The Two-Faced Venerate Emperor

Chapter 1042: 1042

The pain in the brain slowly subsides with the release of spiritual power, and the phantom inclines to open his eyes slowly, and the white fog is slowly dispersing.

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The noise in my ears faded away, and only one voice became obvious.

It was the cry of a baby. It seemed to be lingering in her ears. After a while, the crying voice slowly went down. Suddenly, the baby's crying became high and shrill, and then it went down again. It seemed that only the gasping voice of throat was left

A sound into a black hook, will be the magic Qing Yan drag back to that has become a nightmare day.

She seems to have returned to that day, that kind of fear and despair, unable to protect the baby, can only bear the pain to let Ye Lingbao take him away, hoping to get a ray of life.

It seems to see that the baby was hit by a pile of gravel, his face was blue, his face was stained with blood, a pair of innocent eyes, lost his look, straight at the sky

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There is a sound of wailing in my ears: mother ~ mother, the baby is so painful! Mother, help me! help me!

Huan Qingyan's face was full of tears, only felt that the sound of crying, like a sharp knife, a knife a knife cut the flesh of her heart, deep into the bone pain.

Mother, why don't you save the baby? How cold the baby is! Baby a person lying under the stone, body pain, cold, mother, you hold the baby, accompany the baby?

She had eaten the eyes of the fox people and had a certain resistance to illusions.

But the voice lingers in the unreal Qingyan, just like weeping blood, with the strange attraction of desolation, which makes the eyes of Huan Qingyan awake again.

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There is a voice in the bottom of my heart to tempt her, to accompany the baby, the baby is so cold, so painful! Just give him a hug.

Huan Qingyan saw in front of the dense fog, a small body, slowly climbed over, wrapped in the clothes he had given her that day, stained with blood and dust.

A small face was black and blue. His eyes were lost. His limbs seemed to be broken by stones. He was bending at an unnatural angle. He crawled behind him, dragging a long black and red bloodstain.

See the magic inclined face, dull repeated: "mother, the baby is cold! Mother, hold me, hold me... "

Huan Qingyan all the mind are attracted by the small body, bewitched by the sound, step by step forward.

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It's baby!

Her wrist began to heat and red, as if to remind her, but the aura shield around Huan Qingyan was slowly dissipated, the white fog wrapped around her, and the hot wrist piece slowly died down

Huan Qingyan finally walked to the small body in front of him, squatted down, and put the baby in his arms and shed tears.

The baby's face in his arms showed a strange smile, and slowly opened his mouth. Two rows of sharp teeth flashed with cold light, and bit down on the neck of Huan Qingyan

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jimoya was feeding her baby milk Poria cream when she received the news of the marriage between Baili family and Shangqiu family.

The baby has changed a lot now, but after more than a month, his food intake has increased a lot, and his body has been recuperating, almost a day.

The small arm meat toot, like tender fresh lotus root, the face is also round, with light powder, skin white tender blow can be broken, a pair of big eyes, black and bright like stars, eyes blink, stars all over the sky are reflected in his eyes. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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