The Two-Faced Venerate Emperor

Chapter 1041: 1041

In particular, bailijapo introduces the history of the Baili family and some internal relations of the family. It is simple and direct, and the words are extremely precise and sharp. In a few words, it can show the relationship map of Baili family in front of her.

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It's really a good time to talk to each other.

Until it was late, the two were still inseparable.

If it wasn't for the patriarch to send a message and let Huan Qingyan meet a very important guest, they would talk all night.

Baili Jiabao is strange. I haven't heard of any distinguished guests coming to Baili house today?

However, it is not good to say that these days, the home is full of guests, maybe just came here, because I like the illusion of Qing Yan, he also asked: "do you want me to accompany you?"

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With a smile, Baili Jiabao's disposition is really lovely. If you like a person, you will treat it wholeheartedly.

I just make friends with myself. I don't see anything like this. I wish I could take care of you.

He was moved, but he declined. The patriarch sent Jiabao. At the moment, the message didn't mention Jiabao. He certainly didn't want to let Jiabao go: "no, I'll go alone. I don't have any good things in my yard. You can have a look. I'll come back when I see the guests."

Baili Jiabao doesn't care about it either. Huan Qingyan's unintentional courtyard is the courtyard of mad sage's subordinates. No one can enter the courtyard on weekdays. When she comes in, she naturally wants to have a good visit.

So he waved, "go, see you."

Huan Qingyan shook her head and told the maid to treat Baili Jiabao well. She walked slowly towards the courtyard where the patriarch lived.

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Wuxinyuan is far away from the center where the patriarch lived, and it has to pass through a large garden.

Since he made up his mind, Huan Qingyan's mind has been much more peaceful. In these days of the Baili family, apart from closing down, he hardly has time to enjoy the garden, which is famous for its exquisite and peculiar architecture.

At this time, step by step, it is really a scene step by step, small bridges, water, pavilions, very delicate.

The attendants who led the way in front of them were not in a hurry. They only led the way in front of them, and then a crane flew into the servant's hand.

When the servant opened the crane, a voice came: "ah Qing, where did you die? Captain, get together in a hurry

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A Qing's servant, embarrassed to hold the crane, looks at the magic Qing Yan.

Huan Qingyan waved: "you go, I'll go by myself."

Ah Qing was overjoyed. He said thanks again and again and left without touching the ground.

Looking at the figure of ah Qing leaving in a hurry, Huan Qingyan shakes her head and is about to carry on walking, only to find that the scenery in front of her is suddenly repeated.

The delicate scenery around faded away and was shrouded in a vast white fog, which could not be seen clearly.

Oops! Huan Qingyan immediately realized that it was wrong and held her breath.

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But there were still two wisps of white fog drilling into her nose, she only felt that the senses suddenly became particularly sharp, and all kinds of noise came from her ears.

There is the sound of birds, the voice of people far away, and even the sound of running water It's all in my ears.

All kinds of sounds are mixed, amplified, and the illusion is almost caught off guard. So many voices rush into the brain, and the whole person is confused.

However, or the reflexive to his body cloth under a protective shield, just covered the head about to burst, slowly squat down.

At the same time, he works hard to keep his mind awake while he works hard to relieve the discomfort of his head.

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