The Twins in Naruto

Chapter 32

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Sasuke was so shocked he fell on the ground.In front of him was the second strongest member of the Akatsuki.Pain was a quite man who usually hung out with Konan and Zetsu, normally he wouldn't appear in places like that but since it was the case now, Sasuke knew that something was wrong.

"Sasuke.Orochimaru betrayed us."Pain said simply as if it wasn't that important but Sasuke what he meant by betrayal.Itachi already suspected the man, after all the murder of Shisui was of course to create clones with his powers but also to force Sasuke to come to him.Everyone knew that Orochimaru wanted to steal the most powerful sharingan but Itachi was out of his reach.Obito was completely out of the question, so were the twins.He had to settle on Sasuke but he couldn't juts kidnap him directly.

The Akatsuki couldn't chase after him since they were too busy.The twins told everyone that if Orochimaru betrayed them they should wait after the Chunin Exam to attack him.Sasuke wanted to kill him but contained his hatred.

"If you came all the way here, i guess that it's not only to tell me that?By the way where's Tobi?He should be with you since he's the only one who can teleport on such long distance."

"Obito is waiting for me in the forest but it's not important.I came here to tell you that our plans are gonna start sooner than it was first planned.We are gonna capture all the Jinchuuriki before the Chunin exam and during the exam the Uchiha clan will attack Konoha.According to the twins Orochimaru thinks that the Uchiha clan will attack after the exam, so he will try to attack first with the help of his village Oto and the rest of Suna."

"Okay then, we should go for the Hachibi and Nibi first.They are both in Kumo and should be easily captured during a mission.We already have Kyuubi,Ichibi, Yonbi,Gobi and Rokubi so after Hachibi and Nibi the priority is Sanbi.Nanabi can be captured at any time by Kakuzu and Hidan who are close to Takigakure."Said Sasuke as Pain nodded and gave him a scroll.

"In this scroll you'll find your orders for the plan.During the exam you'll need to fight against the hogake with Itachi since the twins will still be at Kumo during the attack.After the clan takes control of Konoha Fugaku and Mikoto will be appointed as the new leaders while you and your brother will go to Ame.The real war will start soon and as such we can't afford to make mistakes."Pain said as he walked and disappeared in the forest.

Sasuke put the scroll in his pouch and continued towards the bridge.What he didn't know was that Ino was actually there during the whole discussion.She ran towards the house with tears in her eyes .


She couldn't understand what was happening but it was certainly something dangerous.She panicked and directly went to Irio and Sato who were about to leave the house.


When he saw how shocked and scared she was Irio immediately hugged her.Sato frowned since he already knew that whatever she was gonna say, would be a huge problem.



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Irio was surprised by what she said but the only mention of Sasuke brought a raging fire in his eyes.Sato approached them and put his hands on their shoulders.

"It's not safe to talk here.Let's talk inside, Asuma-Sensei and Kurenai-sensei already went to the bridge so we're the only here except for Tsunami."

They nodded and went inside.Tsunami understood that they wanted to talk about something important so she just continued whatever she was doing without talking.

When they entered the room where they slept for the past days, Ino fell ont the bed and cried.She began to explain everything she heard even though she didn't remembered everything, but it was enough to completely shock the two boys.

"So Sasuke works for the Akatsuki?"Said Irio as Sato continued.

"And the Uchiha clan is going to rebel against Konoha?"


They frowned and looked at each other.As if they came to the same conclusion they nodded and hugged Ino.

"Ino with all you just said, it would be too dangerous to tell it to our Sensei.We better keep it for ourselves and then tell it to the Hokage when we get back."Said Irio.

"Ino i know it's gonna be difficult but act as if you never heard what Sasuke said.Otherwise he's gonna get suscpiscious and we aren't strong enough to oppose him if he try anything against us."Said Sato which made Ino cry even more.The boys sighed and left Ino alone in her room.

"Irio what are we gonna do?When we get back we have to train with Raiko-Sensei.At this time if anything happens to Ino we won't be able to help her!What if Sasuke suspect her and wait until we get back to attack her!What if the Hokage don't believe her?!"Said Sato.

"Don't worry.The twins may he friends with the Uchiha but we both knows that they will atleast suspect the Uchiha if Ino tell them everything she heard.We can ask Raiko-sensei to let us stay with her a little bit more, atleast until she can tell everything to the twins and the Hokage."

Sato was reluctant but in the end he nodded and exited the house with Irio.They both continued to train since they didn't have anything to do.

Ino was still crying in her room when she heard Tsunami screaming.


