The Two-Faced Venerate Emperor

Chapter 1132: 1132

Xiaobao looks at the unreal face as if looking at an idiot's eyes

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"No, you talk to your mother. Why do you know? Did your father teach you that? "

Xiaobao's disdainful eyes were even more prosperous, "teach what to teach! Don't you know about blood transmission? Mother, you look like an idiot

"Blood inheritance?" Huan Qingyan is confused again.

This word has nothing to do with the Terran!

Blood inheritance is usually the result of a special animal race. Xiaobao is a real human race

"Yes, I just didn't know, so I learned about the arithmetic in blood inheritance, and then I will."

Just when he was in a daze, was he in the process of receiving blood inheritance?

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Huan Qingyan was surprised, but he didn't show it on his face, "Xiaobao, tell his mother, when did you know about the inheritance of blood? What's the heritage? "

"Naturally, it is inherited from birth. Everything you know, mother, is in the process of inheritance. Xiaobao has not finished learning." Xiao Bao counted the small copper plates with great interest and answered carelessly.

"What about your father?" Huan Qingyan tried to ask.

"Of course, it's also inherited, but it's only part of it. It's not very complete. I'll see if I can pass on more in the future. However, my father's knowledge is very profound, much more than his mother's, and Xiao Bao only learned a little bit of the iceberg..."

You can use the tip of the iceberg!

There's some sweat in your face!

Mother egg, what is a genius son? This is a genius son!

Do not need to teach, born directly on the inheritance of parents' knowledge!

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Huan Qingyan doesn't know what mood for a moment. Is it a good surprise or a good surprise?

At present, he doesn't want to understand some of his idiots and his mother, but he doesn't want to understand other parts.

Forget it, let's wait for him to grow up and understand it by himself.

Huan Qingyan hugged her son in her arms and kissed her. Her tears were whirling. "Son, how can I give birth to such a smart son? My mother is so proud and proud..."

Xiao Bao was smeared with saliva.

"Mother, whether a man or a woman gives or not, don't do this. I'll marry a daughter-in-law in the future!"

The beauty of illusion

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It's only a little over one or two years old. No, even four or five years old, it seems too early to consider this problem?

Not long ago, which son of a rabbit, as a super large lamp for his parents to bubble?

Huan Qingyan doesn't know whether he is happy or sad. If he gets along with him one day more, he will have a surprise.

"Xiaobao, can you promise your mother not to tell others about the inheritance?" I always feel uneasy in my heart.

"Don't dad say that?"

"Now your father is in a stable state of seclusion. Don't disturb me. In the future, my mother will find a chance to talk to him."

"All right. Don't worry, I'm not as absent-minded as you are, and I won't tell you. " Xiaobao doesn't matter.

Huan Qingyan is very pleased, but also has a kind of genius son's worry.

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They also specially moved into the crowd and lived in groups for Xiaobao, so that Xiaobao could learn the truth of life and the relationship between people. Xiaobao had been inherited by their husband and wife for a long time.

However, in this nameless Town, their formation has already been set up, and their back is back to Jixue mountain. The environment is good. They will live for a few years.

"What would you like to eat tomorrow, Xiao Bao?"

"Sea bird meat dumplings!"

"That's fine. I'll sell dumplings tomorrow."

The snack bar is just a gimmick for making a living. It doesn't matter whether it can sell or not. All the food she makes is made of ingredients in the space. Which one is not spiritual? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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