The Two-Faced Venerate Emperor

Chapter 1089: 1089

Jimo Ya handed the treasure in his arms to Mo Si. Who knows that the baby is holding on to his clothes, "the baby should hold it, and the baby should hold it too..."

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Only a month later, the boy's speaking level is much more agile.

White tender face, written with two words to play.

Jimo Ya would like to kneel down for him and kiss his son. Your father can't easily recover your mother. You can't do this!

The little baby didn't see the sad eyes of Jimo ya, and grabbed his clothes tightly and pretended to be dead on his shoulder.

Jimo Ya thought about it a little, but he didn't care about him. He went to the front of Huan Qingyan, and with another hand, he picked up Huan Qingyan and left

There was no pressure on him to hold his son in one hand and his daughter-in-law in the other.

In the crowd's joyful coax sound, Jimo Ya is thus holding a big one a small, out of the cloud Ya house.

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The onlookers outside burst in an instant.

"Wow, the bridegroom and the bride are out!"

"Ha ha ha, childe Ya is very powerful, and my wife and son came out together..."

"Hum, gongziya married someone else. It should be envy, jealousy and hatred. Why do you suddenly feel moved to cry when you see here? It's so happy "Hum, hum..."

Jimo Ya put the magic Qing Yan into the 18 lift sedan chair. Huan Qingyan looked at his son's lovely, and wanted to pick up his son. "Do you want to sit in a sedan chair with your mother?"

"No, the sedan chair is a woman sitting, the baby is a man, the baby is not sitting in the sedan chair."

There is no language in my face.

You're just over a year old. Can you be considered a man?

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It's small milk balls, right!

What's more, do you want to be so mature? You can go through it!

Think again, this boy in the stomach, can understand their conversation, this IQ is no one.

Forget it, this boy is going to heaven. Let him go.

Huan Qingyan keeps a graceful posture and sits in a large sedan chair.

Firecrackers ring, singing ceremony of the Li Po began to say a festive message, that is, according to custom, Moya rode on a tall horse.

Jimoya is a traditional wedding ceremony. Xiaoyan and he have suffered too much injustice in the holy city.

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Especially after she was pregnant, she was said to be wild and insulted by demon people. Because he was possessed of evil spirit at that time, he conspired with the half saint, calculated the former Saint, and failed to protect Xiaoyan in time, so that she was misled.

Therefore, he wanted to hold a grand wedding to compensate Xiaoyan.

Jimo Ya holds the baby and goes to the horse. The baby doesn't obey, "Dad, I want to ride a dragon, I want to ride a dragon..."

"No, my father must ride a horse and guard beside your mother's sedan chair. Otherwise, in case someone bad comes to rob your mother, what will you do?"

The baby said decisively, "the baby rides the Dragon alone! It's not that the baby has never ridden... "

Jimo Ya can not, sacrifice the Dragon Lingbao, the baby whoosh all of a sudden jump up.

"Well, the auspicious time has come for the wedding ceremony to begin..."

A row of feather guards in front of the road, the crowd will be crowded, clear a way.

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Under the leadership of bailijapo, twenty brides spread gold paper, spirit stone, or some aura candy, aura peanut, etc The crowd was boiling.

The wedding procession began to move slowly.

Huan Qingyan looks at the situation in the air with the divine sense. The baby is old and strange, lively and active, and has some worries.

"Master, I'll go, I'll take care of the little master." It's Zhu Lingbao. No, it's Xiaofeng Lingbao communicating with her consciousness.

It's true.

See a bright smooth Phoenix shadow, from the big sedan chair drill out. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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