The Two-Faced Venerate Emperor

Chapter 1056: 1056

Jimo Ya input a trace of aura to Xiaoyan, to help her resist the evil spirit that gradually comes up in her body.

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"Xiaoyan, no matter before or now, there is a way to help Don't think about it. "

Huan Qingyan laughed desolately, "don't bother the saints. I'm guilty. I'm going to accompany the baby. Jimo ya, please don't let us hurt each other again. I forgive you. I'll forgive you from today on."

Jimo Ya is caressed by her little hand, which is his favorite.

In normal times, he enjoyed this rare love.

But now, Huan Qingyan's hand is trembling, despairing and full of color of failure.

"Xiaoyan, you believe me, the baby is really alive. You go to Jimo family with me now. No matter how long the evil Qi can be solved, I have solved it once, and I will certainly be able to solve it."

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Huan Qingyan, with tears in her eyes, shook her head, cried and laughed, "no, I won't believe you any more, and you don't have to cheat me again. Jimo ya, if there is an afterlife, I hope we don't meet again..."

Jimo Ya is holding the hand of unreal Qing Yan, for a while, stiff and incomparable.

He has always thought that he is the heart to spoil the woman, just want to give her happiness and happiness!

I didn't expect to hurt her so much by accident.

"Jimo ya, my heart is so painful, you can kill me, you can also be free, we can all be free I don't want to take revenge on your mother. I just want to accompany the baby now. Hurry up, the evil spirit is attacking me again... " The voice of Huan Qingyan is getting weaker and weaker.

Jimo Ya again cold feelings of people, at this time also can't help, eyes moist.

This wench, he sees more than the life, how can start to kill her?

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I'm really sorry. At that time, I chased Bai Li Zi Xi out of the devil and didn't tell her the truth. Or he shouldn't have agreed to the proposal of the wine master. Now he just wants to keep the magic and spend the rest of his life in peace. This is his greatest happiness.

The future of fame and fortune, even the justice of the human race, is nothing more than a passing day than having her.

"Don't talk nonsense, Xiaoyan. I'll take you to see the baby."

No, go to holy city first.

There should be an exorcist in the hands of the drunkard!

At that time, the altar was opened, and the drunkard was present. Jinling collected a lot of them and later used them to deal with demons.

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While the evil spirit of the little devil has not completely spread, it must be dispelled from her body.

Just then, outside the yard, the voice of the mad Saint sounded.

"Little girl, is it in there?"

Jimo Ya even said, "yes, Shengzun! Here it is

Huan Qing Yan's face gradually filled with a layer of black gas, and she heard the baby's voice of tender and fear.

Mother, I am so cold, mother, you come to accompany me

She begged to look at Jimo ya, "Jimo ya, please, kill me. The baby is waiting for me underground. He has no father, he can't have his mother with him..."

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"That's the magic guide of Baili Zixi to you. It's not true. Xiao Yan, take a rest first. Don't think about it. Wait for me to marry you." Jimo Ya was tortured by her heart will be broken.

This girl is sent down by heaven to torture him, the only soft threat.

Kiss her on the forehead, and then ruthlessly ordered her sleep hole.

Huan Qingyan sleeps in the past.

Fingers still tightly grasp his sleeve, not relaxed. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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