The Twins in Naruto

Chapter 29

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"So that's why, huh?"Said Asuma after Tazuna finished his explanation.According to him a man called Gato had take control of the land of waves, he was terrorizing the villagers and stole everything he could on their lands.The people of the waves had lost everything and if the bridge wasn't constructed they would lose their last hope.Asuma knew that this mission could become extremely dangerous but considering how strong this team was, he decided to accept it anyway.

"Very well then.We will continue to protect you until the bridge is finished but after that you'll have to pay more to Konoha.My students could've died if Gato had sent more ninjas."

Tazuna nodded and returned to his tent while Irio approached Sasuke.Sasuke looked up and smirked when he saw the rage in Irio's eyes.

"What do you want?"

"....You know,me and Sato hate you and your entire clan but i'm wondering.How is it possible for such a disgusting clan to still exist?"Asked Irio with disdain clear in his voice.

"Disgusting?Hmm.....Indeed you could call my clan like that, after all we are clearly different than most clans in Konoha.We have been controlled by arrogance and hatred during our whole lives.Even with that we still survived, because we're the monsters that this world needs.Someone has to become a monster to control this world."Said Sasuke as he got up and walked towards his tent.

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"Your hatred is totally justified but if you let it consume yourself, than you'll become even worse than the actual Uchiha clan."

With that, Sasuke left while Irio clenched his hands and a lone tear fell on the ground.

'I'll kill you all.Everything single Uchiha, until this clan cease to exist.'Thought Irio who ran into the woods to vent his frustration.

The day after the whole team woke early and continued towards the land of waves.Asuma had Tazuna on his back since he wanted to reach the land quickly.It took them another day to reach it

but then something weird happened.

"Kurenai, do you sense it too?"Asked Asuma as he took his trench knives and got into a defensive stance.Kurenai nodded and scanned their surrounding to find any danger.

Sasuke activated his sharingan and his eyes immediately widened.

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"WATCH OUT!!"He shouted while dodging a giant sword that nearly beheaded him.

"Well, well.I'm seriously wondering why the genjutsu mistress of Konoha and the heir of the Uchiha clan are there."Said a vicious coming from the fog.The figure approached them as Kurenai gasped.

"The demon of the hidden mist, Momochi Zabuza!"Said Kurenai, which shocked Ino who knew Zabuza from the Bingo Book.

'Why did an A-Rank missing nin like him came here?Don't tell me he was hired by Gato?!'Thought Ino.

Zabuza smirked under his mask and took back his sword to block two knives that tried to slit his throat.

"Interesting.Even the son of the Hokage is there.I suppose that you're all here to protect this old man?That's too bad because i'm here to kill him.You should quickly go back to Konoha if you don't want to die."Said Zabuza as he kicked Asuma in the stomach and disappeared in the fog.

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"I've many ways to kill little kids like you.I'm wondering how you want to die?!"Shouted Zabuza who suddenly appeared in front of them.Tazuna screamed and fell on the ground while Ino was paralyzed by fear.Irio and Sato got in front of the two and protected them but couldn't attack Zabuza without risking the safety of the client.


The voice of Sasuke was heard in the fog as a massive water dragon crashed into Zabuza.It sent him flying for a few meters before he used his sword to land.

"And you're supposed to be a demon?HAHAHA!How naive to give such a title to the like of you!!"Shouted Sasuke which greatly angered the demon of the mist.


Zabuza did a few handsigns and multiple water clones appeared in front of him.They disappeared in the fog as Sasuke smirked and prepared a jutsu.

Two Zabuza ran to him and attacked him with their swords at the same time.One sword went for his head while the other went for his leg.Sasuke finished his handsigns as he jumped.

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"Katon:Gokyakuu no jutsu!!"

The fireball hit the Zabuza in front while the other missed his attack and retreated in the mist.

'This little brat, has way more chakra then he should have!His chakra control is higher than mine but he seems to have way less fighting experience.The only way to beat him before the others intervene is to attack him with all my clones at the same time and overwhelm him with brute force.'

Asuma and Kurenai ordered the others to take Tazuna to his house while they stayed behind to defend them.They knew that Sasuke was at the same level as Zabuza but he was still a kid he couldn't beat Zabuza himself unless he used his Susano'o but they knew he couldn't control it.According to the Hokage there wasn't a single Uchiha except for Madara who could control it, so it was too dangerous for Sasuke to try.

Kurenai tried to put Zabuza under a genjutsu but she was too far away to do that.The genjutsu would be too weak and thus useless.They couldn't intervene in the fight since Zabuza would then tak things seriously.Sasuke had the advantage as Zabuza considered him just like a kid and thus didn't fight him with all he had.

However things became way more dangerous than they thought when someone appeared besides Zabuza.



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