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"W-Who are you?!"Said Itachi as he was freaked out by the sudden action of Sana.

"I'm Sana!The guy here is my brother Kais!"Said Sana as Kais was surprised by what happened.

'This kid is Itachi?!It could become dangerous if he told the ninjas that he saw us!I hope you know what you're doing Sis!'Thought Kais as he suddenly heard a familiar voice in his head.

'Of course i know what i'm doing Big Bro!'Said Sana as she hugged Itachi even more.

'Sana?!Wait how am i able to hear you?!'

'Don't you remember what the guy said?The game interface allows us to communicate.'

'OOOOOH!Yeah i kinda forgot about that.....Sooo you really know what you're doing our you're just improvising?'

'Don't worry i got a plan!Listen closely cuz it's freaking amazing!'Said Sana as she began to explain the plan to Kais while Itachi was still struggling between her massive breasts.

'I-I can't breathe!!'

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"HMM!!HMMMMM!!"Itachi tried to move her but for some reasons she seemed to be surprisingly strong, so he just moved a little so he could breath and waited for her to get off him, while she continued to hug his body with all her strengh.

'So?Ain't this the best plan you've ever heard?!'

'Well it's true that manipulating Itachi and Naruto can indeed help us but....How are we gonna become citizens of Konoha?I mean they are gonna know that we are powerful, also we are way too suspiscious the hogake will never let us adopt naruto!!'

'Don't worry!We don't actually have to adopt him!We are just gonna act like gentle and caring people and it will draw him towards us, after that we just have to turn him against Konoha!Seriously with how desgusting this village is, it's gonna be fucking easy!'

'What the hell do you mean?!Naruto is the biggest dumbass in the world, how the hell are we gonna make him understand how desgusting Konoha is when he wasn't able to tell that Hinata loved him!It was the most obvious thing ever!!'

'Oh....Yeah forgot about that one...I know!We are gonna act like nice and caring people like i said but immediately after we gain his trust, we will disguise as konoha ninjas and torture him!That way he will fear the village and we will turn this fear into hatred!HAHAHAH!!I'm too fucking smart!!'

'*Sigh*I'm gonna trust you on this one but if it don't work we need to go to the Akatsuki directly'

'Yeah, yeah don't worry!Now, what are we gonna do with this one?I mean we can't control him now since we need to wait until he start to distant himself from his clan.Do you want to do it like we're gonna do for Naruto?Or maybe we can actually get the Uchiha with us!'

'Wait, wait, wait don't tell me you want to help the uchiha in their rebellion so the Akatsuki can control Konoha later?!'

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'Ugh!Fine!But i'm pretty sure it ain't gonna work!'

'Don't worry bro, we just need to get Itachi and Fugaku trust, maybe shisui and sasuke too but sasuke is too little for now.'

'Okay.......But if it doesn't work then-'

"Soooo...You're Itachi right?Itachi Uchiha?"Asked Sana as she totally ignored Kais who got annoued by the rudeness of his sister.

Sana moved got up and freed Itachi from her breasts.

"Yes...Wh-Who are you people?You're not ninjas yet you have such strong aura."

"That's because we are mercenaries!"

'Wait what?!'Kais thought as he began to get even more annoyed.

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"Mercenaries?It make sense but why are you here?Kyuubi has been killed by the 4th Hokage so you don't need to be here.Wait are you even here for that?"

"Well actually we came here to get some missions since we heard that Konoha is the richest village.(technically it is)Sadly it seems that we came at the worst moment huh?"Sana asked as she tilted her head cutely while Itachi turned around to hide his blush and answered in a timid tone.

"Yeah.....It's not really the best moment to come here but you should enter the village now, everything is safe.By the way how did you know who i was?"Itachi asked as he was quite puzzled by that.

"You're considered as a prodigy in a powerful clan so of course we know you!The uchiha clan is quite rich so it's best for us to get the most information we can on our future clients!"Sana said as she poked Itachi on the forehead and his blushed became even more obvious.

Itachi smiled as he touched his forehead and told the twins that he had to return to his clan compound.Sana smirked as she watched the boy dissapear in the forest but her smirk quickly dissappeared when she sensed an evil energy beside her.She turned slowly and saw Kais who had a murderous expression on his face.

"Hihi....I'm sorry?"



Itachi couldn't wipe the smile off his face as he rubbed his forehead.

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'This woman, she seems to be so nice.When she poked my forehead i felt so peaceful......I'm definitely gonna do that to Sasuke when he grows up.'

He continued on his path as he suddenly heard a distant cry.








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