The Twins in Naruto

Chapter 30: 30

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Haku pushed Zabuza out of the way and protected himself with an ice shield.The thunder dragon hit the shield and slightly burned Haku's arm.Zabuza reacted quickly and rushed at Sasuke, he threw a few shurikens at him to distract him while he lifted his sword.


Zabuza shouted as Sasuke dodged the shuriken but the sword hit him.


"HMPH!Arrogance is still the main weakness of your disgusting clan!"Said Zabuza as he watched Sasuke screaming because of the gigantic scar he got on the chest.Asuma appeared behind Zabuza and engaged him into a fierce fight as Kurenai did the same with Haku.

'I-I refuse t-to be lose a-against this motherfucker!!!'

Sasuke's got up with bloodshot eyes while his sharingan began to spin and took the pattern of the Mangekyou.


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Asuma turned around and saw the raging Sasuke coming at them with full speed so he moved out of the way.It couldn't be said the same for Zabuza who directly took a massive punch in the head.He flew for a few meters before Sasuke reappeared behind him and grabbed him by the throat.

"It's time for you to understand why the Uchiha have always been so feared throughout the ages.AMATERASU!!"

The black flame of the Amaterasu hit Zabuza while Sasuke's eyes began to bleed heavily.He winced in pain and closed it as he tried to ignore the incredibly painful sensation he was feeling in his brain.


He had no time to react when the massive sword ripped his arm.


Zabuza wasted no time and went for Sasuke's head next but just before he could end the life of the Uchiha, Asuma tackled him while Kurenai catched Haku in a genjutsu that put him to sleep.

Kurenai rushed to Sasuke and used her clothes to make a bandage around his arm in order to stop the bleeding.She gave him a pill to supress the pain as he surprisingly thanked her with a small, tired voice.

"Don't worry, i may dislike you but you're still my student, i won't let you die because i couldn't protect you as your Sensei."Said Kurenai.She then went to Asuma and helped him restrain Zabuza, sadly Zabuza was actually just a clone that exploded at their faces while the real one had already fleed with Haku.

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"This motherfucker!"Asuma said and Kurenai chuckled.

"Yeah, yeah.We will get him next time don't worry.We should quickly bring Sasuke to Tazuna's house so we can heal him.We're lucky i stopped the bleading in time, considering how taxing the Mangekyou sharingan is it could've been worse."

"He's not gonna like it when he wakes up."

"Who would like to wake up in such condition ?"

They both lifted Sasuke and brought him to Tazuna's house.When they entered Ino helped them put Sasuke on the couch while Irio and Sato were nowhere to see.Kurenai asked Ino but she too didn't where they were.

"*Sigh*I bet they went back to help us.Knowing them they should be lost in the forest by now.Kurenai can you please go with Ino and bring them here?"Asked Asume as Kurenai nodded even though she just wanted to relax.

While they searched for the two boys Tsunami, the daughter of Tazuna's prepared a soup for Sasuke and Asuma gave him another pill to supress the pain.The mangekyou sharingan didn't seem to deactivate which only brought more suffering to Sasuke.


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Sasuke couldn't think of anything else than Zabuza.He knew that he had been too arrogant during the fight but it was still a huge hit to his pride to be injured like this.Considering how strong he had become, he shouldn't have been defeated so easily.In the end he knew that he could beat Zabuza only if he trained his sharingan more, but also if he trained in taijutsu which was surprisingly his weakness.He had trained in ninjutsu and genjutsu so much that he had neglected taijutsu, a fatal error for a shinobi since taijutsu was way too important.

"Asuma-sensei after that, i-i want t-to train in t-taijutsu with you."

Asuma smirked and nodded.He wanted to do that since the start but Sasuke was too cold, so when Sasuke asked himself he knew that the little Uchiha decided to ignore his pride and ask for help when he needed it.

Two days later Asuma and Sasuke were training in the forest while Ino and the other boys were training with Kurenai in front of a river.They needed to have a better chakra control in order to use more powerful jutsu.Contrarily to what they though chakra control was even more important than Chakra reserve as it was the main requirement for higher-ranked jutsus.

Asuma was having a great time training Sasuke since it also helped him a lot.He never really told anyone but even though he was great at taijutsu, his last spar was a long time ago against Gai.He was becoming rusty and training Sasuke was a great excercise for him since the boy was learning at a frightening pace.

Meanwhile Zabuza and Haku had returned to Gato who wasted their time by insulting them because they messed up the mission.

Zabuza was angry at Haku because he was supposed to intervene only if Zabuza was going to lose but at the moment Zabuza could've dodged the thunder dragon.Haku had actually just panicked and thought that Zabuza was in problem, after he was still young and he considered Zabuza as his father.In the end the only thing they could was to hope that Zabuza would heal quickly so he could kill the bridge builder.Gato told them that their previous method was too direct so they settled on an assassination at night.

After the 5th day they entered Tazuna's house and walked to his room while using chakra to hide the sound of their footsteps.

They arrived at the room and silently opened the door.When they saw the figure sleeping in his bed Zabuza ordered Haku to stay in front of the room to check if there was no one coming while he took a poisoned kunai and approached the bed.

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In a quick motion he stabbed the figure in the neck and smirked.

'Easier than i thought.I should've done that since the start.'

His happiness quickly disappeared when the figure dissipated like it never existed.


He turned around but Haku wasn't there anymore and the door close abruptly.


He could sense it, he didn't know where it was but he sensed it.

Two eyes looking at him from the shadow while the holder of these eyes had a bloody smirk on his face.

"Welcome to the Devil's den, little demon."

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