The Two-Faced Venerate Emperor

Chapter 1028: 1028

A hundred miles old fox like character, just said, immediately go to Mo ya, anyway, even Jimo Ya can't deal with it. What's the qualification of marrying a girl with no brain who was coaxed away by him in a few words?

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My family is married, not charity!

What's more, Jimo Ya saves a lot of things like this. It's just that you can weed out the good and the bad. Isn't the rest just good talents?

Just don't know, Jimo ya that boy, so hard work, but help his family to pick out a strong rival in love, what expression will it be?

A hundred Li Ren sneers in his heart.

Jimo Ya is really don't know, of course, he knows that his behavior is to help Bailijia, but he also has his own ideas.

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One less is one of these species.

No matter who it is, as long as it is Xiaoyan's idea, he can't stand it.

What's more, those are some crooked melons and split dates, just like that kind of goods, also mean to marry Xiaoyan? I haven't woken up!


bailiren, bailifeng and several elders of bailifeng have a leisurely life because of the help of Jimo ya.

After picking up a pile of them, I estimated that the young people in Lingbao mainland were a little good, and they basically caught all of them.

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They don't look up to the rest. It happens that someone is working hard to drive people away. The Baili family doesn't spend half of their efforts, and their reputation is not bad. Why not?

So a few of them were sitting in the chamber, choosing from a group of primary candidates and continuing to select carefully.

"I think it's a good boy from Shangqiu's family. His talent is no less than Jimo's! Girl Yan, you must match the Phoenix treasure with the Dragon treasure. I don't need to mention it. But the plant spirit treasure is also a perfect match with the Shangqiu family's. If you lose a dragon spirit treasure, you can't even abandon it? "

"I think the prince of chuiyun empire is very good. When I see her, she is deeply rooted in love. Although she is not one of the eight families, she can't wake up the blood of ancient times, but now it's the early stage of xuanlingshi, and it can't be underestimated!"

"I think the new generation of Murong family seems to have a good boy, but it's a pity!"

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"It's a pity that the Murong family, for the sake of Murong you, a married girl, dare to have a black hand on Xiaoyan. You can imagine that the Murong family's family style is not very good, do not want to!"

"The current patriarch of the Nangong family is actually good. He has awakened the ancient blood and is stable. He has a good friendship with Xiaoyan. Unfortunately, he has been engaged. Alas, he is still young. Why is he engaged so early?"


A group of people are particularly picky, pointing to the information, very dedicated, almost no quarrel.

However, there is only one unified opinion, that is, as long as it is not Jimo ya.

Jimo Ya is now in the daily routine outside the hundred Li family to meet the clan leader.

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It's just that before I arrived at the door of my home, I saw a familiar figure.

Immediately let a person bring over, fixed a look, really know, this is not Xiaoyan's contract slave Ma Tianyin?

He was sent by Xiaoyan to protect magic lady and magic star cold. How could he appear here?

Ma Tianyin saw Jimo ya, and immediately bowed to salute: "I've seen you."

Jimo Ya nodded and asked, "aren't you protecting your mother-in-law and Xing Han? Why are they here, but something happened to them? "

Xiaoyan is very concerned about the phantom lady and the younger brother. If they have anything, they will worry again. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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