The Two-Faced Venerate Emperor

Chapter 1009: 1009

See Laisheng will be the topic of the child, want to let Yan wench moved, immediately feel bad.

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At the moment, she said impatiently, "if you say it, throw out the water, and then you'll be cut off if you say it! Jimo Lai, what do you mix with an old man

Lesheng and mad Saint confront each other for a while, and the atmosphere becomes tense.

Or snow old can't see down, came forward to pacify the shoulder of Huan Qingyan: "girl, don't listen to that madman, this is between you and childe ya, no matter how, it is a misunderstanding or a real betrayal, at least we should find out the truth! Can't muddle through the past, can't it? "

Magic Qing Yan see snow old, should be very attached to, but now she is indifferent love, also only light toward snow old line a gift, but in the eyes still revealed a little warmth.

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Xuelao looked at the face of Huan Qingyan as cold as frost. He was in a trance and seemed to see another shadow which was somewhat similar through her.

His eyes were more amiable and filled with some faint memories: "master made such a mistake when he was young. He thought that what his eyes saw was the truth and misunderstood others. As a result, it led to a lifelong regret. If the master was willing to calm down and listen to each other's good talk, maybe he would not... " At the end of the speech, he was aware of the aphasia and stopped speaking immediately.

In the light of the old mood, also want to turn sad! Even if they break up, they have to be clear, right?

After a pause, she turned again.

This shows that she wants to hear the final explanation.

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Lesheng was overjoyed, and immediately saw the magic beauty, especially to the eye. This little girl is beautiful, with high status and high cultivation. She can also listen to advice. She is a good girl!

Xunzi said: "the future is still a matter of life."

Even if ya boy wants to give up, he won't agree.

The unique dragon spirit treasure of ya Xiaozi. The last Jin Dynasty was because there was no matching Phoenix Lingbao, which led to the flourishing of heart demons. Not to mention that this Lingbao has never been found in mainland China before. If there is one, young or old, I'm afraid they will find someone to cooperate with ya Xiaozi's double cultivation.

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In the past, he has been sawing with Jimo Ya for many years just to make do with Luan Lingbao.

At the moment, with the authentic fenglingbao, the couple still have a lot of affection. It's just a misunderstanding. Can't you untie it?

When the time comes, you don't have to worry about cultivation. I.e., the Mo family won a daughter-in-law of God's choice. It's not very cost-effective.

Therefore, in any case, we should let the illusory Qing Yan eliminate the mustard in the heart.

Xun shengben felt that it would be awkward to sit and listen to children's love and love when he was old. Now Lai Sheng, who is not serious, has to be involved by himself. It's really disrespectful for him! Like mad sage, how old are you and how old are you to worry about the feelings of the younger generation!

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to be fair, he won't tell you the truth, but he can tell the truth. To tell the truth, jimoya is really wronged!

For the sake of the great righteousness of the human race, I personally put myself on the body with a beautiful man's plan. I got a hundred Li purple when I was tested. But I hurt my sweetheart.

This kind of misunderstanding, catch up to solve also estimated that everyone is happy, go home to hold baby is very good!

However, he met a cruel mother, Murong Ru. He had heard about his behavior. He just wanted to control Jimo career and make his idea to the next generation? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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