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Sana and Kais were lucky that the Hokage was a kind old man or they would've had to buy a house.Fortunately the Hokage gave them an apartment close to the academy which was perfect since it was actually in the same building that Naruto was gonna live in the future.

They quickly settled in since they had nothing on them, and decided to start their training as they had nothing else to do.They walked to a nearby training ground and started by little warm-ups, and then when they finished they got in position for a spar.

Meanwhile a crowd formed in front of the training ground.Many people were curious about the twins because of their uncommon appearences but also because rumours about them had started to circulate in the whole village.

Konoha was a pretty peaceful place so when some mercenaries showed up it was bound to attract attention, a fact that didn't seem to actually bother the twins.They were used to this, during their whole life they were the center of attention no matter where they went.

Many important people were also present like the clan elders and heads since they had nothing to do in the morning.There was also a familiar black-haired who watched their spar eagerly, after all his encounter with the twins had let a big impression on him, especially Sana.Itachi was still too immature to understand but it was when he watched this spar that he started to develop feelings for Sana, something that will later force him to make a huge mistake.

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Sana rushed at Kais and threw a punch at him but he dodged at the last moment and grabbed her arm.


Kais broke Sana arm and threw her at the ground, he tried to kick her but she used her super speed to appear behind him and elbow him in the back, she then appeared in front of him and threw an uppercut that landed but did little damage.

"*Smirk*What?That's all you have bitch?HAHAHAH!!"He laughed as he grabbed by the throat and started to punch her in the stomach multiple time.He threw her at the ground again as she coughed blood but smiled.

"Absolutely not, fucker."She got up and jumped on him.He fell under her weight and got himself into a painful leglock.Sana wasn't strong enough to actually break his leg but in this position she could easily deal some big damage.Which she did by repeatedly hitting his head against the ground, and only stopped when he started to bleed.

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"So, what did you say?"Said Sana with a mocking smile.

"I said...*Glare*Is that everything BITCH!!"Kais got up in sudden movement and grabbed her waist.She gasped when she understood what he was gonna do and tried to get out of his grasp but he was still too strong for her.A suplex later Sana was left bleeding on the ground.

Kais smirked and took out a bottle of water

"Seems like i won huh?"He asked as Sana stood up and pouted.

"It's not fair!It's been 2 years since i last fought seriously!"

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"And?It's the same for me, my victims never have the occasion to actually fight against me."

"*Sigh*Well it's good and all but we pretty weak compared to monster like Obito and Minato.I cannot wait for us to become real ninjas and kick some asses with some cool moves!!"Said Sana as she drank from Kais's bottle but she stopped when she heard loud cheers.

They didn't know it but this fight had actually amazed many people.While the fight seemed normal it actually wasn't.Their ridiculous strengh and speed made the fight exciting even for shinobi.The jounins were impressed since they knew that the twins weren't ninjas but mercenaries.As such they weren't supposed to be this powerful, as normal mercenaries were actually hired to escort VIP or protect important places when the client couldn't afford ninjas or just didn't trust them.

"It was pretty incredible for two mercenaries."Said a certain blond clan head.

"HAHA!Inoichi we know you were impressed by that woman beauty!"Said a big boned clan head.

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"I-I don't know what you're talking about!I'm married!"Said a blushing Inoichi as the other jounin laughed but one man wasn't laughing.It was a black haired man with pale eyes who had an unusual smirk on his face.

'This woman is beautiful in top of being strong.Hmm........She would make a good wife'Thought the man as he needed a wife since his ex wife died when she gave birth to his daughter.

While it happened another person was watching the spar with interest.It was Obito who came to Konoha to give some scrolls to Sana and Kais.He didn't know why but he had the feeling that he could trust them blindly and for some unknown reasons he actually did so.As such he decided to help them become more powerful, he knew deep down in his heart that wouldn't betray him, unlike 'HIM'.

'Seems like they actually have even more potiental then i thought, during that spar they uncousciously used chakra.I think they are absorbing it naturally, interesting........Very, very interesting indeed.'

Obito went to their apartment and placed the scrolls on their bed but he suddenly saw a weird stain on the bed sheets.He touched it and smelled his finger as he smirked.

"My, my .Sana is naughtier than i thought......I'm wondering if she's just horny or lusting after her brother.*Sigh*I'm starting to become more and more relaxed, it's not good.I should be preparing for the war.Then again it's good to be relaxed sometimes."Said Obito as he used his kamui to go back to the Akatsuki base again.

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