The Two-Faced Venerate Emperor

Chapter 1029: 1029

Ma Tianyin hesitated for a moment. He came all the way. He had heard a little about the love and hatred between the master and the prince ya. It was said that the two had broken up, and the master was still recruiting in mainland China.

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But how to see the childe career, with no difference from the past, even the master's mother-in-law, this is the rhythm of breaking up?

But if he didn't see the master, he would not ask more. However, what he asked was not something that could not be said to people.

Therefore, after hesitating for a moment, I still opened my mouth to answer: "I'm going to report back to you. I was ordered by my master to guard the old lady and young master. But a few months ago, I suddenly vomited blood and was unconscious. Half a month later, when I woke up, my realm fell a level. Because I didn't have an accident, I only guessed whether it was because of the master servant contract that the master was seriously injured, and the small one was injured because of the apportionment. The old lady and young master were very worried and sent a little one to see the master to see if he was all right

Jimo Ya drooped his eyes, only felt a throbbing pain in his chest. Even Ma Tianyin, the servant contract, was seriously injured. He vomited blood and was in a coma for half a month. How did Xiaoyan, the man who suffered at that time, survive at that time?

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Ma Tianyin lowered his head and blocked a trace of coldness in his eyes. He was intentional.

All the way to hear the master and childe Ya of those things, regardless of the truth, but the master was injured, the little master also died! It's all the fault of gongziya! As a man, even his beloved woman can not protect, even he despises.

Although after seeing childe ya, he found that there might be something inside, but it did not prevent him from giving a small tone for the master.

Jimo Ya where can not see, not only not angry, but also appreciate.

Xiao Yan has such a loyal protector of the Lord, he is only happy.

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Therefore, silk did not mind, but said: "now Xiaoyan is closed, I'm afraid you can't see her, but you can pass a message in."

Then he told one of the Mohists to take Ma Tianyin to worship.

Because of the leadership of Mo Wei, the guards of the hundred Li family doubted Ma Tianyin's identity.

However, they didn't dare to make decisions. After a long time, someone came out to have a look and took Ma Tianyin in.

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Ma Tianyin is only a casual practitioner, and his previous status and accomplishments have not given him a chance to enter these big families. At the moment, his opinions are incomparably exquisite and rich.

Just in order not to lose the master's face, he tried to control not to see more, not to speak much.

Even if the people of the hundred Li family who brought him in all kinds of beating around the Bush, he just laughed and didn't disclose a word of the key words.

It's not that he is careful. He doesn't know what the owner is like. Before meeting, he won't trust any one of the hundred Li family.

Ma Tianyin was taken to the side hall, and Bai Li Ren met him with great face.

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In the hall, there was a fight for Yan's husband and son-in-law. He couldn't stand it. He heard that Yan's contract servant wanted to see him, so he simply hid himself under the pretext of this.

When I saw Ma Tianyin, I wanted to explore the man's true and false background.

But Ma Tianyin is one track minded. No matter how he tries, he doesn't reveal a word about his master.

In time, he was surrounded by the pressure of a hundred Li Ren, and his whole body was dripping with sweat. Almost all of his bones would be crushed and would not say a word.

Bai Li Ren also respected him as a man. He took back his authority and began to open his mouth: "girl Yan is in seclusion. Now it's only half a year. There are still half a year to go. If you have something urgent, you can tell me, and I can make decisions." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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