The Two-Faced Venerate Emperor

Chapter 1025: 1025

Fallen leaves covered the yard, full of bleak feeling.

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It seems to hear the movement, has been closed in the room has been moving, the sound of footsteps stumbling out.

Where does your lady still have the elegant and lofty appearance of that day? Her hair is disorderly tied behind her head. Her clothes are not luxurious. She is just the most common coarse cloth, and she has no ornaments at all.

Because of the limitation of cultivation, the true spirit Master's state could not suppress his body's old state. His eyes were wrinkled and his face was very haggard.

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Surprise in the eyes to see the end of Jimo, a stiff, trying to make the past high cold to come, frowning for a long time, but just reluctantly look less embarrassed.

"You seem to be thin --" Mrs. Ru tried to build herself up for a long time. Her face was still stiff and her voice was hard, and she had no concern at all.

Jimo Ya looked up and down your wife, a smile: "mother looks good."

Your wife was choked by Jimo ya, her face turned blue, and she wanted to get angry. But now she still expects Jimo ya to save her own life. She has to bear it first and wait for her to go out.

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In this way, your wife gnawed her teeth and swallowed the irony. She bowed her head and made a look of regret and guilt: "my mother knows that this time my mother is reckless, but she really didn't want to kill the child. She is only old and lonely. It's better to have a child with me, so that I don't miss your father day and night. But I didn't expect that there was an accident in the middle. It was also the child's fortune that didn't give birth to our family. However, my grandmother couldn't bear it. So I knelt down in front of the statue of the saint every night to repent and recite scriptures, hoping that the child would have a good birth in the next life. "

if you really deceive people with a mouth, it would be very good. At least she would have fooled herself into believing that she didn't really want to go to the mother to leave her son, it was just an accident! Yes, it's an accident!

Jimo Ya gently brushed off the fallen leaves on the stone bench in the courtyard, sat on it, glanced at the yard carelessly, and then opened his mouth: "my mother has really had a good life. After only a few months of Kung Fu, she has learned to repent. I think the clan leader must be very happy. My mother has made such progress. When my mother is so old, she can reflect on herself. I think it's right to lock the soul array. The son must tell the patriarch to let his mother stay longer. "

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Jimo Ya this is not light or heavy, seems to be a light reply, but let your wife back startled a cold sweat.

This place can't stay for a day. This heartless villain still wants to stay here longer? Others are children who suspect that they were picked up by their parents. Mrs. Ru is deeply suspicious that she is the mother of her son's phone bill?

As soon as your wife was afraid, the regret that she had just reluctantly pretended to be out of the blue sky immediately flew out of the sky. Under her panic, she showed her original face: "Jimo ya, you rebellious son! How could I give birth to you? Not only is not filial to mother, but also want to imprison mother, do you think of me? Are you worthy of your father?

How much hardship did I bring you up alone? Now that your wings are hard, will you disobey? "

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Jimo Ya looked at your wife singing and reciting, crying and scolding endlessly, a face I was too disappointed with you, did not expect you are such a rebellious expression.

Suddenly I feel like laughing.

This is his mother! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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