The Two-Faced Venerate Emperor

Chapter 1137: 1137

People looked at the past carefully and found that although old Tian had tears in his eyes, his face was intoxicated. It was too obvious to guess.

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"This What's going on? "

"It's really strange..."

Old Tian let everyone talk there, but he didn't answer. He tasted the food in front of him wholeheartedly.

The fragrance drifted out of the snack bar, and all the people couldn't help swallowing!

"What's the trouble? I'll just buy a bowl and eat it! "

Some people can't help but step into the shop.

People all have the psychology of conformity, and they are born with the potential to eat goods. Seeing this situation, four or five people suddenly entered the snack bar.

One ordered a bowl of dumplings.

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Waiting for the dumpling gap, several people are staring at the old man Tian's dumplings bowl, silently drooling.

Eat dumplings for more than ten days.

"My God! This is more delicious than steamed buns! What kind of flour is this? What kind of meat stuffing is this? It's amazing! A hundred Wen is worth it. It's worth it

If he had not been older, 30 dumplings would have been eaten in one breath.

Seeing that old man Tian finally opened his mouth, they couldn't help asking, "Hey, I said old man Tian, what are you crying about?"

"My old man Tian is 70 years old. He is dying and half of his body will be buried in the earth. Now I can eat the real delicious food in the world. I feel that I have lived in vain Wuwuwu... "

Several people confused, "is there such exaggeration?"

"You'll know when you eat." Old man Tian wiped his eyes, and again he buried himself in the fight.

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At this time, Huan Qingyan just served them a bowl of dumplings just out of the pot.

A few people eat, the fragrance of four floating.

At the first bite, everyone was shocked by the delicious dumplings. Old man Tian was not exaggerating at all!

It's so delicious!

In addition to tears, there is a kind of inexplicable commotion, want to fly!

"I always thought that dumplings were just a kind of ordinary pasta. Why did I eat it and feel like I wanted to fly?"

"It's bird dumplings! It is worthy of the name! Another bowl, Madame. "

"Landlady, I'll have another bowl. I'll take it back to my mother-in-law."

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Huan Qing Yan or smiling expression, "can, wait a moment."

Xiaobao directed Daniel to yell, "Baoye snack bar, only 50 bowls of dumplings are available today! Hold on to what you want to buy... "

This time, the people watching the excitement at the door all of a sudden boiling.

Those who have money will get in directly, and those who have no money will go home to get money

"Old lady, the Baoye snack bar on the east side of the street sells dumplings today. Old man Tian is crying after eating it! You take a hundred Wen and we'll try it. It's too expensive, but we can afford a bowl of it. "

"Husband, husband, it is said that the dumplings in Baoye snack bar are very delicious. If you eat them, you can prolong your life. Everyone is scrambling for them. Please bring us 100 Wen and buy a bowl for our dog. It will be late."

"Boss, can I advance the salary of this month? I'm in a hurry To eat dumplings! "

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In this way, you buy a bowl, I buy a bowl.

The amount of a day is sold out in an hour.

Those who ask for money at home are not successful, and those who come late do not catch up.

Baoye snack bar closed.


after closing in the morning, Huan Qingyan taught Xiaobao to practice calligraphy. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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