The Two-Faced Venerate Emperor

Chapter 1120: 1120

In this way, we went to the cave of the drunkard.

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As soon as you enter the mansion, you will feel the fragrance of wine.

The two half saints took their seats, and Jimo Ya and Huan Qingyan waited respectfully at the beginning of the ceremony. They held hands and looked happy and firm.

Lessone said, "tell me, which of you had this idea?"

Jimo Ya was not flustered and said, "Shengzun, is our common meaning. Xiaoyan and I have experienced too many hardships, but also underestimated many things. Fame, wealth and status are just floating clouds. I just want to keep Xiaoyan and Xiaobao and lead a plain life

Huan Qingyan also bravely stood up, "yes, saint, we have decided, hope the saints can be successful."

After so many things, her heart is already tired.

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Even the magic lady, who raised her from childhood to adulthood, can betray her and frame her, and her last trace of concern is gone.

The human heart is really too terrible, pitiful, pathetic.

"Ordinary people? Plain life? You two carry the hope of two big families. You can't be ordinary people! No, Ben won't allow it. " Lesson's direct refusal.

It's not easy for the Baili family to find such a genius, but they haven't covered the heat yet?

Let's go now!

How can this be?

The mad saint is not here, and the demon chaser Bai CHENFENG has not come back. If he and his wife let go of Huan Qingyan without permission, it is not easy to explain to the old madman.

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What's more, the family of Jimo was trained as the leader of the Terran family since childhood. When they left, the burden was laid down, and the Jimo family did not die of vomiting blood.

But the two men were determined, that is, something was wrong with him.

Hold your finger and pinch it quickly

Here the wine Saint advised, "girl Yan, you are the food saint of your hundred Li family. You are the God chosen by yourself. Are you so irresponsible, do you want to live up to the pains of the food saint?"

Huan Qingyan was not humble or arrogant. He said, "I'm very honored to be a master of Yaosheng. However, Yaosheng doesn't ask me anything. My younger generation will live in seclusion and will not give up cultivation with my husband. We will still try our best to cultivate, and we will not fail to live up to the inheritance of the master."

Jimo Ya also said, "please don't worry, Xiao Yan, I will take care of it, and I won't let down my practice. I just don't want to have anything to do with this worldly life."

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The drunkard has nothing to say. These two little guys don't seem to be improvised. They should have been premeditated.

He has no blood relationship with these two little guys, and he is not good at being a big villain.

I'm anxious. I'm going to turn Jimo Lai with my elbow. At this juncture, how can the old boy not react? At least say a word!

After several turns, there was no response.

Again, lesson is pinching his fingers and calculating what

As soon as he closed his fingers, he said to Jimo Ya and Huan Qingyan, "you want to live in seclusion and no longer assume the position of family heirs, do you?"

Huan Qing Yan and Jimo Ya should be together.

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Lesheng said, with no expression on his face, "you can also..."

As soon as this sentence is uttered, the wine saint is in a hurry. How can this be done? This can't be!

But if the Terrans are in trouble and the families are in trouble, are you willing to come back and help

This question

Let Jimo Ya and magic Qing Yan a Leng, soon, they two way, "nature is willing, really one day, I and Xiaoyan are duty bound."

As a human race, as everyone's children, this responsibility must be borne. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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