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After the twins finally calmed down they decided to sleep in the forest since they were quite tired.They woke up at noon and did they morning routine while a certain masked man watched them.

Kais and Sana were sparring as they suddenly heard a familiar voice.

"So, what do you actually plan to do?"Asked Obito as he walked towards the twins.

"Well, i've got an amazing plan!We are gonna help the uchiha rebel against the village so we can control them and the village.It should be easy if they know that the great Uchiha Madara is with us."Said Sana as she ran towards him and tried to hug him, only to pass right through him.

"Seems like you got all planned huh?While i think that you're already pretty strong for some reasons your chakra signature is weak."

"That's because we actually never trained in shinobi arts, we are just trained physically."Answered Kais as Obito smirked and laughed.

"Haha!Then i should train you in the way of the shinobi!You two have an amazing potiental and since we are allies i don't want to lose you too early."

"Hmmm...It's a good idea but i think you should give us some training scrolls or something, after all we are gonna live in the village so training with you is gonna be difficult."Said Kais as Sana hugged him from behind.

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"What are you talking about bro?We are supposed to be mercenaries so we can't just live in the village."

"Indeed but in order to control the uchiha clan and Naruto we need to live in the village.We can just live in Konoha and take some missions from time to time while we train."Said Kais as Obito nodded.

"Okay, i'll give you scrolls and training instructions so you can train without me.By the way i'll also bring you to Ame when you become strong enough.Even though you won't join the Akatsuki it's better if the others now who you two are."

"YAY!AME!AME!AME!"Shouted Sana as she shook Kais violently.Obito chuckled and gave some scrolls to Kais, he then used Kamui to teleport back to the Akatsuki base.

"Sis, we should get to Konoha now."Said Kais as Sana let go of him with a pout on her face.

"Mou!I was enjoying myself!"

"Yeah,yeah whatever."Said Kais as he began to walk in the direction of the village while Sana continued to shout at him.

They arrived quickly in front of the gate as the guards stopped them.

"Stop!Who are you?"

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"We are mercenaries from Ame, we came here for work so we need to see the Hokage."Said Sana as she winked at the guard who blushed madly.

"O-Okay, a-an Anbu will l-lead you to the Hokage office you can have a talk with him."Said the first guard as the other glared at him.

"Thank you~"Said Sana in a seductive tone that excited the guards.They wanted to ask her if she wanted to have a drink with them but the glare they received from Kais stopped them.The twins entered the city as an Anbu appeared and lead them towards the Hokage tower.

While they walked Sana hit Kais playfully as she snickered.

"I saw how you glared at those guards, are you perhaps...Jealous~?"

"Sana you know you can't tease me so don't even try.Plus i only glared at them, if a woman flirted with me you would torture her and throw her body in a river."Said an emotionless Kais as Sana pouted cutely.

"It's not true!!"

"Oh yeah?That's weird, because that's exactly what happened with that girl, what was her name again?Ah yes!Selena Gomez!"Said Kais as he began to laugh while the Anbu seriously began to be annoyed.

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"That bitch thought she could have you just because she was famous, you don't need that kind of girl!!"Shouted Sana as the anbu turned around and glared at them.

"You two should shut up, since you aren't citizens of the village or even ninjas i can do whatever i want with you.Trust me i'm really aching to shut your mouth with a kunai."

He thought that they were gonna atleast tense a little but they just returned the glare with such intensity the Anbu thought he was gonna die.

"Did you just threatened us?Haha!You must really have a death wish!"Sais Kais as he began to crack his knuckles.

"Hehe~Atleast he will make a good punching bag."Said a smirking Sana who had a wicked smile on her face.


The Anbu quickly turned around and walked towards the Hokage tower without even glancing at them, as he was freaked out.He clearly sensed an aura of death coming from them and he wasn't gonna die for something like that.


The twins snorted and followed him as they approached the tower, while the people around them watched with them with a growing interest.After all they wore pretty uncommon clothes and most importantly they were extremely beautiful.Their silver hair and their bloody eyes were mesmerizing while their athletic bodies that could be seen through their clothes made them even more handsome.

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They arrived at the Hokage tower and immediately went towards the Hokage office.Since the Hokage wasn't occupied for the moment they didn't have to wait and entered his office.They saw an old man who clearly has seen better days if his sorrowful expression was any indication.

"Oh!Silver hair and red eyes, you two must be the mercenaries that young Itachi talked about."

"Indeed it's us.We came here because we want to become citizens of Konoha.We are currently waiting for some big contract to show up and in the mean time we want to settle in this peaceful village."Said Kais as he bowed to the old man who motioned the two to sit.

"Well, i don't think it's gonna be a problem but let me ask you a question.Why do young adults such as you two reek of blood more than war veterans?I know that you are mercenaries but still.....I never encountered anyone like you."Said the Hokage with a suspscious tone as the different Anbu that were present in the room tensed.

"Old man Sarutobi i think you should tell those Anbu to get out of here for now.It's a pretty....Personal thing and i don't want them to know it."Said Sana who had a surprisingly serious look on her face which was matched by her brother.

Sarutobi nodded after a quick reflexion and motioned to his Anbu to let him alone with the Twins.

During two hours Sana and Kais explained their past to Sarutobi, or atleast a slightly different version.

Sarutobi listened to them and at the end decided to grant them the citizenship.As they exited the room two anbu appeared in front of Sarutobi.One had a dog mask while the other had a cat mask.They wanted to know what he talked about with the twins but he didn't answered to them, he only said one thing.

"Those two.....They're either the biggest monsters the whole world has ever saw or......The most pitiful children in history.Fortunately their parents are already dead."

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