The Two-Faced Venerate Emperor

Chapter 1040: 1040

In the surrounding red background, more and more thin and lonely.

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The first thing the family wanted to decorate was actually the unintentional courtyard, but it was rejected by Huan Qingyan.

The anniversary of her baby's death has not yet passed. The Baili family and the Shangqiu family should settle the matter as soon as possible, so as not to be understood by night.

And she in order to increase strength as soon as possible, to the baby revenge, can also be urgent to make a marriage engagement.

But if you want her to decorate the yard, full of joy, it is a determined not to.

For more than half a year, she only eats vegetarians and wears light colored clothes for the sake of the baby.

But let her not have a year to wear red and green, then she is still a mother?

Snow old has always understood her idea, but also sighed to find the crazy saint, crazy Saint no longer said anything, let it go.

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As for the various betrothal gifts sent by Shangqiu's family, they were carried into the heartless courtyard like flowing water. She only ordered people to put them into the storehouse, so she was not interested in seeing them more.

Crazy saint and hundred Li Ren discussed, before because of the Huan Qing Yan sad, two ears do not hear things out of the window.

I don't have much contact with people in my family.

Now I want to get married with Shangqiu family, in order to have a good relationship between Baili and Shangqiu in the future, and also to make Huan Qingyan's ties and feelings to the Baili family deeper.

Two people feel, let the girl of the same age in the family accompany Yan wench more, contact and contact feelings.

Bailiren immediately contributed to bailigabao.

Bailijapo was also very happy. She wanted to go for a long time. Huan Qingyan had seen her before. In the holy city, she was together with the male god of gongziya at that time. Everyone was jealous and ignored her

But Garbo was fond of her. It was a magical feeling.

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Now I want to come here. It turns out that they are related by blood!

After hearing about her life experience and the baby's affairs, she has been very sympathetic and worried about her. It's so miserable and pathetic.

Before she secretly went to the courtyard outside several times, did not dare to go in.

Now it's just right now that bailigabao is walking happily towards the heartless courtyard.

She must give full play to her waste heat and enlighten her younger sister to stop being sad.

This time found back Qingyan younger sister, than the hundred Li purple Xi that witch, the impression is more than 100 times better.

Wuxinyuan, Huan Qingyan is looking at the sky and fixing her mind. When she doesn't practice, she often looks at the sky

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At this time, a maid came in to announce that Miss Garbo was coming.


Huan Qingyan still has some impression on Baili Jiabao. He has seen it several times in the secret place. When he looks at it coldly, he doesn't agree with Baili Zixi. On the contrary, it means a little tit for tat.

An interesting girl.

When he was invited in, he saw that Bai Li Jia Bao saw that he was no different color, neither flattered nor envied secretly.

He is neither humble nor arrogant, and his attitude is natural and natural.

The heart first looked at two points.

After only a few words, I felt that they were quite similar in some aspects.

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Just changed the idea that there is no outstanding person in the new generation of the most hundred Li family. The Baili Jiabao looks at the quick words, and his mouth is poisonous, which makes the point to the point.

But in fact, I have a clear idea, good vision and magnanimity.

It's worth paying.

Baili Jiabao also thinks that Huan Qingyan is firm in heart, resilient, and does not have the stink of Baili purple. She has become a god elect, but she is light, and does not mean to be superior to others.

Also looked at a high point, felt that the phantom inclines the Yan to be pleasing to the eye.

Both of them were quite fond of each other. They were about the same age and had a pleasant conversation. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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