The Two-Faced Venerate Emperor

Chapter 1055: 1055

Forced to bear the pain of the cone, bailiye Jun dragged his seriously injured body and moved to the courtyard. Facing the gate, he sat down against the pillar and waited quietly.

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However, after a meal, I heard a loud bang. The gate was kicked open and the Mohists rushed in.

Bai Li Ye Jun smiles, lowers his head and caresses his chest and murmurs: "purple, purple..."


in the black air, there is a pair of black eyes, full of evil and evil.

"Hundred Li purple, this fool has not been successful again!" A cold voice came from the black air. "It's really not enough to accomplish something, but more than a failure. It's estimated that the hidden thread planted in advance by my father will also be discovered."

"It's exposed anyway. Let her die..."


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jimoya and Xiaoyan have been separated for such a long time. Now Ruoyu Wenxiang is holding her in her arms. Originally, she just wanted to make her quiet and separate her attention. Who knows, in the end, he couldn't help it.

This girl to him, like a magic spell, a little on, like a flame, will burn him.

Knowing that there is danger here, the two bitches out there don't know whether to go or not, and some of them want to be here, and they will do it!

Suddenly, touch her face clip, tears flow turbulent, heart a pain.

He stopped his invasion of the city.

"Xiaoyan, what's wrong?"

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Since the death of the baby, her heart seems to live in a devil, the pain of the moment, in the resentment, in the curse

Now Jimo Ya reminds her of her love in the past. Love makes the devil in her heart retreat to the second line.

Huan Qingyan was lying on the bed with tears flowing from the corners of his eyes. He murmured to himself, "Jimo ya, I'm sorry..."

Jimo ya a Zheng, this girl seems to have what unusual?

Before he hated him well, now say sorry, no, let him have a kind of not very good feeling.

"Jimo ya, I'm sorry, it's not you who killed the baby. It's me who killed the baby! I dare not admit it all the time. I'm afraid that I can't live. Even if you make a big mistake, I should give birth to the baby safely. Besides, I'm too headstrong. My ability is low, but I'm always willful. The killer who killed the baby is actually myself! "

Jimo Ya where to see her, cry so sad, just feel confused in the heart.

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Like treasure, she was picked up from the bed and coaxed softly, "no, it's my fault, it's all my fault, I didn't tell you the real situation..."

Huan Qingyan buried in Jimo Ya's shoulder and choked, "no, I'm the main one who killed the baby. Today I'm possessed of the devil's spirit. I don't want to become a walking corpse or a devil controlled by hundred Li purple. Just right. You killed me, I want to go down to accompany the baby..."

"Nonsense, the baby is still alive. Leshengzun has saved the baby. Xiao Yan, your evil spirit can also be solved. Cheer up. "

Huan Qingyan raised his head, a small face covered with tears, beautiful Phoenix eyes only sadness and pain.

She reached out her hand and touched Jimo Ya's face, "Jimo ya, don't lie to me, the baby is dead..."

Jimo Ya wants to speak, and Huan Qingyan presses his lips with his fingers.

"Listen to me, jimoya, it will be very difficult to get rid of my evil Qi. Until today, I feel that a trace of evil Qi has been planted in my body. It is not just the one hundred Li Zi Xi planted for me today. I don't know when it was infected. I don't realize that it makes me impulsive and confine me to the abyss of endless pain ”

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How can the light of Jimo's eyes be dim?

The people who planted evil spirit to Xiaoyan before, do you think there are demons around them?

So unconsciously, seems to be more brilliant than the hundred mile purple Xi?

Who could it be?

Magic eye?

Is the eye always around them? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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