The Two-Faced Venerate Emperor

Chapter 1090: 1090

He soared up and chased longlingbao.

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"Wow, it's very nice! Fenglingbao! The legendary Phoenix spirit treasure

"Hum, cry jealously! Gongziya was robbed by the fairy of Luan Lingbao before, but now she is robbed by the woman of Zhenfeng Lingbao. Why? Why is God so unfair to me? I want fenglingbao, too... "

"Go away, Wang Erya! Don't you all have husbands? Children have two children, but also crazy! Childe's career should belong to our unmarried girls Damn it, don't snatch the candy at my feet. It's the blessing candy from childe ya to our unmarried girls


There were five and a half saints on the other side of the sanctuary.

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Wine saint, Xun Sheng, crazy saint, Lai Sheng, and snow saint!

The five semi saints seem to have pale and clear expressions. They are sitting on a high platform, drinking tea and pulling home routines. Actually, they all tend to stretch their necks and look out.

The platform is divided into three levels, and the half saints sit in the center of the third floor.

Today, there is a table on the same level as the semi holy seat.

This table is the patriarch of Jimo family, Jimo Wuchang, and Bai Liren, the patriarch of Baili family. These two elder representatives of men and women are the most qualified to preside over the wedding ceremony.

There are only two tables on the third floor.

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The area of the second floor is larger than that of the third floor. Some seat areas scattered around are some elders of Jimo family and Baili family, as well as young talents.

As for the eight families, the seats for the rest of the families are on the first floor.

Of course, even the people sitting on the first floor are basically Lingbao mainland, worthy of a name

More people are the common people around the platform. From the waist to the bottom of the holy mountain, there are people everywhere. These people can't squeeze into the holy mountain. Anyway, the new people will walk the streets, go to the center of the holy yard and worship the ancestors of the human race.

So it's all waiting here.

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The five and a half saints are all kinds of expressions, Xun Sheng is serious, the wine saint is drunk and smoked, the mad saint and the Laisheng are not in each other's eyes, and the snow Saint looks at the sky!

Snow Saint a person to sit a position, close to him, will be affected by the cold on his body.

Lesheng couldn't help it. "Lao Xue, do you have any opinion on me? If you have any opinions, just say so. You don't have to be cold to me like this... "

Snow saint's eyes coldly swished at the past, cool and secluded way, "do you think?"

"I don't agree with the family, that is to say, they don't agree with the family? It's the old madman who saved her from death... "

Jimo Lai coughed and did not reply.

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He had nothing to say. At this time, he wanted to marry the daughter of the hundred Li family, even if it was reasonable.

After bailifeng finished, Xue Sheng looked at him leisurely, "your Baili family is not so good. It's not that I said you don't even know the people of your own family. Are you seriously aging your IQ? At that time, he took the witch back and didn't invite people from Nangong family to have a look? Cat and dog, do you take it home

Bailifeng choked and argued, "I'm in the closed door. I don't know what's going on outside. It's said that someone from the Nangong family came to see me, but everything meets the requirements..."

Xue Sheng sneered, "conditions? The witch has a magic eye master's command. What conditions can't be made? It can only be said that this plot has been planned for more than ten years. It's just pitiful for my poor little apprentice to play with the people of your hundred Li family as monkeys... " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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