Ino quickly took a kunai and went to Tsunami.What she saw were two ninjas who were trying to kidnap Tsunami.In this situation she still kept her calm and put a trap on the front door.She then made handsigns and waited for the two ninjas to activate the trap.

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"W-WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS?"Shouted one of the ninjas who walked on sharp metal caltrops while the other activated a smoke tag.

They turned around and saw Ino just before she used her jutsu.

"Doton:Āsu mahi!"

The ninjas dropped Tsunami as they were trapped by mud.The mud trapped their whole body except for their head and they couldn't move.No matter how hard they tried they couldn't free themselves.

"You little bitch!Let us go if you don't want to die!DO YOU KNOW WHO WE-"

The ninja was immediately killed by a kunai that slit his throat.Ino wanted to act though but when she saw the slit throat of the Ninja she threw up while the other laughed.


Tsunami went behind the man and knocked him out with a frying pan.

"T-Thanks Tsunami."

"Don't worry Ino, i'm the one who should thank you.If Gato captured me, my father would be forced to stop the construction of the bridge.I don't want to be a hindrance for my father."

"Haha.I know this feeling too."

Ino dropped the corpse of the first ninja in the river while Tsunami tied the other in front of the house.

While they did this, Asuma and Kurenai arrived in front of the Bridge and saw that all the constructors had already fled.Sasuke was fiercely fighting with an entire army of mercenaries as Gato stayed behind them.

"Not so tough anymore huh, Uchiha?You may be powerful but you can't fight a whole army when you're this young!"

Sasuke winced in pain when a kunai hit arm but he continued to slaughter the ennemies with Zabuza's sword.Kubikiribocho was extremely heavy but Sasuke could still wield as if he was born to do it.The sword had accepted him and he was wielding it with such determination, the mercenaries couldn't keep up with him, so they decided to attack him with kunais and shurikens.

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Asuma arrived and jumped besides Sasuke, he took out his trench knives and transformed them into Chakra knives.

"It's not good to gang on a student, as adults you should be ashamed of yourselves."Said Asuma who began to cut through the mercenaries to reach Gato.Kurenai couldn't catch all the mercenaries in a Genjutsu so she just fought alongside Asuma.

The attention of the mercenaries shifted to Asuma and Kurenai so Sasuke used this occasion to absorb a maximum of chakra.

"Sasuke it would be great if you helped us!!"

Asuma wasn't in the best position as he was fighing with 5 mercenaries who could block his knives with their swords while the other were launching shuriken at him non-stop.Kurenai was even worse, she was surrounded by a dozens of mercenaries and she couldn't kill them with the little number of kunai she had left.

Sasuke opened his eyes, revealing the intimidating Mangekyou while a black flame appeared in his hand.

The black flame transformed into a bow as Asume and Kurenai's eyes widened.


They knew what he was gonna do, so they quickly retreated whihc stunned the mercenaries.

"W-WHAT THE HELL IS HE GONNA DO?!"Shouted Gato who was tempted to just run and let them fight between themselves.

"You brought this upon yourself GATO!!"


The bow shot an arrow that passed through the mercenaries, burning all of those it hit.The arrow pierced Gato's leg, making him unable to even move and burning his entire leg.The fire continued to his stomach but it suddenly disappeared.

Sasuke approached him while Asuma and Kurenai finished the last mercenaries.Gato thought that Sasuke had tool pity on him so he got on his knee.


Sasuke smirked when he heard a distant shout and grabbed Gato by the throat.

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"Look over there."He pointed towards the other end of the bridge where an army of villager was approaching, led by the little Inari.

"I told him to kill you himself, it would've been inapropriate if i killed you before he could."


He threw Gato towards Inari and laughed.

"HAHAHA!It's finally your chance to give up on your past Inari, KILL HIM!!"Shouted Sasuke with a cold expression on his face.Kurenai wanted to stop him but Asuma prevented her from doing so.

"It's how the world works Kure.Stopping him would be a bad idea."

Inari grabbed Gato and dragged him to the river.


He drowned Gato in the water and threw his corpse in the river.It was a pretty horrifying experience for him but Sasuke came to comfort him.

"You did what you had to do.Your father would be proud of you, you ended Gato terror on your own.You're a hero Inari."

Inari heard the cheers of the villagers who were calling his name and he cried.

'I-It's finally the end!!'

After all that Sasuke and the team slept one more day at Tazuna's and departed in the morning.

"Now that i thing about it, what should we name the bridge?"Asked Tazuna as Inari chuckled and looked at his grandfather.

"I know the perfect name!Let's name it, the Great Uchiha Bridge!"

"HAHAHA!It's indeed the perfect name!"

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