The Two-Faced Venerate Emperor

Chapter 1081: 1081

A hundred Li purple Xi was suddenly happy.

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There is a black line in the black whirlpool connected to Baili Zixi's body. The appearance of Baili Zixi looks like a walking corpse, and soon begins to change.

Flesh and blood is full, looks no longer ferocious ugly, skin wrinkles also gradually smooth.

It even looks like a normal person.

The facial features are more and more charming and white

Bai Li Zi Xi was overjoyed, "thank you for your magic

The devil eye snorted, "your behavior and brain are not very good. From today on, I will contact you all the time, and all your actions will follow my command."

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"Yes, master." A hundred Li purple Xi droops her eyes, and some desire to speak and stop.

"If you have anything to say, just say it!" The magic eye said impatiently.

"Master, am I the devil you control? If so, why do I still have my own thoughts? " This is Bai Li Zi Xi's doubts at the bottom of her heart.

Magic eye said, "of course, you are not an ordinary demon puppet. You are the apprentice of the master, and you choose to inherit it in the land of Lingbao. Since you were young, you practiced the skills of our demon family, including your inspiring skills. All of them were adapted by the master himself, so that we can also practice them. You are an authentic demon warrior! In the future, after you help me unify the land of Lingbao, I will take you to a higher level. You and I will work together to conquer the world... "

Bai Li Zixi's heart was a little calmed down. "Thank you for your cultivation. Zixi will do all you can to help master and complete your great career."

The devil eye said, "good, now you take these demons and avoid to the demon land for the time being. You can't stay. Now that it has been discovered, do your best to control as many as you can. You can be blessed at any time as a teacher. "

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"Yes. Master


MA Tianyin has been repairing the injury in Baili family for half a year.

Because Huan Qingyan gave him a lot of rare spiritual plants, and because of the loyalty of the Baili family, they gave him a courtyard full of vitality.

Ma Tianyin not only recovered from all his injuries, but also was surprised to break through to the later stage of zhenlingshi in one fell swoop!

It was something he didn't even think about.

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The first thing Ma Tianyin did when he went out of the pass was to report good news to Huan Qingyan.

Huan Qingyan is knitting a sweater for Xiaobao. Xiaobao is in the cradle next to her. She sleeps soundly.

Jimo Ya is a magic weapon for Xiaobao. She is not afraid of water immersion, not afraid of fire. It is warm in winter and cool in summer. She can change her size automatically as her child grows up. It is very suitable and convenient. However, Huan Qingyan's knitting sweater for him is just her mother's love.

This more than a year, Xiaobao is not around her, if ordinary children, where will recognize her?

But Xiaobao is different. She calls her mother her mother at a glance and is attached to her. This is the telepathy between mother and son, and also the blood relationship.

What's more, Xiaobao's IQ is ahead of time. When he was still in the belly of Huan Qingyan, he could already understand the quarrel between adults.

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Huan Qing Yan is not enough to see his son, suddenly the maid outside to report.

"Miss Ma, I'd like to see you."

"Well, let him in."

Ma Tianyin came in and saw Huan Qingyan wearing a butterfly opera Narcissus skirt shirt. She was slim, with a sharp face and a skin of coagulated fat. She looked very beautiful. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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