The Two-Faced Venerate Emperor

Chapter 1023: 1023

Although Bai CHENFENG doesn't believe it in his heart, he thinks that the wording of Nangong Beichen is too exaggerated, but it's related to Huan Qingyan. He can't believe it!

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Leave the bride price team and rush to.

It's a sea of people at the gate of a hundred Li family.

A little inquiry, it's really for the sake of illusion.

Huan Qingyan shocked Lingbao mainland as soon as she appeared. The new God elect, Feng Lingbao, the blood of Baili family's return!

All this made her famous.

Not to mention that on the day she became a god elect, she cut off the relationship with Jimo ya, which was really blinding.

As soon as the people who came to participate in the celebration of the hundred Li family left, the news was conveyed in all directions.

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I don't know how many people have carefully selected the most elite and promising children in their own family, packaged them, and then took all kinds of promises and conditions and went straight to the hundred Li family.

Such a glittering signboard, i.e. Mo's wealth is too thick to care about. The rest of the people are still very rare.

Married home, hundreds of years without worry.

We are not stupid, this time is a speed, grab is a time.

One after another gathered in the hundred Li family.

Bai Li Ren never knew that this woman was so miserable.

At least 20 people should be met every day. The subordinates will issue 20 numbers to go out every day. When he gets up, he will start to turn over the signs.

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From morning till night, I deal with all kinds of old foxes and see the so-called outstanding youth in Lingbao mainland.

Look at a hundred Li Ren have a heart shadow.

As one of the eight big families, he saw the eight families most. The children of the four university palaces and the holy academy all had high vision.

Now, if you look at the children of other families, they all feel that they are a little worse.

In particular, these other people's children want to arch the best cabbage in their own garden, so they become more and more picky.

Even for a few days did not see can let him look at the child, a hundred Li Ren also have depression.

However, seeing that there is only one brand left today that hasn't been turned over, Bai Liren feels more comfortable when he thinks that the hard work of the day is finally over.

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Let the subordinates bring in the last person to ask for marriage today.

A look, unexpectedly some familiar.

Isn't this the white boy of chuiyun Empire who helped Yan talk that day?

On that day, I could see that he was very fond of Yan's eyes and felt sorry for her.

Now I look at it carefully. Well, he looks good. He is worthy of being the son of the royal family. He is already a Xuanling teacher at a young age. His talent is passable, and his position is also noble. It is said that chuiyun empire is now the next emperor with the greatest influence and is almost certain to be the next emperor.

She is also infatuated with the girl Yan. Well, you can consider it.

Bai Li Ren thought in his mind.

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Bai CHENFENG knows that if you want to marry Xiaoyan, you must first please the people of the hundred Li family. The clan leader is very important.

He can do anything for Xiaoyan, but put down his airs and say a few good words. What's difficult.

Therefore, he introduced himself sincerely, expressed his admiration for Baili family, and then expressed his love for Xiaoyan. Finally, he presented the bride price list that he brought with him, which was full of sincerity:

the next queen of chuiyun empire; he promised that he would have only one wife in his life and never take concubines; he would take a rare property at the junction of chuiyun Empire and Baili family Mine with ore and 50% profit to Baili family

Only the Shangqiu family can match such rich conditions.

Bai Liren said that he was very satisfied. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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