The Two-Faced Venerate Emperor

Chapter 1057: 1057

Two days later, Jimo Ya and crazy Saint came out of the heartless courtyard tired.

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"Thank you very much Jimo Ya sincere thanks.

Xiaoyan is out of danger now, and the evil spirit is almost expelled.

The mad Saint absorbed the evil spirit from her body with the golden spirit, which cost a lot. At that time, the golden spirit opened by the altar was captured and refined by several semi saints.

They're all good babies. They're very useful.

It was built on Huan Qingyan and used a lot of gold spirit It takes at least 10 or 20 years for the altar to be pregnant with the golden spirit, and not many of them are opened each time.

"Well, why are you still here? What do you want to thank for saving our Baili family girl? Go and go, where is fun, where to go! " Mad saint is like a cat whose tail has been trampled on.

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Jimo Ya smiles and worries, "holy Reverend, who planted the original evil spirit hidden in Xiaoyan's body? We didn't even find out, could the devil's eye be around us? "

"I don't know. I'm also guessing the possibility. I will send a spirit crane to the holy yard to explain the situation in detail. Fortunately, Xiaoyan has not become a demon. If she becomes a demon, Jinling will not be able to save her. You boy, get out of here. Xiaoyan of our family is going to be engaged with Shangqiu boy. Don't think about it. Go away

Jimo Ya smiles but does not speak.

It's easy to walk.

It's crazy saint's turn. It seems that the boy has a lot of tricks!

Why don't you ask him for something? Clearly in that hut, holding Xiaoyan's rare treasure is very good, now, really so good to talk, a rush away?

Regardless of him, anyway, he has temporarily closed Xiaoyan's memory of these two days, and will be engaged soon. Let's settle down first.

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Shangqiu boy looks more reliable than Jimo boy. It's better to follow Shangqiu boy!

Yeah, that's it.


Huan Qingyan only felt that he had a long dream. In the dream, it was chilly and piercing, and then seemed to be held by a warm sun. It was cold and cold, and it was warm and comfortable.

After waking up, I just feel lazy all over and I don't want to move my fingers.

Try to remember how you fell asleep?

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She could only remember that the patriarch had sent for her, saying that a distinguished guest had come to see her.

And then the fog went down, and she knew it was a little bit dark, and then she went out into the dark.

Always feel that they seem to have forgotten something very important, but try to think, but a blank, what can not remember.

A groan, knead his forehead, magic tilt Yan open eyes.

As soon as I opened my eyes, I saw Baili Jiabao's happy smile: "sister Qingyan, you wake up!"

Seeing that Huan Qingyan wanted to sit up, he also gave her a hand, carefully stuffed a pillow for her back, and then asked with concern: "how about it? Is there any discomfort? "

That posture, when the illusion inclines the face with the fragile goods, careful.

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Huan Qingyan is a little dizzy. She is just sleeping. How can she be so nervous?

Shaking his head: "I'm fine. How long did I sleep?"

Bailigabao told the maid to come in and said, "you've been sleeping for two days and nights. Are you hungry? Would you like something to eat? "

Huan Qingyan looks at Baili Jiabao with disbelief and sleeps for two days and two nights?

No, I'm not going to see the patriarch. I'm in the garden on the way. I don't know how the fog started. Then I don't know how to wake up again. It's actually two days later. What's wrong with this. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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