The Two-Faced Venerate Emperor

Chapter 1131: 1131

Lingbao land is so large that the scope of semi saint's divine consciousness is about the size of an ordinary country, which can't be compared.

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But the mad saint was not willing to go back. He thought that most of the white dust seal was to escape to the demon clan, so he quickly rushed to juelie mountain.

Juelishan mountain, a rolling mountains, is the largest mountain range in Lingbao land.

It's this mountain range that separates Terrans from demons.

After the mad sage arrived, he hesitated for a moment, then flew into the mountains and searched carefully.

It's just that the mountain range is so big that he can't finish exploring for a moment.

Just at this time, a strong wind suddenly blew, and two figures flew to the scene.

But a bear demon, and a tiger demon, are half emperor level.

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The bear demon emperor hummed and said, "bailifeng! You Terran and I demon clan have an agreement, this is not the place you should come to! "

Mad Saint frowned, "I just look for an important person, and I will leave soon."

But the tiger demon emperor said, "that's not good! Rules are rules. Do you want to cause war between the two clans

The mad sage was very angry, but if he wanted to fight between the two clans, he didn't want to see it. He thought about it and left with hatred.

Along the way, I was furious.

However, Terrans and demon clans are both the two major races in Lingbao mainland, so Terrans are not superior in absolute strength.

It's been fighting for years.

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Is angry between, suddenly in front of a flower, the surrounding scene changed greatly!

The whole world became dark and dark. Black water bubbled up from the ground, where it passed, the ground seemed to be eroded, depicting clear black lines.

There is no plant on the black ground, there are only piles of black rubble, disorderly.

Look up, the distance is almost the same, dark, gloomy, can not see the end.

Crazy saint has practiced for countless years, and his mind has already been calm and incomparable. He is still shocked to see the scene in front of him.

Nine times out of ten, it may be a magic array or something, or it may be another space.

But no matter what, can let him this half Saint unconsciously fall into it, then this opponent's formidable can imagine.

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Crazy Sheng is very energetic, and slowly find out

It's not too far away from the mountains. The figure flashed, and the hundred Li purple appeared on the edge of a huge rock.

Looking at the place where mad Saint disappeared, silent sneer, a pair of eyes at this time turned into a pitch black, no light, appears very strange.



on the first day, the snack bar had a good business and sold 100 steamed buns.

Collect the stall, and then count the money with Xiaobao.

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By the way, teach Xiao Bao arithmetic

"Xiaobao, one meat bun costs 10 Wen, sold 50, a vegetable bun for 5 Wen, sold 50. How much should we earn today? How much should it be converted into silver? "

Xiaobao is not vague at all. He is leaning towards his head and looks like he is thinking

Huan Qingyan looks funny. The son is getting smarter every day.

"Can't think of it? Come on, my mother taught you to calculate... "

Xiao Bao came back from his meditation and said, "the meat bun is 500 Wen, and the vegetable bun is 250 Wen, totally 750 Wen. One or two silver is a thousand Wen, so today it is 750 yuan! "

"Unreal Qing Yan bluff a jump," eh, my mother remember not to teach you arithmetic ah, how do you calculate out? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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