The Two-Faced Venerate Emperor

Chapter 1080: 1080

After all, everyone has a certain attachment to their biological mother, which is human nature.

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Jimo Ya because of your wife's affairs, also has certain dispirited.

"Unreal inclines Yan to raise a head, the eye is bright," really OK

Living in seclusion, only she, Xiaobao, and jimoya have no heirs, no family fights, no power struggles That's getting closer to her dream.

"Yes, for you and for Xiao Bao, we'll live a quiet life, not too much."

Huan Qingyan smiles at him, like a hundred beauties.

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"Good! Thank you, husband

Jimo Ya suddenly felt that the spirits were upside down. He took a step forward and put his arms around the magic Qing Yan, "lady, I won't go tonight, right? It's very important to miss you for my husband... "

Huan Qing face such as rouge, faint red, "wait for marriage to talk, tonight I sleep with Xiaobao."

Jimo Ya innocent eyes, "we three can sleep together, the bed is so big, I promise not to do anything..."

Huan Qing Yan bah, "get out of here!"

Holding Xiaobao in her arms, the maid came to invite Jimo ya. "Uncle, please go back. The patriarch has ordered me. When it's time to get married, please try not to come back to our young lady."

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Jimo Ya stares at the shadow of the unreal Qing Yan and disappears in the corner of the inside. Then he reluctantly takes back his eyes. The flowing light of the ink pupil twinkles and smiles silently.


in the large jungle with complex terrain, there is a small team of demons behind the hundred Li purple.

Let them do whatever they want.

If they are not allowed to do anything, they are puppets without self-consciousness.

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Look at the hundred Li purple Xi, now it is black air entangled, her appearance is more and more ugly, skin black gully, wrinkles, thin and weak only see bones, no meat, like a walking corpse in general.

All the way to escape, she turned all the practitioners she met into her demons for her work.

After all, she was too weak to do so alone.

Her look is the reason why she has become more and more demons.

When she was fleeing in the jungle, suddenly, a black whirlpool appeared above her head, with a black eye blinking inside.

"Master!" Hundred Li purple Xi surprise way.

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The devil eye was cursing, "who let you move the eight families on a large scale? I've told you several times that the eight families are still unable to move. It's not a good time. Now you turn more than a dozen guards of the Baili family into demons, and all of a sudden, bailiren's old fox finds out that it's wrong. Now the eight families are searching for hidden demons on a large scale. If I buried the hidden lines before, you can be a fool and give you a break! "

Bai Li Zi Xi was scolded so much that she didn't dare to answer back. "Master, I have no way. More than a dozen experts besiege me. I can only I Please forgive me

If it wasn't for her strong demonic spirit, she would have been killed or recaptured to the Terran by now when people demonized people.

She used to be a direct disciple of the hundred Li family. In a flash, she became a bereaved dog. The gap was too big. If the evil spirit in her body did not support her, she would not have been able to survive now.

The devil eye was writhing in the whirlpool of black air. After half a sound, he said, "forget it, this is the matter. I'll give you some magic Qi for the time being." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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