he saw that the boy disappeared, only to feel a sharp and cold Kunai pressed on his neck.

"Move and you're gonna regret it.If i'm not mistaken you're Meizu and the dude over there is Gozu.You're ex-ninja from Kiri, huh?You have a pretty good bounty on your heads, i saw it in the Bingo Book, maybe i should kill you and take your head as a proof of your death?"Said Sasuke which made Meizu freeze as he turned around slowly with a pleading look in his eyes.It was however only a diversion as Gozu kicked Irio away and lunged at Sasuke, the chains in his hands rotating.He launched the chains at Sasuke who jumped and did a back flip before grabbing the chain and pulling Gozu towards him.When Gozu was approaching him at full speed, he crouched which made Gozu hit Meizu right in the face and made both fall on the ground.

Asuma quickly subdued them and began to interrogate them.

Ino was awed by Sasuke and blushed when he looked at her.Irio saw that and glared at Sasuke but stopped when Sato pinched his arm.

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"Like Kais-sensei said Jealousy is a bad thing.Sasuke isn't interested by Ino and he is one of the worst guy in the whole fucking world.There isn't a single girl in the world, stupid enough to love a guy like that.Don't worry it's just that he's powerful but in the end she will fall in love with you."Said Sato while Irio smirked and playfully hit him in the chest.

"Says the guy who can't confess to Sakura!"Said Irio with a smile that almost instantly disappeared.

"Irio, S-Sakura, i-is dead.....She was killed by one of Sasuke jutsu when he battled against Naruto."

".....I'm sorry, i didn't know."Said a sad Irio who looked away and continued to glare at Sasuke hoping to pierce his chest with his glared.

"Don't worry, it's only Sasuke's fault.Even though i can atleast understand that Sakura was really in the worst place at the worst moment."

Asuma finished to talk with the two ninjas so Kurenai put a genjutsu on them to make them fall asleep.

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"Okay everyone i learned many things while talking to them but the night is coming so we better start to make a camp."Said Asuma as Tazuna sighed in relief.

They moved into the woods and found a place to make a camp.They quickly made it and sat around the fire while Sasuke stayed in his tent.He was too bored to stay with them so he just sat in his tent and began to read a scroll about the Edo Tensei.It was a jutsu that he would never be able to do, but it was so interesting that he couldn't stop after reading the first scroll.He wanted to know everything about it and it was certainly funnier to do that, than to listen to Asuma.

Said man was talking to his student about their training when he saw Tazuna tried to leave.Kurenai moved in front of him and prevented him from leaving as he turned around and frowned.

"What is the meaning of this?I think i have all the right to go to my tent, why are you stopping me?"Asked Tazuna to Kurenai.He didn't liked the woman since the start.She reeked of alcohol even more than him and her bitchy attitude was starting to annoy the hell out of him.

He froze when he heard Asuma cold voice.

"Tazuna, can you please tell me why you tricked us into doing a A-rank mission?My students asked for a C-rank one and now they're potientally gonna risk their lives stupidly because you lied about the real dangers of the mission.*GLARE*I don't like that at all."

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