The Two-Faced Venerate Emperor

Chapter 1119: 1119

Keep pecking Now Murong is not as good as Huan Qingyan.

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Jimo Ya has been smiling at the side, looking at the magic Qing Yan, with encouragement and appreciation in the eyes.

Murong you want to take back Lingbao, but Jimo Ya under the border, do not let her Lingbao back.

Murong Ru finally recognized the situation, and changed from scolding to appealing, "Xiaoya, please let her stop Xiaoya, my mother is sorry for you, and my mother is sorry for your son, but this woman is just an outsider. We share the same love between mother and son. Please stop her and save mother... "

Jimo Ya still that pair of cloud light breeze is clear, smile not smile look, "Murong Ru, you forget, you and I have no relationship between mother and son, please respect yourself."

"Xiaoya, Xiaoya, my son! Mother is wrong, mother is wrong! Saints, saints, I Murong Ru, although I have not made much contribution to the human race, my husband has made a great contribution to the human race in his lifetime. Please save me without looking at the faces of monks and Buddhists. Don't let this little whore waste my accomplishments... "

No one paid any attention to her.

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Look at the sky together.

Feng Lingbao pecked like this is also very tired, not long after, it also stopped.

The White Mink Lingbao has changed from a solid Lingbao to a shadow Lingbao, which indicates that Murong Ru is only a spirit master now!

Murong you can't stand such a big contrast. Because her cultivation has dropped sharply, her evil Qi can't be resisted. Jinling is always restraining her. In addition, the harsh environment of the prison

Murong Ru fainted in the past.

No one took pity on her.

Only Lesheng sighed, "the old thing of Murong's family has gone through the customs. I'm afraid it's not easy to explain it. Old wine man, I'll give me a certificate at that time..."

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The wine Saint promised.

Instead, he praised Huan Qingyan and said, "girl Yan, you're a good Feng Lingbao. You'll bully you in the future. You'll let Feng Lingbao bite his dragon Lingbao. You can see that he's not virtuous. He's not rampant. Do you know?"

Jimo Ya coughs, the parties are present, holy respect, can we speak well?

The depression in the heart of Huan Qing Yan was finally put down.

Xiao Bao's revenge is finally avenged today.

Good. No matter who bullies her in the future, she will return with tit for tat.

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"By the way, ya Zixiao, did you just say you came to see us Lesheng said again.

Huan Qing Yan and Ji Mo Ya looked at each other.

Jimo Ya first gave Laisheng and Jiusheng a big ceremony. "It's like this. Xiaoyan and I have experienced a variety of things, and our heart has become indifferent. We decided to take our children and leave the holy city to live in seclusion. We hope the saints will be successful."

As soon as the words came out, both Lesheng and Bacchus turned pale.


"Well, who are you? Terran genius, future star, how can you have this irresponsible mentality? Ben Sheng does not allow it


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Lesson almost resolutely refused.

But looking at Jimo Ya and Huan Qingyan, the two saints suddenly feel that things have become a big deal.

These two children don't seem to be improvising.

It's about playing real!

The drunkard was also worried. In the impending embarrassment, he suggested, "for such a big thing, we should sit down and have a cup of tea to discuss and discuss. What are we going to do in this prison, walk around, go to my cave, and have a good talk..."

…… , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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