The Two-Faced Venerate Emperor

Chapter 1024: 1024

His face was still calm, his eyes showed a bit of gentleness, but the tone of his mouth was still not missing: "my nephew's heart, we know that this is a marriage event, not a joke, we will consider it again. My nephew, I've been working hard all the way. Come on, take the white Prince down to have a rest -- "

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seal the white dust, and the rest of the words are blocked in the throat.

Then he walked slowly.

When Bai CHENFENG returned to his bed and saw Nangong and Beichen, he couldn't help complaining that he was a thousand year old fox. After reading the etiquette list and listening to the conditions, he didn't say what he thought!

Nangong Beichen looked at the white dust seal eating shriveled, and finally felt better.

These days, he depends on watching these to ask for marriage. He is picky and fastidious. At last, he doesn't give any proper words. All of them are hanging around like this.

One by one, they were so anxious that they had to be calm and magnanimous.

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Huan Qingyan is arranged in the most secluded and quiet courtyard of the hundred Li family.

Outside, all of them are subordinates of crazy saint. Don't try to fly in a fly protecting the yard.

In addition to crazy saint and snow old can occasionally come in to have a look, people nearby are not allowed to enter.

It is also forbidden to spread rumors into the yard, and those who find it will be severely punished.

Therefore, she did not know that the hundred mile family outside had been rushed by countless people to marry her.

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Only focus on the closed and stable state.

One day.

Suddenly, her heart moved, as if there was a place gently involved in something, sour, soft, her original hard cold heart, seems to be soft up.

That kind of warm feeling, let always depressed depressed depressed heart, also relaxed a bit.

I don't know why, Huan Qingyan can't help but touch her heart, and the corners of her mouth are also up.

Just came to see her snow old see in the eye, eyeground flash a touch of relaxation, light back out.

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outside the small courtyard where your wife lives.

Jimo Ya negative hand standing behind the courtyard, eyes indifferent looking at the courtyard, do not know what to think.

Knowing the news, Murong Xinnuo, who came in a hurry, saw Jimo ya, his eyes brightened, and he flew up: "cousin, it's great to see you, Wuwu ~"

Jimo Ya's body was wrong and avoided Murong Xinnuo. His face was cold: "what are you crying for?"

Murong Xinnuo didn't rush to people, his face was stiff, he raised his hand to wipe his tears, secretly looked at Jimo Ya's face, cleverly stood aside, "Xinnuo is happy to see my cousin. Cousin, you forgive your aunt, don't you? In fact, my aunt also regretted. She's living a hard life now. Would you like to see her, cousin

Jimo Ya raised his eyes and took a deep look at Murong Xinnuo. She was at a loss. Her eyes didn't know where to put them, and then nodded.

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Murong Xinnuo see Jimo Ya nod, immediately jump up happy, eyes tears have not dry, face has opened a smile.

Such as lotus with dew, extremely delicate and pitiful.

Jimo Ya has no interest in seeing more than one eye, so he raises his feet and goes to the yard.

Murong Xinnuo saw the door of the courtyard creak shut, a line of clear tears quietly flowing down, standing for a long time also nobody paid attention to her, only chatting and ran away.

Walking into the courtyard, jimoya will see the magnificent and splendid courtyard in ordinary days, which is full of decaying state at the moment.

Because there is no one to clean up and clean, there is no one to trim the flowers and plants in the yard, growing randomly, and there are fine weeds growing in the cracks of bricks. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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