The Twins in Naruto

Chapter 31

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Zabuza reacted on instinct and threw a kunai where he thought Sasuke was.Unfortunately he missed and was directly hit by a leg sweep.He fell on the ground while Sasuke approached him with a kunai in his hand, he had a crazed smile that made Zabuza cringe.

"I'm happy to see that you came to me directly.It would've been bad if i had to search for you.Seems like you were actually stupid enough to think you could beat me."Said Sasuke as he stabbed Zabuza in the right leg.Zabuza winced but glared at Sasuke as he reached for his sword.


However he bit on his lips when Sasuke simply kicked his hand away and put pressure on it.He had no way to get out of Sasuke's grip but if he could at least kick him, he could get away quickly.His hopes were destroyed when Sasuke took an explosive tag from his pouch and put it on Zabuza.

"I wanted to enjoy your death but my brother once told me that i should always finish my ennemy before they have time to react.Farewell little demon."Said Sasuke as he grabbed Zabuza's sword and threw him out of the window.


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The explosion woke up everyone in the house and made them rush to Sasuke's room.When they reached it they saw an incounscious Haku besides the door while Sasuke was admiring his new sword.

"A fine sword don't you think so, Asuma-Sensei?"

Asuma gasped when he recognized the sword and Sasuke rolled his eyes.

"*Sigh*Okay, come here i'm gonna tell you what happened."

After a few minutes they all exited the room and went back to sleep, even though they still couldn't understand how Sasuke could kill Zabuza so easily.

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'Well that definitely went better than i thought.It's still weird that people keep dying so easily, but it's the sad truth of our world.'Thought Sasuke while the person in front of him kept crying, his muffled scream could only be heard by Sasuke who was interrogating him.

"Well Haku, you should talk before i lose my patience.The Hokage will like to have someone with the ice release in the village but if you keep playing the though guy, i'm would've to send you to him in detached parts.You don't want that, do you?"

The night was filled by the silent screams of Haku as Sasuke kept his blank face while wondering if he shouldn't join the Konoha torture and interrogating force.With how easy it was to torture for him he definitely should just do that.

The team woke and directly went to the kitchen to eat breakfast since Tsunami had already prepared it.She was slightly scared when she the little smile on Sasuke's face but other than that she was a little happy to cook for someone other than her father and her son.Talking about him he was sulking in a corner while watching everyone eat happily.

"Why do you even bother?"Said Tsunami's son all of a sudden, startling the team.

"Inari!What are you talking about?"Said Tsunami but Inari shook his head and looked at Sasuke with hatred in his eyes.

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"Why do you act as if you could help us?!No one can beat Gato!You better get out of here before he finds you and-"

"And send ninjas to kill us?Because if i'm not mistaking Gato is a little fatass who can't even fight.He uses ninjas and mercenaries to do the dirty work but again i just killed the two most powerful ninjas he hired.So...Do you really think we can't beat that dumbass?It's not because you're weak that other people are too."Said Sasuke with a hint of disdain.

"Y-YOU KNOW NOTHING OF OUR PAIN!!YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT FEAR AND PAIN ARE!!"Shouted Inari as Sasuke began to laugh.His laugh was so loud that Asuma was wondering if he wasn't forcing it.

"HAHAHA!I'm so dead!A little fucker like you think you know pain?!Or fear?!"

"Let me guess.Someone of your family was killed by Gato?HAH!So funny!You truly think that it's fear and pain?!"

At this point Sasuke was just a few inches away from Inari who continued to glare at him.

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"It's indeed fear and pain but it's not enough to act like you do.I killed my own bestfriend, i trained during years in terrible condition to prove my worth.My entire village consider me as nothing than a trophy to show to other villages.But do i act like you?Am i complaining about it, at every single fucking moment of my life?!NO!Because i don't give a fuck!In life you should only care about your future!You can think about your past only when you reached your goal, your dream!!"

Sasuke poked Inari forehead and smiled.

"Only by fighting Gato can you forget the pain and the fear.I know you can't be like me, so instead, become who you want to be.Kill Gato and start a new life, away from all your suffering."

With that he exited the house and went to the bridge to protect Tazuna and the other builders.Inari cried and ran to his room while the others were bewildered by Sasuke's actions.Irio and Sato wanted to think better of him but their hatred towards his clan were too great.They could only slightly change their views of him.Ino was conflicted because for some reasons her old crush on Sasuke was still here and it began to grow even more after what he just said.

Everyone continued to eat while Sasuke was stunned because of who appeare in front of him.


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