The Two-Faced Venerate Emperor

Chapter 1043: 1043

Eyelashes long and curly, nose elegant straight, lips pink as petals, a smile revealed two small dimples.

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As long as he smiles at you, you almost want to hold the best things in the world to him.

Hearing the news, jimoya's hand stopped in the air, which caused the baby's extreme dissatisfaction. His mouth was babbling and his hand was clapping on jimoya's face to refresh his mind.

Jimo Ya smiles and rubs the baby's head. He feeds a bowl of Poria cocos cream and coaxes the baby to sleep.

After that, Mo Si has been waiting for a long time.

See Jimo ya come out, bow to report: "little Lord, Liuyun flying car has been good, can start at any time."

Jimo Ya nodded and ordered: "send the baby to the Holy Lord there, you stay and stand by."

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Mo Si takes orders.

After watching Jimo ya get on the bus, it turns into a meteor and disappears in the sky.

I'm so anxious that I can't wait to arrive. My woman has already got married. Jimo Ya left the transmission array and sent it directly to the holy yard, and then from the holy yard to the Baili family

In this way, it costs huge spirit stone and contribution value, but there is no way.

Jimo Ya had no time to clean up, and went straight to the hundred Li family, seeking to see the illusory Qing Yan.

Baili Ren was personally received, but the attitude is very firm, see the magic Qing Yan, no way!

But if you really want to, you can stay. Half a month later, when the two families get married, a glass of wedding wine is very welcome.

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Jimo ya face a black, when he is a ninja turtle? Stay to see your own woman and other men engaged to drink?

Only saw a hundred Li any eye, namely Mo Ya cold face to say goodbye.

Hundred Li Ren does not stay, just looking at the back of Jimo ya, slightly shaking his head.

Jimo Ya out of a hundred Li home, Mo Wei people around, see Jimo Ya facial expression is not good, ink four that is not afraid of death, no one dare to ask.

Jimo Ya pondered for a while and let the Mohists go back to other hospitals first. He was depressed. Even if he could not see Xiaoyan, he could be closer to her, and he seemed to be able to feel at ease.

After walking around the hundred Li family for a while, Jimo Ya stops. There are two yards separated by the high courtyard wall, which should be the unintentional courtyard where Xiaoyan lives.

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Although he did not go in, but at the moment, the structure and layout of Baili family are clear.

Ten Zhangs away from the courtyard wall, there is a tall maple tree. Jimoya looks around for a moment. No one jumps onto the tree, finds the position and looks out from afar.

All of a sudden, his eyes shrunk, immediately found something wrong, and he could not feel the breath of Xiaoyan.

Things are wrong, Jimo Ya identified the direction, while sending a message to Mo Wei, while chasing down.


Huan Qingyan wakes up and finds himself lying in a strange room with a hard bed under him, and the bedding is stacked at the foot of the bed.

On the table and the ground, there was a thin layer of dust everywhere, and there was also a smell in the room that had not been inhabited for a long time.

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She moved her arm and felt like a thousand gold, and her whole body was limp and limp.

Running the spiritual power in the body, it is found that the spiritual power is sealed by a force in the Dantian. Once it is moved, the elixir field is so painful that people almost faint.

Huan Qingyan felt pain all over, a cold sweat came out, the broken hair on his forehead was soaked, and the whole person seemed to be pulled out of the water.

I dare not groan.

Finally, when the pain subsides, Huan Qingyan tries to feel the Phoenix and ye Lingbao on her wrist. She seems to be separated by something and can't communicate at all. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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