The Two-Faced Venerate Emperor

Chapter 1136: 1136

Huan Qingyan is busy working inside. He hears a few words from Baoye snack bar. He is happy.

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Well, anyway, their name of snack bar is just fooling around. It's nothing to call Baoye snack bar.

Xiaobao, this is to God!

Over there, Daniel has to make, "boss, you are so good!"

He is the idol of his cattle, the perfect boss of coexistence of intelligence and power!

Daniel began to shout.

With the roar of Daniel, more and more people came to watch, but because of the price of a bowl of 100 Wen, they were watching.

Or the maid of the palace, Xiao cuiqi AI, went to buy the first bowl.

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The young lady ordered that the food in this shop must be provided. If there were no steamed stuffed buns, she would certainly make trouble when she went back. As soon as she gritted her teeth, she bought a bowl of dumplings to see if it was right for her taste.

After the maid of the palace bought a bowl, we still just watched and stayed for a long time.

Old Tian slept till dawn.

He has a persistent illness, and he can't sleep well at night, but he has a full sleep last night.

No, I just got up.

I heard the shouting outside.

After thinking about it, he took out the coffin book he had saved and counted 500 Wen.

Go straight to the snack bar next door.

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"Landlady, give me five meat buns and five vegetable buns..."

The crowd around him heard, "old man Tian, are you not the cheapest old man in our nameless town? If you want money, if you want life, it's not your mantra? Are you going to buy ten steamed buns at one go

I don't believe it.

"What do you know? Ordinary people, hum! Who knows who eats such delicious steamed buns. " Old man Tian guessed last night that the old disease of his old bones would get better. Nine times out of ten, it was related to the steamed buns he ate.

Therefore, he will try today to see if this is the reason.

Everyone laughed, "Oh, you Tian old man is an expert. It's just a pity that there are no steamed stuffed buns for sale today. "

"Old man Tian, are you addicted to baozi? But it seems that the steamed buns are really delicious. Such a mean person... "

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Old Tian was disappointed to learn that he would not sell steamed buns today.

Looking at the neatly placed dumplings, a bite of teeth, "landlady, give me a bowl of your bird dumplings!"

Huan Qing Yan said with a smile, "OK, wait a moment, sit inside."

The first dumpling was taken away by the maid of the palace.

The second dumpling was soon ready and put in front of old man Tian.

The dumplings are thin in skin, big in filling, full in weight, shining with crystal luster. They are like works of art, showing a mellow and positive meaning, as if the dumplings in the world should look like this, and others are not authentic.

Old man Tian felt that the price of a bowl of 100 Wen was worth it.

He picked up one carefully and took a bite.

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In an instant, a strong flavor burst in the mouth!

This taste, like the feelings of his hometown, like the tenderness of a beautiful wife when he was young, like a little bit of beauty in a plain life, like the nostalgia in my heart that is extremely hard to give up

Old man Tian couldn't help but shed tears.

These are the tears of happiness!

Someone immediately saw, "Hey, this old man, how to eat dumplings and shed tears?"

"Can't it be heartache? As for it? "

"Really, old man Tian, don't buy it if you don't want money! You see, you're so old that you don't have to be laughed at... "

"I don't think that's why. Look at the old man..." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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