The Two-Faced Venerate Emperor

Chapter 1008: 1008

He felt that the hand he was holding was suddenly heavy, and he could not hold it.

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A little loose hand, Huan Qingyan took the opportunity to regain the freedom of the hand, only a light mouth: "today and childe Ya will be together, the cause and effect are clear, please childe Ya self-respect, don't bother me in the future!" With that, he turned around and left.

Jimo Ya stretched out his hand to stop him, knowing that he stretched out half of it and stopped there. He looked at the back of Huan Qingyan and seemed to want to firmly remember this scene. Maybe this is the last time he and Xiaoyan met!

Just looking at the magic Qingyan step by step

Laisheng looks at Jimo Ya's whole body's vitality seems to have been taken away, Huan Qingyan step by step out of his life, he seems to have no love.

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In the heart dark sighs a evil fate!

He opened his mouth and said, "Ben Sheng is the uncle of ya boy. He has the courage to call you a Yan girl. As for the thousand year banquet, Ben Sheng swore with his life that ya boy really had no feelings for that hundred Li purple Xi. He did it in order to bring out the true face of the hundred Li purple Xi, only because he did not think well, it caused such a misunderstanding.

Before the Millennium banquet, ya Xiaozi proposed to cancel the plan. He said that he was very distressed to see you depressed and didn't want to let you suffer from such rumors and grievances again. It was the old man of the wine saint who refused to accept the plan. He was afraid that something should happen! Let ya boy agree with the people's justice, so in fact, it's also our old man's fault.

At that time, when Lingquan was opened, everyone was scrambling for a place to absorb Reiki. Only ya boy was thinking about you. He wanted to take you back to Lingquan for cultivation and absorption, but he found that you were missing.

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Immediately left everything, just worried about you and the children, in order to find you, not hesitate to owe the family leader's favor. All the way to find it, we also received the spirit crane of the white boy. When we drove, you had been taken away by the mad saint, leaving a mess in the ground

Speaking of this, Lesheng couldn't help sighing: "we only found the child's body under the ruins and brought it back to Jimo home! Child - "just about to say something, suddenly stopped, only squint to see one side has reluctantly come back to Jimo ya.

Huan Qingyan listened to the two words of the child, and stopped. Hearing that Lesheng was suddenly stuck here, he could not help but look back and ask, "I'm sorry for him. Has he ever settled down now?"

On that day, she was taken away by crazy saint and Nangong Beichen because she was in a coma, and forgot about the baby. When she came to her senses and wanted to look for her again, the mad Saint told herself that the child had died and asked him not to think about it any more.

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I was immersed in the grief of losing my child all day. At this moment, I suddenly remembered how lonely it would be if the child was left in the wild mountains and forests?

So the first question to ask is the burial of children.

Bailifeng is nervous. Yan's intelligent appearance is just the expectation of the future of Baili family. The most safe thing is that she will not go anywhere and only practice at home.

Very worried, Yan wench, in case she forgives Jimo Ya again, isn't this arrangement of the hundred Li family made clothes for the children of the Mohist family?

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How can there be such a good thing in the world?

Seeing that Huan Qingyan asked about the burial of the child at the moment, he felt guilty. At that time, he only took Yan as his guide. The child was dead, and the situation of Yan was in danger. If he delayed for a while, he was afraid that his life would not be saved.

But anyway, he threw the child's body under the stone heap. Although he knew that Jimo family had driven him away, after all, he left the child's body. When he mentioned the child, he was always a bit uncomfortable. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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