The Two-Faced Venerate Emperor

Chapter 1026: 1026

If anyone who doesn't know about it at the moment hears your lady's accusation, he will be accused of his lack of filial piety.

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Originally, he came to see your wife today. He wanted to settle accounts with your wife. He warned your wife not to fight against Xiaoyan and her children.

Your wife swore to her heart, but she would rather go against it and suffer from the great fall of the realm, but also to deal with Xiaoyan and the children.

He just wanted to ask her why she should be so cruel and treat her own descendants? Did she have no compassion, no love?

This is the question that he wanted to ask since he was a child and has been hidden in his heart.

But now, he felt he didn't have to ask.

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Slowly get up, Jimo ya to look at your wife again, the past those very weak expectations and disappointment, now all disappeared, eyes are completely indifferent.

"The patriarch ordered that from today on, you should kneel down in front of your father's tablet every day, stab blood and write blessing scriptures, three times a day, to pray for my child who was born under your poison!"

Jimo Ya finished, with a wave of his hand, ink four on holding his father's tablet, respectfully to the top of the room.

Then he walked out of the yard, closed the door attentively, and turned a blind eye to your wife who was wilting in the ground after hearing Jimo Ya's words.

Jimo Ya came into the room, picked up a stick of incense, went out, passed by your wife, only left a sentence: "from today on, you and I have a mother and son separation, in the future, there will be no your wife in the world, only Jimo's guilty wife Murong you!"

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This makes your wife fall into an ice cave. She finally realizes that her son, who she has always resented, resisted and refused to get close to, has finally been completely pushed away from her.

However, another anger surged up in her heart. Your wife's eyes were red, her mouth was purring, her face was twisted, her eyes were full of hatred when she looked at Jimo ya, and she wanted to kill her quickly.

"I knew, I knew that you were not my son! You are a villain. I once dreamed that you were not my son at all!

You don't know which monster was born into my stomach to harm us! I want to kill you, but that is to say, those morons of the Mohist school are watching closely and forcing me to give birth to you. After that, you killed my husband when you were a few years old. Fortunately, I didn't want to get close to you. I was not killed by you!

You are the disaster star. You killed my husband and your child. Ha ha, you are a disaster Star ~ ~ ~ "

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when you come to Jimo ya at the door, he finally understands the reason why your wife has been keeping away from herself. Is this the case, is he a dream life?

Mengsheng is usually Those who have a great history are reincarnated.

When he thought of this, his brain was stunned. It seemed that there was a strange memory rising. When he wanted to explore carefully, there was nothing left.

Jimo Ya didn't study this matter any more. It's not urgent. I'll talk about it later.

Now Xiao Yan and her children are the most important.

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In this case, he really has no attachment to your wife. Xiaoyan wants to kill her to be happy. He has to keep her first

He gave her a cold look and strode out of the yard.

The door of the courtyard closes slowly, shut your lady's voice inside, and there is no movement.

Even Mo Ya didn't return, he just ordered: "keep an eye on Murong Ru and Murong Xinnuo, and see what they've done and who they've come into contact with. Be careful!"

The air around me writhed and the wind blew, and some people took orders and disappeared. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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